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Tamagotchi emulator: Difference between revisions

m (→‎{{header|Phix}}: couple of minor tidies)
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<lang Nim>import random, strutils
Verbs = ["Ask", "Ban", "Bash", "Bite", "Break", "Build",
"Cut", "Dig", "Drag", "Drop", "Drink", "Enjoy",
"Eat", "End", "Feed", "Fill", "Force", "Grasp",
"Gas", "Get", "Grab", "Grip", "Hoist", "House",
"Ice", "Ink", "Join", "Kick", "Leave", "Marry",
"Mix", "Nab", "Nail", "Open", "Press", "Quash",
"Rub", "Run", "Save", "Snap", "Taste", "Touch",
"Use", "Vet", "View", "Wash", "Xerox", "Yield"]
Nouns = ["arms", "bugs", "boots", "bowls", "cabins", "cigars",
"dogs", "eggs", "fakes", "flags", "greens", "guests",
"hens", "hogs", "items", "jowls", "jewels", "juices",
"kits", "logs", "lamps", "lions", "levers", "lemons",
"maps", "mugs", "names", "nests", "nights", "nurses",
"orbs", "owls", "pages", "posts", "quests", "quotas",
"rats", "ribs", "roots", "rules", "salads", "sauces",
"toys", "urns", "vines", "words", "waters", "zebras"]
BoredIcons = ["💤", "💭", "❓"]
FoodIcons = ["🍼", "🍔", "🍟", "🍰", "🍜"]
PoopIcons = ["💩"]
SickIcons1 = ["😄", "😃", "😀", "😊", "😎", "👍"] # ok
SickIcons2 = ["😪", "😥", "😰", "😓"] # ailing
SickIcons3 = ["😩", "😫"] # bad
SickIcons4 = ["😡", "😱"] # very bad
SickIcons5 = ["❌", "💀", "👽", "😇"] # dead
Tamagotchi = object
name: string
age, bored, food, poop: int
Action {.pure.} = enum Feed = "feed", Play = "play", Talk = "talk", Clean = "clean", Wait = "wait"
func initTamagotchi(name: string): Tamagotchi =
Tamagotchi(name: name, age: 0, bored: 0, food: 2, poop: 0)
func withBraces(s: string): string = "{ $# }" % s
proc feed(t: var Tamagotchi) =
inc t.food
proc play(t: var Tamagotchi) =
t.bored = max(0, t.bored - rand(1))
proc talk(t: var Tamagotchi) =
let verb = Verbs.sample()
let noun = Nouns.sample()
echo "😮: $1 the $2.".format(verb, noun)
t.bored = max(0, t.bored - 1)
proc clean(t: var Tamagotchi) =
t.poop = max(0, t.poop - 1)
proc wait(t: var Tamagotchi) =
inc t.age
t.bored += rand(1)
t.food = max(0, t.food - 2)
t.poop += rand(1)
func sickness(t: Tamagotchi): Natural =
t.poop + t.bored + max(0, t.age - 32) + abs(t.food - 2)
func isAlive(t: Tamagotchi): bool = t.sickness() <= 10
proc status(t: Tamagotchi): string =
if t.isAlive:
var b, f, p: string
for _ in 1..t.bored: b.add BoredIcons.sample()
for _ in 1..t.food: f.add FoodIcons.sample()
for _ in 1..t.poop: p.add PoopIcons.sample()
result = "$1 $2 $3".format(b.withBraces, f.withBraces, p.withBraces)
proc displayHealth(t: Tamagotchi) =
let s = t.sickness()
let icon = case s
of 0, 1, 2: SickIcons1.sample()
of 3, 4: SickIcons2.sample()
of 5, 6: SickIcons3.sample()
of 7, 8, 9, 10: SickIcons4.sample()
else: SickIcons5.sample()
echo "$1 (🎂 $2) $3 $4 $5\n".format(t.name, t.age, icon, s, t.status())
proc blurb() =
echo "When the '?' prompt appears, enter an action optionally"
echo "followed by the number of repetitions from 1 to 9."
echo "If no repetitions are specified, one will be assumed."
echo "The available options are: feed, play, talk, clean or wait.\n"
echo " ===================\n"
stdout.write "Enter the name of your tamagotchi: "
var name = ""
while name.len == 0:
name = stdin.readLine.strip()
except EOFError:
quit "Encountered EOF. Quitting.", QuitFailure
var tama = initTamagotchi(name)
echo "\n$# (age) health {bored} {food} {poop}\n" % "name".alignLeft(name.len)
var count = 0
while tama.isAlive:
stdout.write "? "
let input = try: stdin.readLine().strip().toLowerAscii()
except EOFError:
quit "EOF encountered. Quitting.", QuitFailure
let items = input.splitWhitespace()
if items.len notin 1..2: continue
let action = try: parseEnum[Action](items[0])
except ValueError: continue
let reps = if items.len == 2:
try: items[1].parseInt()
except ValueError: continue
else: 1
for _ in 1..reps:
case action
of Feed: tama.feed()
of Play: tama.play()
of Talk: tama.talk()
of Clean: tama.clean()
of Wait: tama.wait()
# Simulate wait on every third (non-wait) action.
if action != Wait:
inc count
if count mod 3 == 0:
Same as Go output.
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