Comma quibbling: Difference between revisions

Add 8080 assembly version
(Added Wren)
(Add 8080 assembly version)
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{ABC, DEF, G and H}
=={{header|8080 Assembly}}==
<lang 8080asm> org 100h
jmp demo
;; Given a list of strings in HL, and a pointer in DE, write
;; the resulting string starting at DE.
quibble: mvi a,'{' ; Write the first {,
stax d
inx d ; And increment the pointer
push h ; Keep start of list
call strseqlen ; Get length of list
pop h ; Restore start of list
xra a ; Is the list empty?
ora b
jz quibend ; If empty list, we're done.
quibcopy: call strcpy ; Copy current string into output
inx h ; Advance input pointer to next string
dcr b ; Decrement counter
jz quibend ; If zero, that was the last string
push h ; Push input pointer
mov a,b ; Is the counter 1 now?
cpi 1
lxi h,quibcomma ; Add a comma and space,
jnz quibsep ; unless the counter was 1,
lxi h,quiband ; then use " and "
quibsep: call strcpy ; Copy the separator into the output
pop h ; Restore the input pointer
jmp quibcopy ; Do the next string in the list
quibend: mvi a,'}' ; Write the final '}'
stax d
inx d
mvi a,'$' ; And write a string terminator
stax d
quibcomma: db ', $'
quiband: db ' and $'
;; Copy the string under HL to DE until the terminator $.
;; The terminator is not copied; HL and DE are left one byte
;; beyond the last byte copied.
strcpy: mov a,m ; Get byte from input
cpi '$' ; Are we at the end?
rz ; Then stop.
stax d ; Otherwise, store byte at output
inx h ; Increment the pointers
inx d
jmp strcpy ; Copy next byte.
;; Return in B the amount of strings in the string list in HL
strseqlen: mvi a,'$' ; String end
mvi b,0 ; String counter
count: cmp m ; Empty string?
rz ; Then we're done
inr b ; Otherwise, we have a string
strsrch: cmp m ; Find the end of the string
inx h
jnz strsrch
jmp count
;; Demo code: run 'quibble' on the examples
demo: mvi c,4 ; Four examples
lxi h,examples ; Pointer to first example
example: push b ; Push example count
lxi d,buffer ; Into the buffer,
call quibble ; write the output of comma-quibbling
inx h ; Point to next example
push h ; Save pointer to next example
lxi d,buffer ; Write the output to the console
mvi c,9
call 5
lxi d,newline ; Write a newline to the console
mvi c,9
call 5
pop h ; Restore example pointer
pop b ; Restore example counter
dcr c ; If not zero,
jnz example ; do the next example.
newline: db 10,13,'$'
examples: db '$'
db 'ABC$$'
db 'ABC$DEF$$'
db 'ABC$DEF$G$H$$'
{ABC and DEF}
{ABC, DEF, G and H}</pre>
