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Elementary cellular automaton: Difference between revisions

Added Ada
(Realize in F#)
(Added Ada)
Line 17:
* [http://natureofcode.com/book/chapter-7-cellular-automata Cellular automata (natureofcode.com)]
{{works with|Ada 2012}}
<lang Ada>with Ada.Text_IO;
procedure Elementary_Cellular_Automaton is
type t_Rule is new Integer range 0..2**8-1;
type t_State is array (Integer range <>) of Boolean;
Cell_Image : constant array (Boolean) of Character := ('.', '#');
function Image (State : in t_State) return String is
(Cell_Image(State(State'First)) &
(if State'Length <= 1 then ""
else Image(State(State'First+1..State'Last))));
-- More convenient representation of the rule
type t_RuleA is array (Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) of Boolean;
function Translate (Rule : in t_Rule) return t_RuleA is
-- Better not use Pack attribute and Unchecked_Conversion
-- because it would not be endianness independant...
Remain : t_Rule := Rule;
return Answer : t_RuleA do
for K in Boolean loop
for J in Boolean loop
for I in Boolean loop
Answer(I,J,K) := (Remain mod 2 = 1);
Remain := Remain / 2;
end loop;
end loop;
end loop;
end return;
end Translate;
procedure Show_Automaton (Rule : in t_Rule;
Initial : in t_State;
Generations : in Positive) is
RuleA : constant t_RuleA := Translate(Rule);
Width : constant Positive := Initial'Length;
-- More convenient indices for neighbor wraparound with "mod"
subtype t_State0 is t_State (0..Width-1);
State : t_State0 := Initial;
New_State : t_State0;
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Rule" & t_Rule'Image(Rule) & " :");
for Generation in 1..Generations loop
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (Image(State));
for Cell in State'Range loop
New_State(Cell) := RuleA(State((Cell-1) mod Width),
State((Cell+1) mod Width));
end loop;
State := New_State;
end loop;
end Show_Automaton;
Show_Automaton (Rule => 90,
Initial => (-10..-1 => False, 0 => True, 1..10 => False),
Generations => 15);
Show_Automaton (Rule => 30,
Initial => (-15..-1 => False, 0 => True, 1..15 => False),
Generations => 20);
Show_Automaton (Rule => 122,
Initial => (-12..-1 => False, 0 => True, 1..12 => False),
Generations => 25);
end Elementary_Cellular_Automaton;
<pre>Rule 90 :
Rule 30 :
Rule 122 :
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