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Longest increasing subsequence: Difference between revisions

added php
(added php)
Line 432:
<pre>2 4 5
0 2 6 9 11 15</pre>
Patience sorting
<lang php><?php
class Node {
public $val;
public $back = NULL;
function lis($n) {
$pileTops = array();
// sort into piles
foreach ($n as $x) {
// binary search
$low = 0; $high = count($pileTops)-1;
while ($low <= $high) {
$mid = (int)(($low + $high) / 2);
if ($pileTops[$mid]->val >= $x)
$high = $mid - 1;
$low = $mid + 1;
$i = $low;
$node = new Node();
$node->val = $x;
if ($i != 0)
$node->back = $pileTops[$i-1];
if ($i != count($pileTops))
$pileTops[$i] = $node;
$pileTops[] = $node;
$result = array();
for ($node = count($pileTops) ? $pileTops[count($pileTops)-1] : NULL;
$node != NULL; $node = $node->back)
$result[] = $node->val;
return array_reverse($result);
print_r(lis(array(3, 2, 6, 4, 5, 1)));
print_r(lis(array(0, 8, 4, 12, 2, 10, 6, 14, 1, 9, 5, 13, 3, 11, 7, 15)));
[0] => 2
[1] => 4
[2] => 5
[0] => 0
[1] => 2
[2] => 6
[3] => 9
[4] => 11
[5] => 15
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