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* The blog post [http://paddy3118.blogspot.co.uk/2014/03/nonogram-puzzle-solver-part-1.html Nonogram puzzle solver (part 1)] Inspired this task and donated its Python solution.
<lang d>import std.stdio, std.array, std.algorithm, std.exception, std.conv;
struct Solution { uint pos, len; }
struct NonoBlocks {
const uint[] blocks;
const uint cells;
int opApply(int delegate(ref const Solution[]) dg) {
int result;
if (blocks.empty || blocks[0] == 0) {
const vec = [Solution(0, 0)];
result = dg(vec);
if (result) return result;
} else {
enforce(sum(cast(uint[])blocks) + blocks.length - 1 <= cells,//**
"Those blocks cannot fit in those cells.");
immutable firstBl = blocks[0];
const restBl = blocks[1 .. $];
// The other blocks need space.
immutable minS = restBl.map!(b => b + 1).sum;
// Slide the start position from left to max RH
// index allowing for other blocks.
foreach (immutable bPos; 0 .. cells - minS - firstBl + 1) {
if (restBl.empty) {
// No other blocks to the right so just yield
// this one.
const vec = [Solution(bPos, firstBl)];
result = dg(vec);
if (result) return result;
} else {
// More blocks to the right so create a sub-problem
// of placing the restBl blocks in the cells one
// space to the right of the RHS of this block.
immutable offset = bPos + firstBl + 1;
immutable newCells = cells - offset;
// Recursive call to nonoBlocks yields multiple
// sub-positions.
foreach (const subPos; NonoBlocks(restBl, newCells)) {
// Remove the offset from sub block positions.
const rest = subPos.map!(sol => Solution(offset + sol.pos,
// Yield this block plus sub blocks positions.
const vec = [Solution(bPos, firstBl)] ~ rest;
result = dg(vec);
if (result) return result;
return result;
/// Pretty prints each run of blocks with a
/// different letter for each block of filled cells.
string show(in Solution[] vec, in uint nCells) pure {
auto result = ['_'].replicate(nCells);
foreach (immutable i, immutable sol; vec)
foreach (immutable j; sol.pos .. sol.pos + sol.len)
result[j] = (result[j] == '_') ? to!char('A' + i) : '?';
return '[' ~ result ~ ']';
void main() {
static struct Problem { uint[] blocks; uint nCells; }
immutable Problem[] problems = [{[2, 1], 5},
{[], 5},
{[8], 10},
{[2, 3, 2, 3], 15},
{[4, 3], 10},
{[2, 1], 5},
{[3, 1], 10},
{[2, 3], 5}];
foreach (immutable prob; problems) {
writefln("Configuration (%d cells and %s blocks):",
prob.nCells, prob.blocks);
show([], prob.nCells).writeln;
foreach (const sol; NonoBlocks(prob.tupleof))
show(sol, prob.nCells).writeln;
<pre>Configuration (5 cells and [2, 1] blocks):
Configuration (5 cells and [] blocks):
Configuration (10 cells and [8] blocks):
Configuration (15 cells and [2, 3, 2, 3] blocks):
Configuration (10 cells and [4, 3] blocks):
Configuration (5 cells and [2, 1] blocks):
Configuration (10 cells and [3, 1] blocks):
Configuration (5 cells and [2, 3] blocks):
object.Exception@nonoblock.d(17): Those blocks cannot fit in those cells.
0x0040AC17 in pure @safe void std.exception.bailOut(immutable(char)[], uint, const(char[]))
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