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Flipping bits game: Difference between revisions

→‎{{header|REXX}}: addec/changed comments, add another error check for too many arguments.
(→‎{{header|Go}}: , gofmt, cleanup; mark as still needing improvement)
m (→‎{{header|REXX}}: addec/changed comments, add another error check for too many arguments.)
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<br>Programming note: &nbsp; none of the command line parameters are checked for errors (so as to make the program simpler).
<lang rexx>/*REXX program presents a "flipping bit" puzzle, user can solve via C.L.*/
parse arg N u on off . /*get optional arguments. */
if N=='' | N==',' then N=3 /*Size given? Then use default.*/
if u=='' | u==',' then u=N /*number of bits initialized ON.*/
Line 1,855:
if off=='' then off=0 /*character used for "off". */
col@='a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z' /*for col id.*/
cols=space(col@,0); upper cols upper cols /*letters to be used for columns.*/
@.=off; !.=off /*set both arrays to "off" chars.*/
tries=0 /*# of player's attempts used. */
do while show(0) <u u /* [↓] turn "on" U bits.*/
r=random(1,N); c=random(1,N) /*get a random row and column.*/
@.r.c=on ; !.r.c=on /*set (both) row & column to ON*/
end /*while*/ /* [↑] keep going 'til U bits set*/
oz=z /*keep the original array string.*/
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say '─────────Congrats! You did it in' tries "tries."
exit tries /*stick a fork in it, we're done.*/
/*──────────────────────────────────FLIP subroutine─────────────────────subroutine────────────────────────*/
flip: parse arg x,# /*xX is R or C, # is which one.*/
do c=1 for N while x=='R'; if @.#.c==on then @.#.c=off; else @.#.c=on; end
do r=1 for N while x=='C'; if @.r.#==on then @.r.#=off; else @.r.#=on; end
return /* [↑] the bits can be ON or OFF.*/
/*──────────────────────────────────PROMPTER subroutine─────────────────*/
prompt: if tries\==0 then say '─────────bit array after play: ' tries
Line 1,891:
call show 1, ' ◄───your array' /*display the array to the screen*/
do forever; ok=1; say; say !; pull ? _ . 1 all /*prompt & get ans*/
if abbrev('QUIT',?,1) then do; say 'quitting···'; exit 0; end
if ?=='' then do; call show 1,' ◄───target',.; ok=0
call show 1,' ◄───your array'
end /* [↑] reshow targ*/
if _\isInt(?)=='' & \isLet(?) then call terr 'row/column:too many args entered:' ? all
if \isInt(?) & \isLet(?) then call terr 'row/column: ' ?
if isLet(?) then a=pos(?,cols)
if isLet(?) & (a<1 | a>N) then call terr 'column: ' ?
if isLet(?) & length(?)>1 then call terr 'column: ' ?
if isLet(?) then ?='C'pos(?,cols)
if isInt(?) & (?<1 | ?>N) then call terr 'row: ' ?
if isInt(?) then ?=?/1 /*normalize number*/
if isInt(?) then ?='R'?
if ok then leave /*No errors? Leave*/
end /*forever*/ /*endeth da checks*/
tries=tries+1 /*bump theda counter.*/
return ? /*return response.*/
/*──────────────────────────────────SHOW subroutine─────────────────────*/
show: $=0; _=; z=; parse arg tell,tx,o /*$: on# of ON bits.*/
if tell then do /*are we telling? */
say /*show blank line.*/
say ' ' subword(col@,1,N) " column letter"
say 'row ╔'copies('═',N+N+1) /*prepend col hdrs*/
end /* [↑] grid hdrs.*/
do r=1 for N /*show grid rows.*/
do c=1 for N /*build grid cols.*/
if o==. then do; z=z || !.r.c; _=_ !.r.c; $=$+(!.r.c==on); end
else do; z=z || @.r.c; _=_ @.r.c; $=$+(@.r.c==on); end
end /*c*/ /*··· and sum ONs.*/
end /*c*/
if tx\=='' then tar.r=_ tx /*build da target?*/
if tell then say right(r,2) ' ║'_ tx; _= /*show arraythe grid? */
end /*r*/ /*show a grid row.*/
if tell then say /*show blank line.*/
return $ /*$=: # bitsof ON bits.*/
/*──────────────────────────────────one-liner subroutines───────────────*/
halt: say 'program was halted!'; exit /*the REXX program was halted.*/
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