Ludic numbers: Difference between revisions

Added Lua version
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<lang Lua>-- Return table of ludic numbers below limit
function ludics (limit)
local ludList, numList, index = {1}, {}
for n = 2, limit do table.insert(numList, n) end
while #numList > 0 do
index = numList[1]
table.insert(ludList, index)
for key = #numList, 1, -1 do
if key % index == 1 then table.remove(numList, key) end
return ludList
-- Return true if n is found in t or false otherwise
function foundIn (t, n)
for k, v in pairs(t) do
if v == n then return true end
return false
-- Display msg followed by all values in t
function show (msg, t)
for _, v in pairs(t) do io.write(" " .. v) end
-- Main procedure
local first25, under1k, inRange, tripList, triplets = {}, 0, {}, {}, {}
for k, v in pairs(ludics(30000)) do
if k < 25 then table.insert(first25, v) end
if v <= 1000 then under1k = under1k + 1 end
if k >= 2000 and k <= 2005 then table.insert(inRange, v) end
if v < 250 then table.insert(tripList, v) end
for _, x in pairs(tripList) do
if foundIn(tripList, x + 2) and foundIn(tripList, x + 6) then
table.insert(triplets, "\n{" .. x .. "," .. x+2 .. "," .. x+6 .. "}")
show("First 25:", first25)
print(under1k .. " are less than or equal to 1000\n")
show("2000th to 2005th:", inRange)
show("Triplets:", triplets)</lang>
<pre>First 25: 1 2 3 5 7 11 13 17 23 25 29 37 41 43 47 53 61 67 71 77 83 89 91 97
142 are less than or equal to 1000
2000th to 2005th: 21475 21481 21487 21493 21503 21511
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