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<lang racket>
These implementations are in <code>typed/racket</code>, which means that additional annotations are needed which looks like hard work.
On the bright side, if you want to add a new <code>Cutter</code> or <code>Riffler</code>, DrRacket will let you know immediately if you're consuming lists of lists of lists at the right depth and in the right quantities.
Racket has a built in <code>shuffle</code> function. Frankly, I'd go with that in your own code!
<lang racket>#lang typed/racket
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Types and shuffle builder
;; A cutter separates the deck into more than one sub-decks -- the last one of these is "left in the
;; hand", as per the overhand shuffle (since it is the last strip to be stripped). The riffler
;; indicates this in its second (non-null) return value
(define-type (Cutter A) (-> (Listof A) (Pair (Listof A) (Listof (Listof A)))))
;; A riffler takes taking hand and the cut deck parts. returns a newly merged deck in the "taking"
;; hand and the deck left in the "giving" hand. The shuffler will keep taking,
;; until there is nothing to give
(define-type (Riffler A) ((Listof A) (Listof A) (Listof A) * -> (Values (Listof A) (Listof A))))
;; "The shuffler will keep taking until there is nothing to give"... and will do this
;; the number of times specified by its second argument
(define-type (Shuffler A) ((Listof A) Natural -> (Listof A)))
;; makes a shuffler from the cutter and the riffler
(: shuffler-composer (All (A) (Cutter A) (Riffler A) -> (Shuffler A)))
(define ((shuffler-composer cut riffle) deck n)
(: one-shuffle : (Listof A) -> (Listof A))
(define (one-shuffle g)
(let: shuff ((t : (Listof A) null) (g : (Listof A) g))
(let-values (((t+ g-) (apply riffle t (cut g))))
(if (null? g-) t+ (shuff t+ g-)))))
(for/fold : (Listof A) ((d deck)) ((i (in-range n)))
(one-shuffle d)))
;; convenient wrapper around the above (otherwise we'd need the inst every time we
;; wanted to compose a cut and a riffle
(define-syntax-rule (define-composed-shuffler s (c r))
(define: (A) (s [x : (Listof A)] [n : Natural]) : (Listof A)
((#{shuffler-composer @ A} c r) x n)))
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Overhand (and, as far as I can tell, Indian)
(: overhand-cutter (All (A) (Cutter A)))
(: overhand-riffler (All (A) (Riffler A)))
(define (overhand-cutter l)
(define spl (match (length l) [0 0] [1 1] [len (add1 (random (sub1 len)))]))
(list (take l spl) (drop l spl)))
(define (overhand-riffler t p1 . rest)
(values (append p1 t) (append* rest)))
(define-composed-shuffler overhand-shuffle (overhand-cutter overhand-riffler))
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Riffle (with optional "drop" where two cards are riffled
(: half-deck-cutter (All (A) (Cutter A)))
(: mk-riffle-riffler (All (A) ((#:p-drop Nonnegative-Real) -> (Riffler A))))
(define (half-deck-cutter l)
(define spl (quotient (length l) 2))
(list (take l spl) (drop l spl)))
;; All the "reverse"ing is to emulate a physical shuffle... it's not
;; necessary for the "randomising" effect (which there isn't really on
;; a pure riffle anyway)
;; Additional complexity added by ability to drop cards on both taking
;; and giving hand
(define ((mk-riffle-riffler #:p-drop (p-drop 0)) t p1 . rest)
(define g-/rev
(let R : (Listof A)
((r1 : (Listof A) p1)
(r2 : (Listof A) (append* rest))
(rv : (Listof A) t)) ; although t should normaly be null
(define drop-t? (< (random) p-drop))
(define drop-g? (< (random) p-drop))
(match* (r1 r2 drop-t? drop-g?)
[((list) (app reverse 2r) _ _) (append 2r rv)]
[((app reverse 1r) (list) _ _) (append 1r rv)]
[((list a1.1 a1.2 d1 ...) (list a2.1 a2.2 d2 ...) #t #t)
(R d1 d2 (list* a2.2 a2.1 a1.2 a1.1 rv))]
[((list a1.1 a1.2 d1 ...) (list a2.1 d2 ...) #t _)
(R d1 d2 (list* a2.1 a1.2 a1.1 rv))]
[((list a1.1 d1 ...) (list a2.1 a2.2 d2 ...) _ #t)
(R d1 d2 (list* a2.2 a2.1 a1.1 rv))]
[((list a1.1 d1 ...) (list a2.1 d2 ...) _ _)
(R d1 d2 (list* a2.1 a1.1 rv))])))
(values (reverse g-/rev) null))
(define-composed-shuffler pure-riffle-shuffle (half-deck-cutter (mk-riffle-riffler)))
(define-composed-shuffler klutz-riffle-shuffle (half-deck-cutter (mk-riffle-riffler #:p-drop 0.5)))
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Pile Shuffle
;; Also Wash Shuffle, if pile-height=1 and random-gather=#t
(: mk-pile-cutter (All (A) (#:pile-height Positive-Integer -> (Cutter A))))
(: mk-pile-riffler (All (A) ((#:random-gather? Boolean) -> (Riffler A))))
(define ((mk-pile-cutter #:pile-height pile-height) l)
(define len-l (length l))
(define n-piles (add1 (quotient (sub1 len-l) pile-height)))
(: make-pile (Integer -> (Listof A)))
(define (make-pile n)
(for/list : (Listof A) ((i (in-range n len-l n-piles)))
(list-ref l i)))
(define pile-0 (make-pile 0))
(define piles-ns (for/list : (Listof (Listof A)) ((n (in-range 1 n-piles))) (make-pile n)))
(list* pile-0 piles-ns))
(define ((mk-pile-riffler #:random-gather? (random-gather? #f)) t p1 . rest)
(: piles (Listof (Listof A)))
(define piles (cons p1 rest))
(define gather (if random-gather? (shuffle piles) piles))
(values (append* (cons t (if random-gather? (shuffle piles) piles))) null))
(define-composed-shuffler 4-high-pile-shuffle ((mk-pile-cutter #:pile-height 4) (mk-pile-riffler)))
(define-composed-shuffler wash-pile-shuffle
((mk-pile-cutter #:pile-height 1) (mk-pile-riffler #:random-gather? #t)))
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(define unshuffled-pack
(for*/list : (Listof String)
((s '(♥ ♦ ♣ ♠))
(f '(2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 T J Q K A)))
(format "~a~a" f s)))
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(module+ test
(require typed/rackunit)
(check-equal? (overhand-shuffle null 1) null)
(check-equal? (overhand-shuffle '(a) 1) '(a))
(check-equal? (overhand-shuffle '(a b) 1) '(b a))
(check-equal? (pure-riffle-shuffle '(1 2 3 4) 1) '(1 3 2 4))
(error-print-width 80))
(module+ main
(printf "deck (original order): ~.a~%" unshuffled-pack)
(printf "overhand-shuffle (2 passes): ~.a~%" (overhand-shuffle unshuffled-pack 2))
(printf "overhand-shuffle (1300 passes): ~.a~%" (overhand-shuffle unshuffled-pack 1300))
(printf "riffle: pure ~.a~%" (pure-riffle-shuffle unshuffled-pack 1))
(printf "riffle: klutz ~.a~%" (klutz-riffle-shuffle unshuffled-pack 1))
(printf "4-high piles: ~.a~%" (4-high-pile-shuffle unshuffled-pack 1))
(printf "4-high piles (7 passes): ~.a~%" (4-high-pile-shuffle unshuffled-pack 7))
(printf "4-high piles (7 passes again): ~.a~%" (4-high-pile-shuffle unshuffled-pack 7))
(printf "wash piles: ~.a~%" (wash-pile-shuffle unshuffled-pack 1))
;; Or there is always the built-in shuffle:
(printf "shuffle: ~.a~%" (shuffle unshuffled-pack)))</lang>
You see no output from the tests... that's a good thing, they're all passing.
Output is truncated by the <code>~.a</code> format in <code>printf</code>. However, this should give you some idea of what's going on.
<pre>deck (original order): (2♥ 3♥ 4♥ 5♥ 6♥ 7♥ 8♥ 9♥ T♥ J♥ Q♥ K♥ A♥ 2♦ 3♦ 4...
overhand-shuffle (2 passes): (2♥ 6♠ 5♠ J♦ Q♦ K♦ A♦ 2♣ 3♣ 4♣ 5♣ 6♣ 7♣ 8♣ 9♣ T...
overhand-shuffle (1300 passes): (J♦ J♥ J♠ A♥ K♦ 5♥ J♣ 8♣ 2♥ 4♠ 9♥ A♠ K♣ Q♥ 4♥ 7...
riffle: pure (2♥ 2♣ 3♥ 3♣ 4♥ 4♣ 5♥ 5♣ 6♥ 6♣ 7♥ 7♣ 8♥ 8♣ 9♥ 9...
riffle: klutz (2♥ 2♣ 3♥ 3♣ 4♥ 4♣ 5♣ 5♥ 6♥ 6♣ 7♥ 7♣ 8♥ 8♣ 9♥ 9...
4-high piles: (2♥ 2♦ 2♣ 2♠ 3♥ 3♦ 3♣ 3♠ 4♥ 4♦ 4♣ 4♠ 5♥ 5♦ 5♣ 5...
4-high piles (7 passes): (2♥ 6♥ T♥ A♥ 5♦ 9♦ K♦ 4♣ 8♣ Q♣ 3♠ 7♠ J♠ 3♥ 7♥ J...
4-high piles (7 passes again): (2♥ 6♥ T♥ A♥ 5♦ 9♦ K♦ 4♣ 8♣ Q♣ 3♠ 7♠ J♠ 3♥ 7♥ J...
wash piles: (4♣ K♠ 4♠ Q♥ J♣ A♣ 6♦ 6♥ 7♥ A♠ T♠ T♥ Q♣ 8♠ 3♣ J...
shuffle: (J♣ 2♠ 4♦ A♦ K♥ 6♦ 5♦ 8♣ 2♦ T♥ 4♠ 3♣ 7♦ 9♠ T♦ J...


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