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The ISAAC cipher: Difference between revisions

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MOD dcr: a Top Secret secret
We choose the translate the Pascal version as the it’s easier to translate to Nim from Pascal rather than from C.
This is not an exact transation: the more important difference is the use of a global state record rather than a list of global variables. This global state is transmitted to each procedure. This way, it is possible to run several PRNG concurrently.
We have also replaced the eight variables "a" to "h" with an array. This allows to simplify the code at several places by using a loop. And we changed the "mod" to "and", even if the compiler will likely optimize the modulo when the second operand is a power of two.
Note that the "mix" procedure could possibly be transformed in a template or be marked as "inline" (in the C version, it is a "define"). But as we are not in procedure whose performance is critical, expanding the code rather than calling a procedure is not very useful.
<lang Nim>import strutils
IMode = enum iEncrypt, iDecrypt
State = object
# Internal.
mm: array[256, uint32]
aa, bb, cc: uint32
# External.
randrsl: array[256, uint32]
randcnt: uint32
proc isaac(s: var State) =
inc s.cc # "cc" just gets incremented once per 256 results
s.bb += s.cc # then combined with "bb".
for i in 0u32..255:
let x = s.mm[i]
case range[0..3](i and 3)
of 0: s.aa = s.aa xor s.aa shl 13
of 1: s.aa = s.aa xor s.aa shr 6
of 2: s.aa = s.aa xor s.aa shl 2
of 3: s.aa = s.aa xor s.aa shr 16
s.aa += s.mm[(i + 128) and 255]
let y = s.mm[(x shr 2) and 255] + s.aa + s.bb
s.mm[i] = y
s.bb = s.mm[(y shr 10) and 255] + x
s.randrsl[i] = s.bb
s.randcnt = 0
proc mix(a: var array[8, uint32]) =
a[0] = a[0] xor a[1] shl 11; a[3] += a[0]; a[1] += a[2]
a[1] = a[1] xor a[2] shr 2; a[4] += a[1]; a[2] += a[3]
a[2] = a[2] xor a[3] shl 8; a[5] += a[2]; a[3] += a[4]
a[3] = a[3] xor a[4] shr 16; a[6] += a[3]; a[4] += a[5]
a[4] = a[4] xor a[5] shl 10; a[7] += a[4]; a[5] += a[6]
a[5] = a[5] xor a[6] shr 4; a[0] += a[5]; a[6] += a[7]
a[6] = a[6] xor a[7] shl 8; a[1] += a[6]; a[7] += a[0]
a[7] = a[7] xor a[0] shr 9; a[2] += a[7]; a[0] += a[1]
proc iRandInit(s: var State; flag: bool) =
s.aa = 0; s.bb = 0; s.cc = 0
var a: array[8, uint32]
for item in a.mitems: item = 0x9e3779b9u32 # The golden ratio.
for i in 0..3: # Scramble it.
var i = 0u32
while true: # Fill in "mm" with messy stuff.
if flag:
# Use all the information in the seed.
for n in 0u32..7: a[n] += s.randrsl[n + i]
for n in 0u32..7: s.mm[n + i] = a[n]
inc i, 8
if i > 255: break
if flag:
# Do a second pass to make all of the seed affect all of "mm".
i = 0
while true:
for n in 0u32..7: a[n] += s.mm[n + i]
for n in 0u32..7: s.mm[n + i] = a[n]
inc i, 8
if i > 255: break
s.isaac() # Fill in the first set of results.
s.randcnt = 0 # Prepare to use the first set of results.
proc iSeed(s: var State; seed: string; flag: bool) =
## Seed ISAAC with a given string.
## The string can be any size. The first 256 values will be used.
let m = seed.high
for i in 0..255:
s.randrsl[i] = if i > m: 0 else: ord(seed[i])
# Initialize ISAAC with seed.
proc iRandom(s: var State): uint32 =
## Get a random 32-bit value 0..int32.high.
result = s.randrsl[s.randcnt]
inc s.randcnt
if s.randcnt > 255:
s.randcnt = 0
proc iRandA(s: var State): byte =
## Get a random character in printable ASCII range.
result = byte(s.iRandom() mod 95 + 32)
proc vernam(s: var State; msg: string): string =
## XOR encrypt on random stream. Output: ASCII string.
for i, c in msg:
result[i] = chr(s.irandA() xor byte(c))
template letterNum(letter, start: char): int =
ord(letter) - ord(start)
proc caesar(m: IMode; ch: char; shift, modulo: int; start: char): char =
let shift = if m == iEncrypt: shift else: -shift
var n = letterNum(ch, start) + shift
n = n mod modulo
if n < 0: inc n, modulo
result = chr(ord(start) + n)
proc vigenere(s: var State; msg: string; m: IMode): string =
## Vigenere MOD 95 encryption & decryption. Output: ASCII string.
for i, c in msg:
result[i] = caesar(m, c, s.iRanda().int, 95, ' ')
msg = "a Top Secret secret"
key = "this is my secret key"
var state: State
# 1) seed ISAAC with the key
state.iSeed(key, true)
# 2) Encryption
# a) XOR (Vernam)
let xctx = state.vernam(msg) # XOR ciphertext.
# b) MOD (Vigenere)
let mctx = state.vigenere(msg, iEncrypt) # MOD ciphertext.
# 3) Decryption
state.iSeed(key, true)
# a) XOR (Vernam)
let xptx = state.vernam(xctx) # XOR decryption (plaintext).
# b) MOD (Vigenere)
let mptx = state.vigenere(mctx, iDecrypt) # MOD decryption (plaintext).
# Program output
echo "Message: ", msg
echo " Key: ", key
echo " XOR: ", xctx.tohex
echo " MOD: ", mctx.toHex
echo "XOR dcr: ", xptx
echo "MOD dcr: ", mptx</lang>
<pre>Message: a Top Secret secret
Key: this is my secret key
XOR: 1C0636190B1260233B35125F1E1D0E2F4C5422
MOD: 734270227D36772A783B4F2A5F206266236978
XOR dcr: a Top Secret secret
MOD dcr: a Top Secret secret</pre>
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