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99 Bottles of Beer/Lisp: Difference between revisions

Add Shen
m (missing: Emacs Lisp)
(Add Shen)
Line 128:
(prinl (bottles (dec 'N)) " on the wall.")
(prinl) )</lang>
<lang Shen>(define bottles-h
{ number --> string }
0 -> "No more beer"
1 -> "One bottle of beer"
N -> (make-string "~A bottles of beer" N))
(define bottles
{ number --> number }
0 -> 0
X -> (let Msg (bottles-h X)
(do (output "~A on the wall~%~A~%Take one down, pass it around~%~A on the wall~%~%" Msg Msg (bottles-h (- X 1)))
(bottles (- X 1)))))</lang>


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