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Transportation problem: Difference between revisions

+ D entry
(POV : please discuss merits of different initial feasibility methods on talk page of task. Also note the task explicitly requires NW method)
(+ D entry)
Line 443:
<lang d>import std.stdio, std.range, std.algorithm, std.conv, std.math, std.traits;
final class Shipment {
double quantity;
immutable double costPerUnit;
immutable size_t r, c;
this(in double q, in double cpu, in size_t r_, in size_t c_)
pure nothrow @safe @nogc {
quantity = q;
costPerUnit = cpu;
this.r = r_;
this.c = c_;
alias ShipmentMat = Shipment[][];
alias CostsMat = double[][];
void init(in string fileName, out uint[] demand, out uint[] supply,
out CostsMat costs, out ShipmentMat matrix) {
auto inParts = fileName.File.byLine.map!splitter.joiner;
immutable numSources = inParts.front.to!uint;
immutable numDestinations = inParts.front.to!uint;
foreach (immutable i; 0 .. numSources) {
supply ~= inParts.front.to!uint;
foreach (immutable i; 0 .. numDestinations) {
demand ~= inParts.front.to!uint;
// Fix imbalance.
immutable totalSrc = supply.sum;
immutable totalDst = demand.sum;
if (totalSrc > totalDst)
demand ~= totalSrc - totalDst;
else if (totalDst > totalSrc)
supply ~= totalDst - totalSrc;
costs = new CostsMat(supply.length, demand.length);
foreach (row; costs)
row[] = 0.0;
matrix = new ShipmentMat(supply.length, demand.length);
foreach (immutable i; 0 .. numSources)
foreach (immutable j; 0 .. numDestinations) {
costs[i][j] = inParts.front.to!double;
void northWestCornerRule(uint[] demand, uint[] supply, in CostsMat costs,
ShipmentMat matrix) pure nothrow @safe {
size_t northwest = 0;
foreach (immutable r; 0 .. supply.length) {
foreach (immutable c; northwest .. demand.length) {
immutable quantity = min(supply[r], demand[c]);
if (quantity > 0) {
matrix[r][c] = new Shipment(quantity, costs[r][c], r, c);
supply[r] -= quantity;
demand[c] -= quantity;
if (supply[r] == 0) {
northwest = c;
void steppingStone(in uint[] demand, in uint[] supply,
in CostsMat costs, ShipmentMat matrix) pure @safe {
double maxReduction = 0;
Shipment[] move;
Shipment leaving = null;
fixDegenerateCase(demand, supply, costs, matrix);
foreach (immutable r; 0 .. supply.length) {
foreach (immutable c; 0 .. demand.length) {
if (matrix[r][c] !is null)
auto trial = new Shipment(0, costs[r][c], r, c);
auto path = getClosedPath(trial, matrix);
double reduction = 0;
double lowestQuantity = uint.max;
Shipment leavingCandidate = null;
bool plus = true;
foreach (s; path) {
if (plus) {
reduction += s.costPerUnit;
} else {
reduction -= s.costPerUnit;
if (s.quantity < lowestQuantity) {
leavingCandidate = s;
lowestQuantity = s.quantity;
plus = !plus;
if (reduction < maxReduction) {
move = path;
leaving = leavingCandidate;
maxReduction = reduction;
if (move !is null) {
auto q = leaving.quantity;
auto plus = true;
foreach (s; move) {
s.quantity += plus ? q : -q;
matrix[s.r][s.c] = (s.quantity == 0) ? null : s;
plus = !plus;
steppingStone(demand, supply, costs, matrix);
auto matrixToSeq(ShipmentMat matrix) pure nothrow @nogc @safe {
return matrix.joiner.filter!(s => s !is null);
Shipment[] getClosedPath(Shipment s, ShipmentMat matrix) pure @safe
in {
assert(s !is null);
} out(result) {
assert(result.all!(sh => sh !is null));
} body {
Shipment[] stones = chain([s], matrixToSeq(matrix)).array;
while (true) {
auto stones2 = stones.remove!((in e) {
const nbrs = getNeighbors(e, stones);
return nbrs[0] is null || nbrs[1] is null;
if (stones2.length == stones.length)
stones = stones2;
auto stones3 = stones.dup;
Shipment prev = s;
foreach (immutable i, ref si; stones3) {
si = prev;
prev = getNeighbors(prev, stones)[i % 2];
return stones3;
Shipment[2] getNeighbors(ShipmentsRange)(in Shipment s, ShipmentsRange seq)
pure nothrow @safe @nogc
if (isForwardRange!ShipmentsRange && is(ForeachType!ShipmentsRange == Shipment))
in {
assert(s !is null);
assert(seq.all!(sh => sh !is null));
} body {
Shipment[2] nbrs;
foreach (o; seq) {
if (o !is s) {
if (o.r == s.r && nbrs[0] is null)
nbrs[0] = o;
else if (o.c == s.c && nbrs[1] is null)
nbrs[1] = o;
if (nbrs[0] !is null && nbrs[1] !is null)
return nbrs;
void fixDegenerateCase(in uint[] demand, in uint[] supply,
in CostsMat costs, ShipmentMat matrix) pure @safe {
immutable eps = double.min_normal;
if (supply.length.signed + demand.length.signed - 1 != matrixToSeq(matrix).walkLength) {
foreach (immutable r; 0 .. supply.length) {
foreach (immutable c; 0 .. demand.length) {
if (matrix[r][c] is null) {
auto dummy = new Shipment(eps, costs[r][c], r, c);
if (getClosedPath(dummy, matrix).length == 0) {
matrix[r][c] = dummy;
void printResult(in string fileName, in uint[] demand, in uint[] supply,
in CostsMat costs, in ShipmentMat matrix) @safe /*@nogc*/ {
writefln("Optimal solution %s", fileName);
double totalCosts = 0;
foreach (immutable r; 0 .. supply.length) {
foreach (immutable c; 0 .. demand.length) {
const s = matrix[r][c];
if (s !is null && s.r == r && s.c == c) {
writef(" %3d ", cast(uint)s.quantity);
totalCosts += s.quantity * s.costPerUnit;
} else
write(" - ");
//writeln; // Not @safe?
writefln("\nTotal costs: %s\n", totalCosts);
void main() {
foreach (fileName; ["transportation_problem1.txt",
"transportation_problem3.txt"]) {
uint[] demand, supply;
CostsMat costs;
ShipmentMat matrix;
init(fileName, demand, supply, costs, matrix);
northWestCornerRule(demand, supply, costs, matrix);
steppingStone(demand, supply, costs, matrix);
printResult(fileName, demand, supply, costs, matrix);
<pre>Optimal solution transportation_problem1.txt
20 - 5
- 30 5
Total costs: 180
Optimal solution transportation_problem2.txt
- - - 12
20 - 10 10
- 30 - 3
Total costs: 130
Optimal solution transportation_problem3.txt
- - - 14
- 9 - 1
10 - 5 -
- 5 7 -
- 1 - -
Total costs: 1000</pre>
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