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Nonoblock: Difference between revisions

Added Swift solution
(Added C solution)
(Added Swift solution)
Line 2,298:
No solutions.
<lang swift>import Foundation
class Nonoblock {
let cells: Int
let blocks: [Int]
var positions: [Int]
var count: Int
private init(cells: Int, blocks: [Int]) {
self.cells = cells
self.blocks = blocks
positions = Array(repeating: 0, count: blocks.count)
count = 0
class func printSolutions(cells: Int, blocks: [Int]) {
print("\(cells) cells and blocks \(blocks):")
var totalBlockSize = 0
for blockSize in blocks {
totalBlockSize += blockSize
if cells < totalBlockSize + blocks.count - 1 {
print("no solution")
let nb = Nonoblock(cells: cells, blocks: blocks)
nb.solve(cells: cells, index: 0, totalBlockSize: totalBlockSize)
private func solve(cells: Int, index: Int, totalBlockSize: Int) {
if index == blocks.count {
count += 1
let blockSize = blocks[index]
let maxPos = cells - (totalBlockSize + blocks.count - index - 1)
let t = totalBlockSize - blockSize
var c = cells - (blockSize + 1)
for pos in 0...maxPos {
positions[index] = pos
solve(cells: c, index: index + 1, totalBlockSize: t)
c -= 1
private func printSolution() {
var str = String(format: "%2d ", count)
var c = 0
for i in 0..<blocks.count {
var n = positions[i]
if i > 0 {
n += 1
if n > 0 {
str.append(String(repeating: ".", count: n))
c += n
str.append(String(repeating: "#", count: blocks[i]))
c += blocks[i]
if c < cells {
str.append(String(repeating: ".", count: cells - c))
Nonoblock.printSolutions(cells: 5, blocks: [2, 1])
Nonoblock.printSolutions(cells: 5, blocks: [])
Nonoblock.printSolutions(cells: 10, blocks: [8])
Nonoblock.printSolutions(cells: 15, blocks: [2, 3, 2, 3])
Nonoblock.printSolutions(cells: 5, blocks: [2, 3])</lang>
5 cells and blocks [2, 1]:
1 ##.#.
2 ##..#
3 .##.#
5 cells and blocks []:
1 .....
10 cells and blocks [8]:
1 ########..
2 .########.
3 ..########
15 cells and blocks [2, 3, 2, 3]:
1 ##.###.##.###..
2 ##.###.##..###.
3 ##.###.##...###
4 ##.###..##.###.
5 ##.###..##..###
6 ##.###...##.###
7 ##..###.##.###.
8 ##..###.##..###
9 ##..###..##.###
10 ##...###.##.###
11 .##.###.##.###.
12 .##.###.##..###
13 .##.###..##.###
14 .##..###.##.###
15 ..##.###.##.###
5 cells and blocks [2, 3]:
no solution


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