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Convert seconds to compound duration: Difference between revisions

(→‎{{header|Perl}}: added alternate method)
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<lang applescript>on secondsToCompoundDuration(s)
if ((s's class is not integer) or (s < 0)) then
error "secondsToCompoundDuration() handler only accepts positive integers."
else if (s = 0) then
-- The task description notwithstanding, return "0 sec" if the input is the positive integer 0.
set output to "0 sec"
-- Otherwise perform the described task.
set suffixes to {" wk", " d", " hr", " min", " sec"}
-- AppleScript has constants for the number of seconds in a week, a day, an hour, and a minute.
set durationConstants to {weeks, days, hours, minutes, 1}
-- Initialise a list to collect the output.
set output to {}
-- Work through the list of constants.
repeat with i from 1 to 5
-- Get the next constant and divide the number of seconds by it to get the number of corresponding units.
set thisConstant to item i of durationConstants
set unitValue to s div thisConstant
-- If the number of units isn't zero, coerce it to text, concatenate the corresponding suffix, and add the result to the output list.
if (unitValue > 0) then set end of output to (unitValue as text) & item i of suffixes
-- Get the number of seconds left over for use in the next iteration of the repeat.
set s to s mod thisConstant
-- Short-cut out of the repeat if no seconds remaining, although this isn't strictly necessary.
if (s = 0) then exit repeat
end repeat
-- Coerce the list of collected results to a single text using ", " as a delimiter.
set astid to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ", "
set output to output as text
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to astid
end if
return output
end secondsToCompoundDuration
return secondsToCompoundDuration(7259) & linefeed & ¬
secondsToCompoundDuration(86400) & linefeed & ¬
<pre>"2 hr, 59 sec
1 d
9 wk, 6 d, 10 hr, 40 min"</pre>
<lang AppleScript>-- LOCAL NAMES FOR COMPOUND DURATIONS ----------------------------------------


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