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Reverse words in a string: Difference between revisions

(Undo revision 283274 by Neil H (talk))
Line 1,944:
----------------------- Robert Frost</pre>
<lang maxscript>
-- MAXScript : Reverse words in a string : N.H. 2019
text = stringstream "---------- Ice and Fire ------------\n\nfire, in end will world the say Some\nice. in say Some\ndesire of tasted I've what From\nfire. favor who those with hold I\n\n... elided paragraph last ...\n\nFrost Robert -----------------------\n"
seek text 0
while eof text == false do
nextLine = (readLine text)
if nextLine == "" then
print ""
) -- end of if
revLine = ""
eachWord = filterString nextLine " "
for k = eachWord.count to 1 by -1 do
revLine = revLine + eachWord[k]
-- Only add space between words not at the end of line
if k != 1 then revLine = revLine + " "
) -- end of for k
print revLine
) -- end of while eof
Output to MAXScript Listener:
<pre>"------------ Fire and Ice ----------"
"Some say the world will end in fire,"
"Some say in ice."
"From what I've tasted of desire"
"I hold with those who favor fire."
"... last paragraph elided ..."
"----------------------- Robert Frost"</pre>
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