Bilinear interpolation: Difference between revisions

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Lenna100.jpg: JPEG image data, JFIF standard 1.01, resolution (DPI), density 72x72, segment length 16, baseline, precision 8, 512x512, frames 3
Lenna100-larger.jpg: JPEG image data, JFIF standard 1.01, resolution (DPI), density 96x96, segment length 16, comment: "CREATOR: gd-jpeg v1.0 (using IJG JPEG v80), default quality", baseline, precision 8, 820x820, frames 3</pre>
Gui app with slider for between 2 and 200% scaling. Various bits of this code scavenged from C#/Go/Kotlin/Wikipedia.
<lang Phix>-- demo\rosetta\Bilinear_interpolation.exw
include pGUI.e
function interpolate(atom s, e, f)
-- s,e are the start and end values (one original pixel apart),
-- f is a fraction of some point between them, 0(==s)..1(==e).
-- eg s=91 (f=0.2) e=101, we want 0.8 of the 91 + 0.2 of 101,
-- aka if f is 4 times closer to s than e, we want 4 times as
-- much of s as we want of e, with sum(fractions_taken)==1.
return s + (e-s)*f -- aka s*(1-f) + e*f
end function
function bilinear(integer c00, c10, c01, c11, atom fx, fy)
-- for some output pixel, we have calculated the exact point
-- on the original, and extracted the four pixels surrounding
-- that, with fx,fy as the fractional x,y part of the 1x1 box.
-- Like a capital H, we want some fraction on the left and the
-- same on the right, then some fraction along the horizontal.
-- It would be equivalent to do top/bottom then the vertical,
-- which is handy since I am no longer certain which of those
-- the following actually does, especially since we got the
-- pixels from original[y,x] rather than original[x,y].
atom left = interpolate(c00,c10,fx),
right = interpolate(c01,c11,fx)
return floor(interpolate(left,right,fy))
end function
function scale_image(imImage img, atom scaleX, scaleY)
integer width = im_width(img),
height = im_height(img),
new_width = floor(width * scaleX)-1,
new_height = floor(height * scaleY)-1
atom mx = (width-1)/new_width,
my = (height-1)/new_height
sequence original = repeat(repeat(0,width),height)
sequence new_image = repeat(repeat(0,new_width),new_height)
-- Extract the original pixels from the image [about
-- twice as fast as 4*im_pixel() in the main loop.]
for y=height-1 to 0 by -1 do
for x=0 to width-1 do
original[height-y,x+1] = im_pixel(img, x, y)
end for
end for
for x=0 to new_width-1 do
for y=0 to new_height-1 do
atom ax = x*mx, -- map onto original
ay = y*my
integer ix = floor(ax), -- top left
iy = floor(ay)
ax -= ix -- fraction of the 1x1 box
ay -= iy
integer {r00,g00,b00} = original[iy+1,ix+1],
{r10,g10,b10} = original[iy+1,ix+2],
{r01,g01,b01} = original[iy+2,ix+1],
{r11,g11,b11} = original[iy+2,ix+2],
r = bilinear(r00,r10,r01,r11,ax,ay),
g = bilinear(g00,g10,g01,g11,ax,ay),
b = bilinear(b00,b10,b01,b11,ax,ay)
new_image[y+1,x+1] = {r,g,b}
end for
end for
new_image = flatten(new_image) -- (as needed by IupImageRGB)
Ihandle new_img = IupImageRGB(new_width, new_height, new_image)
return new_img
end function
constant w = machine_word()
atom pError = allocate(w)
imImage im1 = imFileImageLoadBitmap("Lena.ppm",0,pError)
if im1=NULL then
?{"error opening image",peekNS(pError,w,1)}
{} = wait_key()
end if
Ihandle dlg,
scale = IupValuator(NULL,"MIN=2,MAX=200,VALUE=160"),
redraw = IupButton("redraw (160%)")
Ihandln image1 = IupImageFromImImage(im1),
image2 = scale_image(im1,1.6,1.6),
label1 = IupLabel(),
label2 = IupLabel()
IupSetAttributeHandle(label1, "IMAGE", image1)
IupSetAttributeHandle(label2, "IMAGE", image2)
function valuechanged_cb(Ihandle /*scale*/)
atom v = IupGetDouble(scale,"VALUE")
IupSetStrAttribute(redraw,"TITLE","redraw (%d%%)",{v})
end function
function redraw_cb(Ihandle /*redraw*/)
IupSetAttributeHandle(label2, "IMAGE", NULL)
atom v = IupGetDouble(scale,"VALUE")/100
image2 = scale_image(im1,v,v)
IupSetAttributeHandle(label2, "IMAGE", image2)
end function
dlg = IupDialog(IupVbox({IupHbox({scale, redraw}),
IupHbox({label1, label2})}))
IupSetAttribute(dlg, "TITLE", "Bilinear interpolation")
