Zhang-Suen thinning algorithm: Difference between revisions

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<lang rexx>/*REXX pgmprogram thins a NxM char character grid using the Zhang-Suen thinning algorithm.*/
parse arg iFID .; if iFID=='' then iFID='ZHANG_SUEN.DAT'
white=' '; @.=white /* [↓] read the input charcharacter grid. */
do row=1 while lines(iFID)\==0; _=linein(iFID)
_=translate(_,,.0); cols.row=length(_)
do col=1 for cols.row; @.row.col=substr(_,col,1)
end /*col*/ /* [↑] assign whole row of charscharacters.*/
end /*row*/
rows=row-1 /* adjust ROWS because of the DO loop. */
call show@ 'input file ' iFID " contents:" /*display show the input charcharacter grid.*/
do until changed==0; changed=0 /*keep slimming until we're donefinished. */
do step=1 for 2 /*keep track of step 1one or step 2two.*/
do r=1 for rows /*process all the rows and columns. */
do c=1 for cols.r; !.r.c=@.r.c /*assign an alternate grid. */
if r==1|r==rows|c==1|c==cols.r then iterate /*is this an edge?*/
if @.r.c==white then iterate /*White?Is the character white? Then skip it.*/
call Ps; b=b() /*define Ps and also "b". */
if b<2 | b>6 then iterate then iterate /*is B within the range ? */
if a()\==1 then iterate then iterate /*count the number of transitions.*/ */ /* ╔══╦══╦══╗ */
if step==1 then if (p2 & p4 & p6) | p4 & p6 & p8 then iterate /* ║p9║p2║p3║ */
if step==2 then if (p2 & p4 & p8) | p2 & p6 & p8 then iterate /* ╠══╬══╬══╣ */
!.r.c=white /*set a grid character to white.*/ */ /* ║p8║p1║p4║ */
changed=1 /*indicate a charcharacter was changed. */ /* ╠══╬══╬══╣ */
end /*c*/ /* ║p7║p6║p5║ */
end /*r*/ /* ╚══╩══╩══╝ */
call copy!2@ /*copy the alternate to working grid. */
end /*step*/
end /*until changed==0*/
call show@ 'slimmed output:' /*display the slimmed charcharacter grid. */
exit /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */
a: return (\p2==p3&p3)+(\p3==p4&p4)+(\p4==p5&p5)+(\p5==p6&p6)+(\p6==p7&p7)+(\p7==p8&p8)+(\p8==p9&p9)+(\p9==p2&p2)
b: return p2 + p3 + p4 + p5 + p6 + p7 + p8 + p9
copy!2@: do r=1 for rows; do c=1 for cols.r; @.r.c=!.r.c; end; end; return
show@: say; say arg(1); say; do r=1 for rows; _=; do c=1 for cols.r; _=_ || @.r.c; end; say _; end; return
Ps: rm=r-1; rp=r+1; cm=c-1; cp=c+1 /*calculate some shortcuts.*/
p2=@.rm.c\==white; p3=@.rm.cp\==white; p4=@.r.cp\==white; p5=@.rp.cp\==white
p6=@.rp.c\==white; p7=@.rp.cm\==white; p8=@.r.cm\==white; p9=@.rm.cm\==white; return</lang>