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ASCII art diagram converter: Difference between revisions

+ D entry. Code by Adam D. Ruppe from the D newsgroup, modified and hopefully improved.
m (Added 'draft task' marker)
(+ D entry. Code by Adam D. Ruppe from the D newsgroup, modified and hopefully improved.)
Line 44:
Bonus: perform a thoroughly validation of the input string.
This solution generates anonymous struct code at compile-time, that can be mixed-in inside a struct or class.
<lang d>string makeStructFromDiagram(in string rawDiagram) pure @safe {
import std.conv: text, format;
import std.string: strip, splitLines, indexOf;
import std.array: empty, popFront;
static void commitCurrent(ref uint anonCount,
ref uint totalBits,
ref uint currentBits,
ref string code,
ref string currentName) pure @safe {
if (currentBits) {
code ~= "\t";
currentName = currentName.strip;
if (currentName.empty) {
currentName = "anonymous_field_" ~ anonCount.text;
string type;
if (currentBits == 1)
type = "bool";
else if (currentBits <= ubyte.sizeof * 8)
type = "ubyte";
else if (currentBits <= ushort.sizeof * 8)
type = "ushort";
else if (currentBits <= uint.sizeof * 8)
type = "uint";
else if (currentBits <= ulong.sizeof * 8)
type = "ulong";
//else if (currentBits <= ucent.sizeof * 8)
// type = "ucent";
else assert(0, "Too many bits for the item "~ currentName);
immutable byteOffset = totalBits / 8;
immutable bitOffset = totalBits % 8;
// Getter:
code ~= "@property " ~ type ~ " " ~ currentName ~
"() const pure nothrow @safe {\n";
code ~= "\t\t";
if (currentBits == 1) {
code ~= format("return (_payload[%d] & (1 << (7-%d)))"~
" ? true : false;",
byteOffset, bitOffset);
} else if (currentBits < 8) {
auto mask = (1 << currentBits) - 1;
mask <<= 7 - bitOffset - currentBits + 1;
code ~= format("return (_payload[%d] & 0b%08b) >> %d;",
byteOffset, mask,
7 - bitOffset - currentBits + 1);
} else {
assert(currentBits % 8 == 0);
assert(bitOffset == 0);
code ~= type ~ " v = 0;\n\t\t";
code ~= "version(LittleEndian) {\n\t\t";
foreach (immutable i; 0 .. currentBits / 8)
code ~= "\tv |= (cast(" ~ type ~ ") _payload[" ~
text(byteOffset + i) ~ "]) << (" ~
text((currentBits / 8) - i - 1) ~
" * 8);\n\t\t";
code ~= "} else static assert(0);\n\t\t";
code ~= "return v;";
code ~= "\n";
code ~= "\t}\n\t";
// Setter:
code ~= "@property void " ~ currentName ~ "(in " ~ type ~
" value) pure nothrow @safe {\n";
code ~= "\t\t";
if (currentBits < 8) {
auto mask = (1 << currentBits) - 1;
mask <<= 7 - bitOffset - currentBits + 1;
code ~= format("_payload[%d] &= ~0b%08b;\n\t\t",
byteOffset, mask);
code ~= "assert(value < " ~ text(1 << currentBits) ~
code~=format("_payload[%d] |= cast(ubyte) value << %d;",
7 - bitOffset - currentBits + 1);
} else {
assert(currentBits % 8 == 0);
assert(bitOffset == 0);
code ~= "version(LittleEndian) {\n\t\t";
foreach (immutable i; 0 .. currentBits / 8)
code ~= "\t_payload[" ~ text(byteOffset + i) ~
"] = (value >> (" ~
text((currentBits / 8) - i - 1) ~
" * 8) & 0xff);\n\t\t";
code ~= "} else static assert(0);";
code ~= "\n";
code ~= "\t}\n";
totalBits += currentBits;
currentBits = 0;
currentName = null;
enum C : char { pipe='|', cross='+' }
enum cWidth = 3; // Width of a bit cell in the table.
immutable diagram = rawDiagram.strip;
uint bitCountPerRow = 0, anonCount = 0, totalBits, currentBits;
string currentName;
string code = "struct {\n"; // Anonymous.
foreach (line; diagram.splitLines) {
line = line.strip;
if (line[0] == C.cross) {
commitCurrent(anonCount, totalBits,
currentBits, code, currentName);
if (bitCountPerRow == 0)
bitCountPerRow = (line.length - 1) / cWidth;
assert(bitCountPerRow == (line.length - 1) / cWidth);
} else {
// A field of some sort.
while (line.length > 2) {
assert(line[0] != '/',
"Variable length data not supported");
assert(line[0] == C.pipe, "Malformed table");
const idx = line[0 .. $ - 1].indexOf(C.pipe);
if (idx != -1) {
const field = line[0 .. idx];
line = line[idx .. $];
commitCurrent(anonCount, totalBits,
currentBits, code, currentName);
currentName = field;
currentBits = (field.length + 1) / cWidth;
commitCurrent(anonCount, totalBits,
currentBits, code, currentName);
} else {
// The full row or a continuation of the last.
currentName ~= line[0 .. $ - 1];
// At this point, line does not include the first
// C.pipe, but the length will include the last.
currentBits += line.length / cWidth;
line = line[$ .. $];
// Using bytes to avoid endianness issues.
// hopefully the compiler will optimize it, otherwise
// maybe we could specialize the properties more.
code ~= "\n\tprivate ubyte[" ~ text((totalBits + 7) / 8) ~
"] _payload;\n";
return code ~ "}";
void main() { // Testing.
import std.stdio;
enum diagram = "
| ID |
|QR| Opcode |AA|TC|RD|RA| Z | RCODE |
// To debug the code generation:
//pragma(msg, diagram.makeStructFromDiagram);
// Usage.
static struct Header {
Header h;
h.ID = 10;
h.RA = true;
h.ARCOUNT = 255;
h.Opcode = 7;
// See the byte representation to test the setter's details.
// Test the getters:
assert(h.ID == 10);
assert(h.RA == true);
assert(h.ARCOUNT == 255);
assert(h.Opcode == 7);
<pre>[0, 10, 56, 128, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 255]</pre>
Uncommenting the pragma(msg) in the main function, you can see that it generates code like:
<lang d>struct {
@property ushort ID() const pure nothrow @safe {
ushort v = 0;
version(LittleEndian) {
v |= (cast(ushort) _payload[0]) << (1 * 8);
v |= (cast(ushort) _payload[1]) << (0 * 8);
} else static assert(0);
return v;
@property void ID(in ushort value) pure nothrow @safe {
version(LittleEndian) {
_payload[0] = (value >> (1 * 8) & 0xff);
_payload[1] = (value >> (0 * 8) & 0xff);
} else static assert(0);
private ubyte[12] _payload;
It also supports larger values like this, that is 32 bits long:
| ThirtyTwo |
| |
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