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Arithmetic coding/As a generalized change of radix: Difference between revisions

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TOBEORNOTTOBEORTOBEORNOT => 1150764267498783364 * 10^15
=={{header|Visual Basic .NET}}==
<lang vbnet>Imports System.Numerics
Imports System.Text
Imports Freq = System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary(Of Char, Long)
Imports Triple = System.Tuple(Of System.Numerics.BigInteger, Integer, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary(Of Char, Long))
Module Module1
Function CumulativeFreq(freq As Freq) As Freq
Dim total As Long = 0
Dim cf As New Freq
For i = 0 To 255
Dim c = Chr(i)
If freq.ContainsKey(c) Then
Dim v = freq(c)
cf(c) = total
total += v
End If
Return cf
End Function
Function ArithmeticCoding(str As String, radix As Long) As Triple
'The frequency of characters
Dim freq As New Freq
For Each c In str
If freq.ContainsKey(c) Then
freq(c) += 1
freq(c) = 1
End If
'The cumulative frequency
Dim cf = CumulativeFreq(freq)
' Base
Dim base As BigInteger = str.Length
' Lower bound
Dim lower As BigInteger = 0
' Product of all frequencies
Dim pf As BigInteger = 1
' Each term is multiplied by the product of the
' frequencies of all previously occuring symbols
For Each c In str
Dim x = cf(c)
lower = lower * base + x * pf
pf = pf * freq(c)
' Upper bound
Dim upper = lower + pf
Dim powr = 0
Dim bigRadix As BigInteger = radix
While True
pf = pf / bigRadix
If pf = 0 Then
Exit While
End If
powr = powr + 1
End While
Dim diff = (upper - 1) / (BigInteger.Pow(bigRadix, powr))
Return New Triple(diff, powr, freq)
End Function
Function ArithmeticDecoding(num As BigInteger, radix As Long, pwr As Integer, freq As Freq) As String
Dim powr As BigInteger = radix
Dim enc = num * BigInteger.Pow(powr, pwr)
Dim base = freq.Values.Sum()
' Create the cumulative frequency table
Dim cf = CumulativeFreq(freq)
' Create the dictionary
Dim dict As New Dictionary(Of Long, Char)
For Each key In cf.Keys
Dim value = cf(key)
dict(value) = key
' Fill the gaps in the dictionary
Dim lchar As Long = -1
For i As Long = 0 To base - 1
If dict.ContainsKey(i) Then
lchar = AscW(dict(i))
dict(i) = ChrW(lchar)
End If
' Decode the input number
Dim decoded As New StringBuilder
Dim bigBase As BigInteger = base
For i As Long = base - 1 To 0 Step -1
Dim pow = BigInteger.Pow(bigBase, i)
Dim div = enc / pow
Dim c = dict(div)
Dim fv = freq(c)
Dim cv = cf(c)
Dim diff = enc - pow * cv
enc = diff / fv
' Return the decoded ouput
Return decoded.ToString()
End Function
Sub Main()
Dim radix As Long = 10
For Each St In strings
Dim encoded = ArithmeticCoding(St, radix)
Dim dec = ArithmeticDecoding(encoded.Item1, radix, encoded.Item2, encoded.Item3)
Console.WriteLine("{0,-25}=> {1,19} * {2}^{3}", St, encoded.Item1, radix, encoded.Item2)
If St <> dec Then
Throw New Exception(vbTab + "However that is incorrect!")
End If
End Sub
End Module</lang>
<pre>DABDDB => 251 * 10^2
DABDDBBDDBA => 167351 * 10^6
ABRACADABRA => 7954170 * 10^4
TOBEORNOTTOBEORTOBEORNOT => 1150764267498783364 * 10^15</pre>


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