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Penney's game: Difference between revisions

Added Wren
(Added AutoHotkey)
(Added Wren)
Line 3,438:
Game over</pre>
<lang ecmascript>import "random" for Random
import "io" for Stdin, Stdout
import "timer" for Timer
import "/str" for Str
var rand = Random.new()
var optimum = {
"HHH": "THH", "HHT": "THH", "HTH": "HHT", "HTT": "HHT",
"THH": "TTH", "THT": "TTH", "TTH": "HTT", "TTT": "HTT"
var getUserSequence = Fn.new {
System.print("A sequence of three H or T should be entered")
var userSeq
while (true) {
System.write("Enter your sequence: ")
userSeq = Str.upper(Stdin.readLine())
if (userSeq.count == 3 && userSeq.all { |c| c == "H" || c == "T" }) break
return userSeq
var getComputerSequence = Fn.new { |userSeq|
var compSeq
if (userSeq == "") {
var chars = List.filled(3, null)
for (i in 0..2) chars[i] = (rand.int(2) == 0) ? "T" : "H"
compSeq = chars.join()
} else {
compSeq = optimum[userSeq]
System.print("Computer's sequence: %(compSeq)")
return compSeq
var userSeq
var compSeq
var r = rand.int(2)
if (r == 0) {
System.print("You go first")
userSeq = getUserSequence.call()
compSeq = getComputerSequence.call(userSeq)
} else {
System.print("Computer goes first")
compSeq = getComputerSequence.call("")
userSeq = getUserSequence.call()
var coins = ""
while (true) {
var coin = (rand.int(2) == 0) ? "H" : "T"
coins = coins + coin
System.print("Coins flipped: %(coins)")
var len = coins.count
if (len >= 3) {
var seq = coins[len-3...len]
if (seq == userSeq) {
System.print("\nYou win!")
} else if (seq == compSeq) {
System.print("\nCompter wins!")
Timer.sleep(2000) // wait two seconds for next flip
Sample game where computer goes first:
Computer goes first
Computer's sequence: HHH
A sequence of three H or T should be entered
Enter your sequence: TTH
Coins flipped: H
Coins flipped: HH
Coins flipped: HHH
Compter wins!
Sample game where user goes first:
You go first
A sequence of three H or T should be entered
Enter your sequence: TTH
Computer's sequence: HTT
Coins flipped: H
Coins flipped: HH
Coins flipped: HHH
Coins flipped: HHHT
Coins flipped: HHHTT
Compter wins!


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