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Brace expansion: Difference between revisions

Add Go solution, this may not be a great or clear way to do it … but it works
m (add category)
(Add Go solution, this may not be a great or clear way to do it … but it works)
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bracex: <stdin>: hGetLine: end of file</pre>
<lang go>package expand
// Expander is anything that can be expanded into a slice of strings.
type Expander interface {
Expand() []string
// Text is a trivial Expander that expands to a slice with just itself.
type Text string
func (t Text) Expand() []string { return []string{string(t)} }
// Alternation is an Expander that expands to the union of its
// members' expansions.
type Alternation []Expander
func (alt Alternation) Expand() []string {
var out []string
for _, e := range alt {
out = append(out, e.Expand()...)
return out
// Sequence is an Expander that expands to the combined sequence of its
// members' expansions.
type Sequence []Expander
func (seq Sequence) Expand() []string {
if len(seq) == 0 {
return nil
out := seq[0].Expand()
for _, e := range seq[1:] {
out = combine(out, e.Expand())
return out
func combine(al, bl []string) []string {
out := make([]string, 0, len(al)*len(bl))
for _, a := range al {
for _, b := range bl {
out = append(out, a+b)
return out
// Currently only single byte runes are supported for these.
const (
escape = '\\'
altStart = '{'
altEnd = '}'
altSep = ','
type piT struct{ pos, cnt, depth int }
type Brace string
// Expand takes an input string and returns the expanded list of
// strings. The input string can contain any number of nested
// alternation specifications of the form "{A,B}" which is expanded to
// the strings "A", then "B".
// E.g. Expand("a{2,1}b{X,Y,X}c") returns ["a2bXc", "a2bYc", "a2bXc",
// "a1bXc", "a1bYc", "a1bXc"].
// Unmatched '{', ',', and '}' characters are passed through to the
// output. The special meaning of these characters can be escaped with
// '\', (which itself can be escaped).
// Escape characters are not removed, but passed through to the output.
func Expand(s string) []string { return Brace(s).Expand() }
func (b Brace) Expand() []string { return b.Expander().Expand() }
func (b Brace) Expander() Expander {
s := string(b)
//log.Printf("Exapand(%#q)\n", s)
var posInfo []piT
var stack []int // indexes into posInfo
removePosInfo := func(i int) {
end := len(posInfo) - 1
copy(posInfo[i:end], posInfo[i+1:])
posInfo = posInfo[:end]
inEscape := false
for i, r := range s {
if inEscape {
inEscape = false
switch r {
case escape:
inEscape = true
case altStart:
stack = append(stack, len(posInfo))
posInfo = append(posInfo, piT{i, 0, len(stack)})
case altEnd:
if len(stack) == 0 {
si := len(stack) - 1
pi := stack[si]
if posInfo[pi].cnt == 0 {
for pi < len(posInfo) {
if posInfo[pi].depth == len(stack) {
} else {
} else {
posInfo = append(posInfo, piT{i, -2, len(stack)})
stack = stack[:si]
case altSep:
if len(stack) == 0 {
posInfo = append(posInfo, piT{i, -1, len(stack)})
//log.Println("stack:", stack)
for len(stack) > 0 {
si := len(stack) - 1
pi := stack[si]
depth := posInfo[pi].depth
for pi < len(posInfo) {
if posInfo[pi].depth == depth {
} else {
stack = stack[:si]
return buildExp(s, 0, posInfo)
func buildExp(s string, off int, info []piT) Expander {
if len(info) == 0 {
return Text(s)
//log.Printf("buildExp(%#q, %d, %v)\n", s, off, info)
var seq Sequence
i := 0
var dj, j, depth int
for dk, piK := range info {
k := piK.pos - off
switch s[k] {
case altStart:
if depth == 0 {
dj = dk
j = k
depth = piK.depth
case altEnd:
if piK.depth != depth {
if j > i {
seq = append(seq, Text(s[i:j]))
alt := buildAlt(s[j+1:k], depth, j+1+off, info[dj+1:dk])
seq = append(seq, alt)
i = k + 1
depth = 0
if j := len(s); j > i {
seq = append(seq, Text(s[i:j]))
if len(seq) == 1 {
return seq[0]
return seq
func buildAlt(s string, depth, off int, info []piT) Alternation {
//log.Printf("buildAlt(%#q, %d, %d, %v)\n", s, depth, off, info)
var alt Alternation
i := 0
var di int
for dk, piK := range info {
if piK.depth != depth {
if k := piK.pos - off; s[k] == altSep {
sub := buildExp(s[i:k], i+off, info[di:dk])
alt = append(alt, sub)
i = k + 1
di = dk + 1
sub := buildExp(s[i:], i+off, info[di:])
alt = append(alt, sub)
return alt
<lang go>package expand
import (
// These could be in expand.go but for now they're only used for debugging.
func (t Text) String() string { return fmt.Sprintf("%#q", string(t)) }
func (alt Alternation) String() string { return fmt.Sprintf("ALT:%v", []Expander(alt)) }
// From http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Brace_expansion
var testCases = []struct {
input string
expected []string
{"", []string{""}},
{"a{2,1}b{X,Y,X}c", []string{
{`a\\{\\\{b,c\,d}`, []string{
{"{a,b{c{,{d}}e}f", []string{
{"~/{Downloads,Pictures}/*.{jpg,gif,png}", []string{
{"It{{em,alic}iz,erat}e{d,}, please.", []string{
"Itemized, please.",
"Itemize, please.",
"Italicized, please.",
"Italicize, please.",
"Iterated, please.",
"Iterate, please."}},
{`{,{,gotta have{ ,\, again\, }}more }cowbell!`, []string{
"more cowbell!",
"gotta have more cowbell!",
`gotta have\, again\, more cowbell!`}},
{`{}} some }{,{\\{ edge, edge} \,}{ cases, {here} \\\\\}`, []string{
`{}} some }{,{\\ edge \,}{ cases, {here} \\\\\}`,
`{}} some }{,{\\ edge \,}{ cases, {here} \\\\\}`}},
//func ml(l []string) string { return "\n\t" + strings.Join(l, "\n\t") }
func ml(l []string) string {
var result string
for _, s := range l {
result += fmt.Sprintf("\n\t%#q", s)
return result
func TestExpand(t *testing.T) {
for _, d := range testCases {
if g := Expand(d.input); !reflect.DeepEqual(g, d.expected) {
t.Errorf("unexpected result\n Expand(%#q) gave:%v\nExpected:%v",
d.input, ml(g), ml(d.expected))
} else {
// Normally Go tests aren't this verbose, but for rosettacode
t.Logf("as expected\n Expand(%#q):%v", d.input, ml(g))
func BenchmarkExpand(b *testing.B) {
input := testCases[5].input
//b.Logf("Benchmarking Expand(%#q)\n", input)
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
% go test -v -bench=.
=== RUN TestExpand
--- PASS: TestExpand (0.00 seconds)
expand_test.go:72: as expected
expand_test.go:72: as expected
expand_test.go:72: as expected
expand_test.go:72: as expected
expand_test.go:72: as expected
expand_test.go:72: as expected
Expand(`It{{em,alic}iz,erat}e{d,}, please.`):
`Itemized, please.`
`Itemize, please.`
`Italicized, please.`
`Italicize, please.`
`Iterated, please.`
`Iterate, please.`
expand_test.go:72: as expected
Expand(`{,{,gotta have{ ,\, again\, }}more }cowbell!`):
`more cowbell!`
`gotta have more cowbell!`
`gotta have\, again\, more cowbell!`
expand_test.go:72: as expected
Expand(`{}} some }{,{\\{ edge, edge} \,}{ cases, {here} \\\\\}`):
`{}} some }{,{\\ edge \,}{ cases, {here} \\\\\}`
`{}} some }{,{\\ edge \,}{ cases, {here} \\\\\}`
BenchmarkExpand 500000 6562 ns/op 2467 B/op 64 allocs/op
ok rosetta_code/Brace_expansion 3.347s
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