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Generate random chess position: Difference between revisions

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Line 1,002:
. . . . . . B K
5B2/P1P5/2k1R3/p1Pp4/7Q/P7/1N2rNP1/6BK/ w - - 0 1</pre>
Array.prototype.shuffle = function() {
for (let i = this.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
let j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1));
[this[i], this[j]] = [this[j], this[i]];
function randomFEN() {
let board = [];
for (let x = 0; x < 8; x++) board.push('. . . . . . . .'.split(' '));
function getRandPos() {
return [Math.floor(Math.random() * 8), Math.floor(Math.random() * 8)];
function isOccupied(pos) {
return board[pos[0]][pos[1]] != '.';
function isAdjacent(pos1, pos2) {
if (pos1[0] == pos2[0] || pos1[0] == pos2[0]-1 || pos1[0] == pos2[0]+1)
if (pos1[1] == pos2[1] || pos1[1] == pos2[1]-1 || pos1[1] == pos2[1]+1)
return true;
return false;
// place kings
let wk, bk;
do { wk = getRandPos(); bk = getRandPos(); }
while (isAdjacent(wk, bk));
board[wk[0]][wk[1]] = 'K';
board[bk[0]][bk[1]] = 'k';
// get peaces
let peaces = [];
let names = 'PRNBQ';
function pick() {
for (x = 1; x < Math.floor(Math.random() * 32); x++)
peaces.push(names[Math.floor(Math.random() * names.length)]);
names = names.toLowerCase();
// place peaces
while (peaces.length > 0) {
let p = peaces.shift(), pos;
// paws: cannot be placed in bottom or top row
if (p == 'p' || p == 'P')
do { pos = getRandPos() }
while (isOccupied(pos) || pos[0] == 0 || pos[0] == 7);
// everything else
else do { pos = getRandPos(); } while (isOccupied(pos));
board[pos[0]][pos[1]] = p;
// write FEN
let fen = [];
for (x = 0; x < board.length; x++) {
let str ='', buf = 0;
for (let y = 0; y < board[x].length; y++)
if (board[x][y] == '.') buf++;
else {
if (buf > 0) { str += buf; buf = 0; }
str += board[x][y];
if (buf > 0) str += buf;
fen = fen.join('/') + ' w - - 0 1';
console.table(board); // for demonstrating purpose
return fen;
// example
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 . . . . Q . . .
1 . . . . Q . . .
2 . . . p . . . .
3 . . . . . . . R
4 . r r R . . . .
5 . . P . . . . .
6 . . . . . k . .
7 . . R . . . . K
4Q3/4Q3/3p4/7R/1rrR4/2P5/5k2/2R4K w - - 0 1
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