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Brace expansion: Difference between revisions

m (→‎{{header|Phix}}: added syntax colouring, made p2js compatible)
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{}} some }{,{\\ edge \,}{ cases, {here} \\\\\}
<lang Prolog>
sym(',', commalist) --> ['\\',','], !.
sym(H, Context) --> [H], { not(H = '{'; H = '}'), (Context = commalist -> not(H = ','); true) }.
syms([H|T], Context) --> sym(H, Context), !, syms(T, Context).
syms([], _) --> [].
symbol(Symbol, Context) --> syms(Syms,Context), {atom_chars(Symbol, Syms)}.
braces(Member) --> ['{'], commalist(List), ['}'], {length(List, Len), Len > 1, member(Member, List)}.
commalist([H|T]) --> sym_braces(H, commalist), [','], commalist(T).
commalist([H]) --> sym_braces(H, commalist).
sym_braces(String, Context) --> symbol(S1, Context), braces(S2), sym_braces(S3, Context), {atomics_to_string([S1,S2,S3],String)}.
sym_braces(String, Context) --> braces(S1), symbol(S2, Context), sym_braces(S3, Context), {atomics_to_string([S1,S2,S3],String)}.
sym_braces(String, Context) --> symbol(String, Context).
sym_braces(String, _) --> braces(String).
sym_braces(String, Context) --> ['{'], sym_braces(S2, Context), {atomics_to_string(['{',S2],String)}.
sym_braces(String, Context) --> ['}'], sym_braces(S2, Context), {atomics_to_string(['}',S2],String)}.
grammar(String) --> sym_braces(String, braces).
brace_expansion(In, Out) :- atom_chars(In, Chars), findall(Out,grammar(Out, Chars, []), List), list_to_set(List, Out).
<lang Prolog>
?- brace_expansion("~/{Downloads,Pictures}/*.{jpg,gif,png}", Out).
Out = ["~/Downloads/*.jpg","~/Downloads/*.gif","~/Downloads/*.png","~/Pictures/*.jpg","~/Pictures/*.gif","~/Pictures/*.png"].
?- brace_expansion("It{{em,alic}iz,erat}e{d,}, please.", Out).
Out = ["Itemized, please.", "Itemize, please.", "Iterated, please.", "Iterate, please.", "Italicized, please.", "Italicize, please."].
?- brace_expansion("{,{,gotta have{ ,\\, again\\, }}more }cowbell!", Out), writeln(Out).
[cowbell!,more cowbell!,gotta have more cowbell!,gotta have, again, more cowbell!]
Out = ["cowbell!", "more cowbell!", "gotta have more cowbell!", "gotta have, again, more cowbell!"].
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