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5,364 bytes added ,  7 years ago
Added PHP
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(Added PHP)
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WinMain(main, SW_NORMAL)</lang>
Works from PHP5 and upwards in CLI mode.
<lang PHP>
$game = new Game();
while(true) {
class Game {
private $field;
private $fieldSize;
private $command;
private $error;
private $lastIndexX, $lastIndexY;
private $score;
private $finishScore;
function __construct() {
$this->field = array();
$this->fieldSize = 4;
$this->finishScore = 2048;
$this->score = 0;
public function cycle() {
$this->command = strtolower($this->readchar('Use WASD, q exits'));
if($this->processCommand()) {
} else {
if(count($this->getFreeList()) == 0 ) {
$this->error = 'No options left!, You Lose!!';
} else {
$this->error = 'Invalid move, try again!';
private function readchar($prompt) {
readline_callback_handler_install($prompt, function() {});
$char = stream_get_contents(STDIN, 1);
return $char;
* Insert a number in an empty spot on the field
private function addNumber() {
$freeList = $this->getFreeList();
if(count($freeList) == 0) {
$index = mt_rand(0, count($freeList)-1);
$nr = (mt_rand(0,9) == 0)? 4 : 2;
$this->field[$freeList[$index]['x']][$freeList[$index]['y']] = $nr;
* @return array(array('x' => <x>, 'y' => <y>)) with empty positions in the field
private function getFreeList() {
$freeList = array();
for($y =0; $y< $this->fieldSize;$y++) {
for($x=0; $x < $this->fieldSize; $x++) {
if(!isset($this->field[$x][$y])) {
$freeList[] = array('x' => $x, 'y' => $y);
} elseif($this->field[$x][$y] == $this->finishScore) {
$this->error = 'You Win!!';
return $freeList;
* Process a command:
* @return is the command valid (Did it cause a change in the field)
private function processCommand() {
if(!in_array($this->command, array('w','a','s','d','q'))) {
$this->error = 'Invalid Command';
return false;
if($this->command == 'q') {
echo PHP_EOL. 'Bye!'. PHP_EOL;
// Determine over which axis and in which direction we move:
$axis = 'x';
$sDir = 1;
switch($this->command) {
case 'w':
$axis = 'y';
$sDir = -1;
case 'a':
$sDir = -1;
case 's':
$axis = 'y';
case 'd':
$done = 0;
// shift all numbers in that direction
$done += $this->shift($axis, $sDir);
// merge equal numbers in opposite direction
$done += $this->merge($axis, $sDir * -1);
// shift merged numbers in that direction
$done += $this->shift($axis, $sDir);
return $done >0;
private function shift($axis, $dir) {
$totalDone = 0;
for($i = 0; $i <$this->fieldSize; $i++) {
$done = 0;
foreach($this->iterate($axis,$dir) as $xy) {
if($xy['vDest'] === NULL && $xy['vSrc'] !== NULL) {
$this->field[$xy['dX']][$xy['dY']] = $xy['vSrc'];
$this->field[$xy['sX']][$xy['sY']] = NULL;
$totalDone += $done;
if($done == 0) {
// nothing to shift anymore
return $totalDone;
private function merge($axis, $dir) {
$done = 0;
foreach($this->iterate($axis,$dir) as $xy) {
if($xy['vDest'] !== NULL && $xy['vDest'] === $xy['vSrc']) {
$this->field[$xy['sX']][$xy['sY']] += $xy['vDest'];
$this->field[$xy['dX']][$xy['dY']] = NULL;
$this->score += $this->field[$xy['sX']][$xy['sY']];
$done ++;
return $done;
* @return array List of src, dest pairs and their values to iterate over.
private function iterate($axis, $dir) {
$res = array();
for($y = 0; $y < $this->fieldSize; $y++) {
for($x=0; $x < $this->fieldSize; $x++) {
$item = array('sX'=> $x,'sY' => $y, 'dX' => $x, 'dY' => $y, 'vDest' => NULL,'vSrc' => NULL);
if($axis == 'x') {
$item['dX'] += $dir;
} else {
$item['dY'] += $dir;
if($item['dX'] >= $this->fieldSize || $item['dY'] >=$this->fieldSize || $item['dX'] < 0 || $item['dY'] < 0) {
$item['vDest'] = (isset($this->field[$item['dX']][$item['dY']]))? $this->field[$item['dX']][$item['dY']] : NULL;
$item['vSrc'] = (isset($this->field[$item['sX']][$item['sY']]))? $this->field[$item['sX']][$item['sY']] : NULL;
$res[] = $item;
if($dir < 0) {
$res = array_reverse($res);
return $res;
/// RENDER ///
* Clear terminal screen
private function cls() {
echo chr(27).chr(91).'H'.chr(27).chr(91).'J';
private function render() {
echo $this->finishScore . '! Current score: '. $this->score .PHP_EOL;
if(!empty($this->error)) {
echo $this->error . PHP_EOL;
$this->error = NULL;
private function renderField() {
$width = 5;
for($y =0; $y < $this->fieldSize; $y ++) {
for($x = 0;$x < $this->fieldSize; $x++) {
echo '|';
if(!isset($this->field[$x][$y])) {
echo str_repeat(' ', $width);
printf('%'.$width.'s', $this->field[$x][$y]);
echo '|'. PHP_EOL;
private function renderVSeperator($width) {
echo str_repeat('+'. str_repeat('-', $width), $this->fieldSize) .'+' .PHP_EOL;
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