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Hunt the Wumpus: Difference between revisions

Added racket solution
(Added racket solution)
Line 747:
<lang racket>
#lang racket
; Hunt the Wumpus
(require racket/random)
(struct game-state (labyrinth
pit-locations) #:mutable #:transparent)
(define labyrinth-data '(
(1 2 5 8)
(2 1 3 10)
(3 2 4 12)
(4 3 5 14)
(5 1 4 6)
(6 5 7 15)
(7 6 8 17)
(8 1 7 9)
(9 8 10 18)
(10 2 9 11)
(11 10 12 19)
(12 3 11 13)
(13 12 14 20)
(14 4 13 15)
(15 6 14 16)
(16 15 17 20)
(17 7 16 18)
(18 9 17 19)
(19 11 18 20)
(20 13 16 19)))
(define example-game-state (game-state labyrinth-data
'(3 4)
'(5 6)))
(define (new-game-state)
(let ([ngs (game-state labyrinth-data 1 5 1 '(1 1) '(1 1))])
(set-game-state-wumpus-location! ngs (safe-empty-room ngs))
(set-game-state-bat-locations! ngs (list (safe-empty-room ngs)))
(set-game-state-bat-locations! ngs (cons (safe-empty-room ngs)
(game-state-bat-locations ngs)))
(set-game-state-pit-locations! ngs (list (safe-empty-room ngs)))
(set-game-state-pit-locations! ngs (cons (safe-empty-room ngs)
(game-state-pit-locations ngs)))
(define (move-player room current-game-state)
(set-game-state-player-location! current-game-state room))
(define (disturb-wumpus current-game-state)
(if (<= (random) 0.75)
(set-game-state-wumpus-location! current-game-state
(room-for-wumpus-move current-game-state))
(define (room-for-wumpus-move current-game-state)
(let ([choices (append (neighbours
(game-state-wumpus-location current-game-state)
(list (game-state-wumpus-location current-game-state)))])
(findf (λ (room) (and (not (pit-room? room current-game-state))
(not (bat-room? room current-game-state)))) choices)))
(define (lost? current-game-state)
(or (= (game-state-player-location current-game-state) (game-state-wumpus-location current-game-state))
(member (game-state-player-location current-game-state)
(game-state-pit-locations current-game-state))
(= 0 (game-state-number-of-arrows current-game-state))))
(define (won? current-game-state)
(= 0 (game-state-wumpus-location current-game-state)))
(define (shoot-arrow room current-game-state)
(if (= room (game-state-wumpus-location current-game-state))
(set-game-state-wumpus-location! current-game-state 0)
(disturb-wumpus current-game-state))
(set-game-state-number-of-arrows! current-game-state
(- (game-state-number-of-arrows current-game-state) 1)))
(define (move-player-with-bats current-game-state)
(set-game-state-player-location! current-game-state (safe-empty-room current-game-state)))
(define (safe-empty-room current-game-state)
(let ([room (+ 1 (random 20))])
(if (or (= room (game-state-wumpus-location current-game-state))
(= room (game-state-player-location current-game-state))
(member room (game-state-bat-locations current-game-state))
(member room (game-state-pit-locations current-game-state)))
(safe-empty-room current-game-state)
(define (find-room room-number current-game-state)
(assoc room-number (game-state-labyrinth current-game-state)))
(define (neighbours room-number current-game-state)
(rest (find-room room-number current-game-state)))
(define (pit-room? room current-game-state)
(member room (game-state-pit-locations current-game-state)))
(define (bat-room? room current-game-state)
(member room (game-state-bat-locations current-game-state)))
(define (nearby? room-number entity-room-number current-game-state)
(member entity-room-number (neighbours room-number current-game-state)))
(define (any-of-in? of-lst in-lst)
(for/or ([item of-lst])
(member item in-lst)))
(define (pit-nearby? room current-game-state)
(any-of-in? (neighbours room current-game-state) (game-state-pit-locations current-game-state)))
(define (bat-nearby? room current-game-state)
(any-of-in? (neighbours room current-game-state) (game-state-bat-locations current-game-state)))
(define (wumpus-nearby? room current-game-state)
(member (game-state-wumpus-location current-game-state) (neighbours room current-game-state)))
(define (resolve-command str-list current-game-state)
(let ([command (string-upcase (first str-list))]
[room (string->number (second str-list))])
(if (nearby? (game-state-player-location current-game-state)
room current-game-state)
(cond [(equal? command "W") (if (bat-room? room current-game-state)
(display-bat-attack current-game-state)
(move-player room current-game-state))]
[(equal? command "S") (shoot-arrow room current-game-state)]
[else (displayln "Unknown command")])
(displayln "You cannot move or shoot there!"))))
(define (display-bat-attack current-game-state)
(move-player-with-bats current-game-state)
(display "Argh! A Giant Bat has carried you to room ")
(displayln (game-state-player-location current-game-state)))
(define (display-hazards current-game-state)
(when (wumpus-nearby? (game-state-player-location current-game-state) current-game-state)
(displayln "You smell something nearby."))
(when (bat-nearby? (game-state-player-location current-game-state) current-game-state)
(displayln "You hear a rustling."))
(when (pit-nearby? (game-state-player-location current-game-state) current-game-state)
(displayln "You feel a cold wind blowing from a nearby cavern.")))
(define (display-room-numbers lst)
(display (string-join (map number->string lst) ", " #:before-last " or " #:after-last ".")))
(define (display-lost-message current-game-state)
(cond [(= (game-state-player-location current-game-state)
(game-state-wumpus-location current-game-state)) (displayln "The Wumpus has eaten you!")]
[(member (game-state-player-location current-game-state)
(game-state-pit-locations current-game-state)) (displayln "You have fallen down a pit!")]
[(= 0 (game-state-number-of-arrows current-game-state)) (displayln "You have run out of arrows.")]
[else (displayln "Unknown loss")]))
(define (display-won-message current-game-state)
(displayln "Congratulations, you have slain the Wumpus!"))
(define (display-information current-game-state)
(display "You can (W)alk or (S)hoot to rooms ")
(display-room-numbers (neighbours (game-state-player-location current-game-state) current-game-state))
(display "You have ")
(display (game-state-number-of-arrows current-game-state))
(displayln " arrows left.")
(display-hazards current-game-state))
(define (debug-game-state current-game-state)
(display " Player Location : ")
(displayln (game-state-player-location current-game-state))
(display " Wumpus Location : ")
(displayln (game-state-wumpus-location current-game-state))
(display " Bat Locations : ")
(displayln (game-state-bat-locations current-game-state))
(display " Pit Locations : ")
(displayln (game-state-pit-locations current-game-state)))
(define (game-loop current-game-state)
;(debug-game-state current-game-state)
(display-information current-game-state)
(resolve-command (string-split (read-line)) current-game-state)
(cond [(lost? current-game-state) (display-lost-message current-game-state)]
[(won? current-game-state) (display-won-message current-game-state)]
[else (game-loop current-game-state)]))
(define (start-game)
(let ([current-game-state (new-game-state)])
(game-loop current-game-state)))
<lang cmd>
Start the game with
Then walk to a room with
W 2
Or shoot into a room with
S 2
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