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Solve a Hopido puzzle: Difference between revisions

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From the refactored C++ version with more precise typing. This tries all possible start positions. The HopidoPuzzle struct is created at compile-time, so its pre-conditions can catch most malformed puzzles at compile-time.
<lang d>import std.stdio, std.conv, std.string, std.range, std.algorithm, std.typecons;
struct HopidoPuzzle {
alias InputCellBaseType = char;
enum InputCell : InputCellBaseType { available = '#', unavailable = '.' }
alias Cell = uint;
enum : Cell { unknownCell = 0, unavailableCell = Cell.max } // Special Cell values.
// Neighbors, [shift row, shift column].
static immutable int[2][8] shifts = [[-2, -2], [2, -2], [-2, 2], [2, 2],
[ 0, -3], [0, 3], [-3, 0], [3, 0]];
immutable size_t gridWidth, gridHeight;
immutable Cell nAvailableCells;
/*immutable*/ const InputCell[] flatPuzzle;
Cell[] grid; // Flattened mutable game grid.
@disable this();
this(in string[] rawPuzzle) pure @safe
in {
assert(rawPuzzle.all!(row => row.length == rawPuzzle[0].length)); // Is rectangular.
} body {
//immutable puzzle = rawPuzzle.to!(InputCell[][]);
immutable puzzle = rawPuzzle.map!representation.array.to!(InputCell[][]);
gridWidth = puzzle[0].length;
gridHeight = puzzle.length;
flatPuzzle = puzzle.join;
nAvailableCells = flatPuzzle.representation.count!(ic => ic == InputCell.available);
assert(nAvailableCells > 0); // Has at least one start point.
grid = flatPuzzle
.map!(ic => ic == InputCell.available ? unknownCell : unavailableCell)
Nullable!(string[][]) solve() pure /*nothrow*/ @safe
out(result) {
if (result.isNull)
} body {
// Try all possible start positions.
foreach (immutable r; 0 .. gridHeight) {
foreach (immutable c; 0 .. gridWidth) {
immutable pos = r * gridWidth + c;
if (grid[pos] == unknownCell) {
immutable Cell startCell = 1; // To lay the first cell value.
grid[pos] = startCell; // Try.
if (search(r, c, startCell + 1)) {
auto result = zip(flatPuzzle, grid)
//.map!({p, c} => ...
.map!(pc => (pc[0] == InputCell.available) ?
pc[1].text :
return typeof(return)(result);
grid[pos] = unknownCell; // Restore.
return typeof(return)();
bool search(in size_t r, in size_t c, in Cell cell) pure nothrow @safe @nogc {
if (cell > nAvailableCells)
return true; // One solution found.
foreach (immutable sh; shifts) {
immutable r2 = r + sh[0],
c2 = c + sh[1],
pos = r2 * gridWidth + c2;
// No need to test for >= 0 because uint wraps around.
if (c2 < gridWidth && r2 < gridHeight && grid[pos] == unknownCell) {
grid[pos] = cell; // Try.
if (search(r2, c2, cell + 1))
return true;
grid[pos] = unknownCell; // Restore.
return false;
void main() @safe {
// enum HopidoPuzzle to catch malformed puzzles at compile-time.
enum puzzle = ".##.##.
immutable solution = puzzle.solve; // Solved at run-time.
if (solution.isNull)
writeln("No solution found.");
writefln("One solution:\n%(%-(%2s %)\n%)", solution);
<pre>One solution:
. 1 4 . 12 3 .
27 16 19 22 15 18 21
5 8 11 2 7 10 13
. 23 26 17 20 25 .
. . 6 9 14 . .
. . . 24 . . .</pre>
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