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m →‎[[Java]]: Use Java header instead
m Switch to header template
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Create two classes Point(x,y) and Circle(x,y,r) with a polymorphic function print, accessors for (x,y,r), copy constructor, assignment and destructor and every possible default constructors
Create two classes Point(x,y) and Circle(x,y,r) with a polymorphic function print, accessors for (x,y,r), copy constructor, assignment and destructor and every possible default constructors
This example is constructed using a parent package and a child package. The parent package defines the Point type. The child package defines the Circle type.
This example is constructed using a parent package and a child package. The parent package defines the Point type. The child package defines the Circle type.

Line 240: Line 239:


* See [[Polymorphism (BASIC)]]
* See [[Polymorphism (BASIC)]]

* See [[Polymorphism (C)]]
* See [[Polymorphism (C)]]

Line 380: Line 376:

==[[C sharp|C#]]==
=={{header|C sharp|C#}}==
[[Category:C sharp]]

using System;
using System;
class Point
class Point
Line 419: Line 413:

== Common Lisp ==
=={{header|Common Lisp}}==
[[Category:Common Lisp]]

(defclass point ()
(defclass point ()
((x :initarg :x :initform 0 :accessor x)
((x :initarg :x :initform 0 :accessor x)
Line 446: Line 438:
(print-shape c))
(print-shape c))

== [[E]] ==

def makePoint(x, y) {
def makePoint(x, y) {
def point implements pbc {
def point implements pbc {
Line 480: Line 470:

== [[Haskell]] ==
Polymorhism is achieved through the type class Show
Polymorhism is achieved through the type class Show

Line 553: Line 542:

== [[OCaml]] ==

class point ?(x=0.0) ?(y=0.0) () = (* extra () used to erase the optional parameters *)
class point ?(x=0.0) ?(y=0.0) () = (* extra () used to erase the optional parameters *)
Line 597: Line 584:
print (new point ~y:2.1 ())
print (new point ~y:2.1 ())

What polymorphic function means in the context of Perl is as clear as mud. subs already can take anything as parameter by default. Destructors are automatic, so I dropped them.
What polymorphic function means in the context of Perl is as clear as mud. subs already can take anything as parameter by default. Destructors are automatic, so I dropped them.
Line 685: Line 671:


When class is defined in Pop11 it automatically defines default
When class is defined in Pop11 it automatically defines default
constructors, slot accessors and copy operations. So it is enough
constructors, slot accessors and copy operations. So it is enough
Line 721: Line 705:

== [[Python]] ==
[[Category: Python]]

Multiple constructors are not needed because Python supports default values for arguments. Accessors are not needed because Python attributes are public. It is possible to add managed attributes later without changing the interface and existing client code. For the print function, use the standard __repr__ methods, used when printing an object. Destructors are not needed of course.
Multiple constructors are not needed because Python supports default values for arguments. Accessors are not needed because Python attributes are public. It is possible to add managed attributes later without changing the interface and existing client code. For the print function, use the standard __repr__ methods, used when printing an object. Destructors are not needed of course.

Line 779: Line 761:

== [[Ruby]] ==

We use attr_accessor to provide all the accessor and assignment operations. Default arguments eliminate the need for multiple constructors. The built-in puts uses the object's to_s method.
We use attr_accessor to provide all the accessor and assignment operations. Default arguments eliminate the need for multiple constructors. The built-in puts uses the object's to_s method.

Revision as of 05:07, 13 November 2007

You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Create two classes Point(x,y) and Circle(x,y,r) with a polymorphic function print, accessors for (x,y,r), copy constructor, assignment and destructor and every possible default constructors


This example is constructed using a parent package and a child package. The parent package defines the Point type. The child package defines the Circle type.

package Shapes is
   type Point is tagged private;
   procedure Print(Item : in Point);
   function Setx(Item : in Point; Val : Integer) return Point;
   function Sety(Item : in Point; Val : Integer) return Point;
   function Getx(Item : in Point) return Integer;
   function Gety(Item : in Point) return Integer;
   function Create return Point;
   function Create(X : Integer) return Point;
   function Create(X, Y : Integer) return Point;
   type Point is tagged record
      X : Integer := 0;
      Y : Integer := 0;
   end record;
end Shapes;
with Ada.Text_Io; use Ada.Text_Io;

package body Shapes is

   -- Print --

   procedure Print (Item : in Point) is
   end Print;

   -- Setx --

   function Setx (Item : in Point; Val : Integer) return Point is
      return (Val, Item.Y);
   end Setx;

   -- Sety --

   function Sety (Item : in Point; Val : Integer) return Point is
      return (Item.X, Val);
   end Sety;

   -- Getx --

   function Getx (Item : in Point) return Integer is
      return Item.X;
   end Getx;

   -- Gety --

   function Gety (Item : in Point) return Integer is
      return Item.Y;
   end Gety;

   -- Create --

   function Create return Point is
      return (0, 0);
   end Create;

   -- Create --

   function Create (X : Integer) return Point is
      return (X, 0);
   end Create;

   -- Create --

   function Create (X, Y : Integer) return Point is
      return (X, Y);
   end Create;

end Shapes;

The following is the child package defining the Circle type.

package Shapes.Circles is
   type Circle is new Point with private;
   procedure Print(Item : Circle);
   function Setx(Item : Circle; Val : Integer) return Circle;
   function Sety(Item : Circle; Val : Integer) return Circle;
   function Setr(Item : Circle; Val : Integer) return Circle;
   function Getr(Item : Circle) return Integer;
   function Create(P : Point) return Circle;
   function Create(P : Point; R : Integer) return Circle;
   function Create(X : Integer) return Circle;
   function Create(X : Integer; Y : Integer) return Circle;
   function Create(X : Integer; Y : Integer; R : Integer) return Circle;
   function Create return Circle;
   type Circle is new Point with record
      R : Integer := 0;
   end record;
end Shapes.Circles;
with Ada.Text_Io; use Ada.Text_IO;

package body Shapes.Circles is

   -- Print --

   procedure Print (Item : Circle) is
   end Print;

   -- Setx --

   function Setx (Item : Circle; Val : Integer) return Circle is
      return (Val, Item.Y, Item.R);
   end Setx;

   -- Sety --

   function Sety (Item : Circle; Val : Integer) return Circle is
      Temp : Circle := Item;
      Temp.Y := Val;
      return Temp;
   end Sety;

   -- Setr --

   function Setr (Item : Circle; Val : Integer) return Circle is
      return (Item.X, Item.Y, Val);
   end Setr;

   -- Getr --

   function Getr (Item : Circle) return Integer is
      return Item.R;
   end Getr;

   -- Create --

   function Create (P : Point) return Circle is
      return (P.X, P.Y, 0);
   end Create;

   -- Create --

   function Create (P : Point; R : Integer) return Circle is
      return (P.X, P.Y, R);
   end Create;

   -- Create --

   function Create (X : Integer) return Circle is
      return (X, 0, 0);
   end Create;

   -- Create --

   function Create (X : Integer; Y : Integer) return Circle is
      return (X, Y, 0);
   end Create;

   -- Create --

   function Create (X : Integer; Y : Integer; R : Integer) return Circle is
      return (X, Y, R);
   end Create;

   -- Create --

   function Create return Circle is
      return (0, 0, 0);
   end Create;

end Shapes.Circles;

The following procedure is an entry point for a program, serving the same purpose as the main function in C.

with Shapes.Circles; use Shapes.Circles;
use Shapes;

procedure Shapes_Main is
   P : Point;
   C : Circle;
end Shapes_Main;




Compiler: GCC, Visual C++, BCC, Watcom

 class Point
     int x, y;
     Point(int x0 = 0, int y0 = 0) : x(x0), y(y0) {}
     Point(const Point& p) : x(p.x), y(p.y) {}
     virtual ~Point() {}
     const Point& operator=(const Point& p)
       if(this != &p)
         x = p.x;
         y = p.y;
       return *this;
     int getX() { return x; }
     int getY() { return y; }
     int setX(int x0) { x = x0; }
     int setY(int y0) { y = y0; }
     virtual void print() { printf("Point\n"); }
 class Circle : public Point
     int r;
     Circle(Point p, int r0 = 0) : Point(p), r(r0) {}
     Circle(int x0 = 0, int y0 = 0, int r0 = 0) : Point(x0, y0), r(r0) {}
     virtual ~Circle() {}
     const Circle& operator=(const Circle& c)
       if(this != &c)
         x = c.x;
         y = c.y;
         r = c.r;
       return *this;
     int getR() { return r; }
     int setR(int r0) { r = r0; }
     virtual void print() { printf("Circle\n"); }
 int main()
   Point* p = new Point();
   Point* c = new Circle();
   return 0;

Pattern: Curiously Recurring Template Pattern

Compiler: GCC, Visual C++, BCC, Watcom

 // CRTP: Curiously Recurring Template Pattern
 template <typename Derived>
 class PointShape
   int x, y;
   PointShape(int x0, int y0) : x(x0), y(y0) { }
   ~PointShape() { }
   int getX() { return x; }
   int getY() { return y; }
   int setX(int x0) { x = x0; }
   int setY(int y0) { y = y0; }
   // compile-time virtual function
   void print() { reinterpret_cast<const Derived*>(this)->printType(); }
 class Point : public PointShape<Point>
   Point(int x0 = 0, int y0 = 0) : PointShape(x0, y0) { }
   Point(const Point& p) : PointShape(p.x, p.y) { }
   ~Point() {}
   const Point& operator=(const Point& p)
     if(this != &p)
       x = p.x;
       y = p.y;
     return *this;
   void printType() { printf("Point\n"); }
 class Circle : public PointShape<Circle>
   int r;
   Circle(int x0 = 0, int y0 = 0, int r0 = 0) : PointShape(x0, y0), r(r0) { }
   Circle(Point p, int r0 = 0) : PointShape(p.x, p.y), r(r0) { }
   ~Circle() {}
   const Circle& operator=(const Circle& c)
     if(this != &c)
       x = c.x;
       y = c.y;
       r = c.r;
     return *this;
   int getR() { return r; }
   int setR(int r0) { r = r0; }
   void printType() { printf("Circle\n"); }
 int main()
   Point* p = new Point();
   Point* c = new Circle();
   return 0;


 using System;
 class Point
   protected int x, y;
   public Point() { this(0); }
   public Point(int x0) : this(x0,0) { }
   public Point(int x0, int y0) { x = x0; y = y0; }
   public int getX() { return x; }
   public int getY() { return y; }
   public int setX(int x0) { x = x0; }
   public int setY(int y0) { y = y0; }
   public void print() { System.Console.WriteLine("Point"); }
 public class Circle : Point
   private int r;
   public Circle(Point p) : this(p,0) { }
   public Circle(Point p, int r0) : base(p) { r = r0; }
   public Circle() : this(0) { }
   public Circle(int x0) : this(x0,0) { }
   public Circle(int x0, int y0) : this(x0,y0,0) { }
   public Circle(int x0, int y0, int r0) : base(x0,y0) { r = r0; }
   public int getR() { return r; }
   public int setR(int r0) { r = r0; }
   public override void print() { System.Console.WriteLine("Circle"); }
   public static void main(String args[])
     Point p = new Point();
     Point c = new Circle();

Common Lisp

(defclass point ()
  ((x :initarg :x :initform 0 :accessor x)
   (y :initarg :y :initform 0 :accessor y)))

(defclass circle (point)
  ((radius :initarg :radius :initform 0 :accessor radius)))
(defgeneric shallow-copy (object))
(defmethod shallow-copy ((p point))
  (make-instance 'point :x (x p) :y (y p)))
(defmethod shallow-copy ((c circle))
  (make-instance 'circle :x (x c) :y (y c) :radius (radius c)))
(defgeneric print-shape (shape))
(defmethod print-shape ((p point))
  (print 'point))
(defmethod print-shape ((c circle))
  (print 'circle))
(let ((p (make-instance 'point :x 10))
      (c (make-instance 'circle :radius 5)))
  (print-shape p)
  (print-shape c))


def makePoint(x, y) {
  def point implements pbc {
    to __printOn(out) { out.print(`<point $x,$y>`) }
    to __optUncall() { return [makePoint, "run", [x, y]] }
    to x() { return x }
    to y() { return y }
    to withX(new) { return makePoint(new, y) }
    to withY(new) { return makePoint(x, new) }
  return point

def makeCircle(x, y, r) {
  def circle extends makePoint(x, y) implements pbc {
    to __printOn(out) { out.print(`<circle $x,$y r $r>`) }
    to __optUncall() { return [makeCircle, "run", [x, y, r]] }
    to r() { return r }
    to withX(new) { return makeCircle(new, y, r) }
    to withY(new) { return makeCircle(x, new, r) }
    to withR(new) { return makeCircle(x, y, new) }
  return circle

(It is unidiomatic to have mutation operations on an object of this sort in E, so this example has variation operations instead. __optUncall is used for serialization, and is the closest analogue to a copy constructor. E does not have destructors, but only post-mortem finalizers (which are registered after the object is created). The "extends" is only implementation inheritance; it is not necessary to enable polymorphism.)

def p := makePoint(0.5, 0.5)
def c := makeCircle(1, 1, 2)


Polymorhism is achieved through the type class Show

   data Point = Point Integer Integer
   instance Show Point where
       show (Point x y) = "Point at "++(show x)++","++(show y)
   -- Constructor that sets y to 0
   ponXAxis = flip Point 0
   -- Constructor that sets x to 0
   ponYAxis = Point 0
   -- Constructor that sets x and y to 0
   porigin = Point 0 0
   data Circle = Circle Integer Integer Integer
   instance Show Circle where
       show (Circle x y r) = "Circle at "++(show x)++","++(show y)++" with radius "++(show r)
   -- Constructor that sets y to 0
   conXAxis = flip Circle 0
   -- Constructor that sets x to 0
   conYAxis = Circle 0
   -- Constructor that sets x and y to 0
   catOrigin = Circle 0 0
   --Constructor that sets y and r to 0
   c0OnXAxis = flip (flip Circle 0) 0
   --Constructor that sets x and r to 0
   c0OnYAxis = flip (Circle 0) 0


class Point
  protected int x, y;
  public Point() { this(0); }
  public Point(int x0) { this(x0,0); }
  public Point(int x0, int y0) { x = x0; y = y0; }
  public int getX() { return x; }
  public int getY() { return y; }
  public int setX(int x0) { x = x0; }
  public int setY(int y0) { y = y0; }
  public void print() { System.out.println("Point"); }
public class Circle extends Point
  private int r;
  public Circle(Point p) { this(p,0); }
  public Circle(Point p, int r0) { super(p); r = r0; }
  public Circle() { this(0); }
  public Circle(int x0) { this(x0,0); }
  public Circle(int x0, int y0) { this(x0,y0,0); }
  public Circle(int x0, int y0, int r0) { super(x0,y0); r = r0; }
  public int getR() { return r; }
  public int setR(int r0) { r = r0; }
  public void print() { System.out.println("Circle"); }
  public static void main(String args[])
    Point p = new Point();
    Point c = new Circle();

==[[:Category:{{{1}}}|{{{1}}}]] [[Category:{{{1}}}]] Property "Implemented in language" (as page type) with input value "{{{1}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process. members;

        bless \%param, $class;

    sub copy_constructor {
        clone shift;

    sub copy_assignment {
        my $self = shift;
        my $from = shift;
        $self->$_($from->$_) for $from->members;

    field 'x';
    field 'y';

    package Circle;
    use base qw(Point);
    field 'r';

    package main;
    $_->_print, print "\n" for (
       Point->new(x => 2),
       Point->new(y => 3),
       Point->new(x => 8, y => -5),
    my $p1 = Point->new(x => 8, y => -5);

    my $p2 = $p1->copy_constructor;
    print "we are really different objects, not just references ".
          "to the same instance\n" unless \$p1 eq \$p2;

    # accessors autogenerated
    print $p1->x, "\n";
    print $p1->y, "\n";

    print $p2->x, "\n";
    print $p2->y, "\n";
    print "we now have the same values, but we are still ".
          "different objects\n" unless \$p1 eq \$p2;

    $_->_print, print "\n" for (
       Circle->new(x => 1),
       Circle->new(y => 2),
       Circle->new(r => 3),
       Circle->new(x => 4, y => 5),
       Circle->new(x => 6, r => 7),
       Circle->new(y => 8, r => 9),
       Circle->new(x => 1, y => 2, r => 3),

    my $c = Circle->new(r => 4);
    print $c->r, "\n"; # accessor autogenerated


When class is defined in Pop11 it automatically defines default constructors, slot accessors and copy operations. So it is enough to define classes and the print method.

uses objectclass;
define :class Point;
    slot x = 0;
    slot y = 0;

define :class Circle;
    slot x = 0;
    slot y = 0;
    slot r = 1;

define :method print(p : Point);
    printf('Point(' >< x(p) >< ', ' >< y(p) >< ')\n');

define :method print(p : Circle);
    printf('Circle(' >< x(p) >< ', ' >< y(p) >< ', ' >< r(p) >< ')\n');

To test we can use the following code:

;;; Initialize variables using default constructors
lvars instance1 = newPoint();
lvars instance2 = newCircle();
;;; Use print method


Multiple constructors are not needed because Python supports default values for arguments. Accessors are not needed because Python attributes are public. It is possible to add managed attributes later without changing the interface and existing client code. For the print function, use the standard __repr__ methods, used when printing an object. Destructors are not needed of course.

class Point(object):
    def __init__(self, x=0.0, y=0.0):
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
    def __repr__(self):
        return '<Point 0x%x x: %f y: %f>' % (id(self), self.x, self.y)

class Circle(object):
    def __init__(self, center=None, radius=1.0):
        self.center = center or Point()
        self.radius = radius
    def __repr__(self):
        return '<Circle 0x%x x: %f y: %f radius: %f>' % (
            id(self), self.center.x, self.center.y, self.radius)

Usage example:

>>> from polymorphism import Point, Circle
>>> p1 = Point()
>>> Point()
<Point 0x5b1b0 x: 0.000000 y: 0.000000>
>>> Point(3, 4)
<Point 0x5b0f0 x: 3.000000 y: 4.000000>
>>> Point(y=4)
<Point 0x5b0b0 x: 0.000000 y: 4.000000>
>>> Point(x=3)
<Point 0x5b1b0 x: 3.000000 y: 0.000000>
>>> Circle()
<Circle 0x5b330 x: 0.000000 y: 0.000000 radius: 1.000000>
>>> Circle(Point(3,4))
<Circle 0x5b3b0 x: 3.000000 y: 4.000000 radius: 1.000000>
>>> Circle(Point(3,4), 7)
<Circle 0x5b3d0 x: 3.000000 y: 4.000000 radius: 7.000000>
>>> Circle(radius=10)
<Circle 0x5b0f0 x: 0.000000 y: 0.000000 radius: 10.000000>
>>> Circle(center=Point(127,0))
<Circle 0x5b0b0 x: 127.000000 y: 0.000000 radius: 1.000000>
>>> p = Point(1.25, 3.87)
>>> p
<Point 0x5b3d0 x: 1.250000 y: 3.870000>
>>> p.x = 10.81
>>> p
<Point 0x5b3d0 x: 10.810000 y: 3.870000>
>>> c = Circle(p, 21.4)
>>> c
<Circle 0x5b0b0 x: 10.810000 y: 3.870000 radius: 21.400000>
>>> c.center.x = 1.0
>>> c
<Circle 0x5b0b0 x: 1.000000 y: 3.870000 radius: 21.400000>


We use attr_accessor to provide all the accessor and assignment operations. Default arguments eliminate the need for multiple constructors. The built-in puts uses the object's to_s method.

   class Point
       attr_accessor :x,:y
       def initialize(x=0,y=0)
       def to_s
           "Point at #{x},#{y}"
   class Circle
       attr_accessor :x,:y,:r
       def initialize(x=0,y=0,r=0)
       def to_s
           "Circle at #{x},#{y} with radius #{r}"