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Time-based one-time password algorithm: Difference between revisions

(→‎{{header|Tcl}}: -- Fix code so that padding of leading and ending zeros is correct)
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We borrowed the HMAC function from Julia solution, but didn’t apply a hash on the key at beginning. This way, we obtain the same result as Go for the “Simple” example.
Note that due to the interface of the hash function in module “std/sha1”, we have chosen to work with sequences of characters rather than sequences of bytes. The other way is of course possible, but maybe less convenient.
<lang Nim>import endians, math, sequtils, std/sha1, times
HashFunc = proc(msg: openArray[char]): seq[char]
OneTimePassword = object
digit: int # Length of code generated.
timeStep: Duration # Length of each time step for TOTP.
baseTime: Time # The start time for TOTP step calculation.
hash: HashFunc # Hash algorithm used with HMAC.
func sha1Hash(msg: openArray[char]): seq[char] =
mapIt(@(Sha1Digest(secureHash(msg))), char(it))
func `xor`(s: seq[char]; val: byte): seq[char] =
## Apply a XOR to the chars of a sequence.
s.mapIt(char(it.byte xor val))
func hmac(key, msg: openArray[char]; hashFunc: HashFunc; blockSize = 64): seq[char] =
## Compute a HMAC for gien key, message, hash function and block size.
var key = @key
let paddingNeeded = blockSize - key.len
if paddingNeeded > 0: key.setLen(blockSize)
result = hashFunc((key xor 0x5c) & hashFunc((key xor 0x36) & @msg))
func simple(digit: int): OneTimePassword =
## Return a new OneTimePassword with the specified HTOP code length,
## SHA-1 as the HMAC hash algorithm, the Unix epoch as the base time, and
## 30 seconds as the step length.
doAssert digit in 6..9, "HTOP code length must be in 6..9."
let step = initDuration(seconds = 30)
result = OneTimePassword(digit: digit, timeStep: step, baseTime: fromUnix(0), hash: sha1Hash)
func hmacSum(otp: OneTimePassword; secret: openArray[char]; count: uint64): seq[char] =
var count = count
var beCount: uint64
bigEndian64(beCount.addr, count.addr)
let msg = cast[array[8, char]](beCount)
result = hmac(secret, msg, otp.hash)
func dt(hs: seq[char]): seq[char] =
let offset = hs[^1].byte and 0xf
result = hs[offset..offset+3]
result[0] = char(result[0].byte and 0x7f)
func truncate(otp: OneTimePassword; hs: seq[char]): uint64 =
let sbits = dt(hs)
let snum = sbits[3].uint64 or sbits[2].uint64 shl 8 or
sbits[1].uint64 shl 16 or sbits[0].uint64 shl 24
result = snum mod 10u^otp.digit
func hotp(otp: OneTimePassword; secret: openArray[char]; count: uint64): uint64 =
let hs = otp.hmacSum(secret, count)
result = otp.truncate(hs)
func steps(otp: OneTimePassword; t: Time): uint64 =
let elapsed = t - otp.baseTime
result = uint64(elapsed.inSeconds div otp.timeStep.inSeconds)
proc totp(otp: OneTimePassword; secret: openArray[char]): uint64 =
## Return a TOTP code calculated with the current time and the given secret.
otp.hotp(secret, otp.steps(getTime()))
when isMainModule:
proc exampleSimple =
## Simple 6-digit HOTP code.
const secret = "SOME_SECRET"
var counter: uint64 = 123456
let otp = simple(6)
let code = otp.hotp(secret, counter)
echo code
# Output:
# 260040
proc exampleAuthenticator =
## Google authenticator style 8-digit TOTP code.
const secret = "SOME_SECRET"
let otp = simple(8)
let code = otp.totp(secret)
echo code
echo "Simple:"
echo "Google authenticator:"
Google authenticator:
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