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Names to numbers: Difference between revisions

Add Haskell and fix typos in Common Lisp
m (Task titles don't go in the task template (even in drafts))
(Add Haskell and fix typos in Common Lisp)
Line 137:
'((twenty . 20)
(thirty . 30)
(fourtyforty . 40)
(fifty . 50)
(sixty . 60)
(seventy . 70)
(eighty . 80)
(ninty ninety . 90)))
(defparameter *hundred*
Line 328:
0 => zero => 0
; No value</lang>
{{trans|Common Lisp}}
<lang Haskell>import Data.Char (toLower)
type Symbol = (String, Integer)
type BinOp = (Integer -> Integer -> Integer)
type State = [Transition]
data Transition = Transition [Symbol] State BinOp
| Illion State BinOp
| Done
type Words = [String]
type Accumulator = Integer
type TapeValue = (Accumulator, [Symbol], Words)
ones, teens, tens, hundred, illions :: [Symbol]
ones =
[("one", 1)
,("two", 2)
,("three", 3)
,("four", 4)
,("five", 5)
,("six", 6)
,("seven", 7)
,("eight", 8)
,("nine", 9)]
teens =
[("ten", 10)
,("eleven", 11)
,("twelve", 12)
,("thirteen", 13)
,("fourteen", 14)
,("fifteen", 15)
,("sixteen", 16)
,("seventeen", 17)
,("eighteen", 18)
,("nineteen", 19)]
tens =
[("twenty", 20)
,("thirty", 30)
,("forty", 40)
,("fifty", 50)
,("sixty", 60)
,("seventy", 70)
,("eighty", 80)
,("ninety", 90)]
hundred =
[("hundred", 100)]
illions =
[("quintillion", 10 ^ 18)
,("quadrillion", 10 ^ 15)
,("trillion", 10 ^ 12)
,("billion", 10 ^ 9)
,("million", 10 ^ 6)
,("thousand", 10 ^ 3)]
tokenize :: String -> Words
tokenize = words . (map replace) . (map toLower)
replace c
| elem c ['a'..'z'] = c
| otherwise = ' '
lookupRest :: (Eq a) => a -> [(a,b)] -> Maybe (b, [(a,b)])
lookupRest _ [] = Nothing
lookupRest x ((y,z):ws) = if x == y
then Just (z, ws)
else lookupRest x ws
runState :: State -> TapeValue -> TapeValue
runState [] (_, _, word:_) = error $ "Unexpected token: " ++ word
runState _ tv@(_, _, []) = tv
runState (t:ts) tv@(int, illions, word:wx) =
case t of
Transition table state op ->
case lookup word table of
Nothing -> runState ts tv
Just num -> runState state (op num int, illions, wx)
Illion state op ->
case lookupRest word illions of
Nothing -> runState ts tv
Just (num, illions') -> runState state (op num int, illions', wx)
Done -> tv
stateIllion, stateA, stateB, stateC, stateD, stateE :: State
stateIllion = [Illion [Done] (*), Done]
stateA = [Transition ones stateB (+)
,Transition tens stateD (+)
,Transition teens stateE (+)]
stateB = [Transition hundred stateC (*)]
++ stateIllion
stateC = [Transition ones stateE (+)
,Transition tens stateD (+)
,Transition teens stateE (+)]
++ stateIllion
stateD = [Transition ones stateE (+)]
++ stateIllion
stateE = stateIllion
parseSubWord :: [Symbol] -> Words -> TapeValue
parseSubWord illions w = runState stateA (0, illions, w)
parse :: [Symbol] -> Words -> Integer
parse _ [] = 0
parse illions wx = let (i, illions', wx') = parseSubWord illions wx
in i + parse illions' wx'
integerSpell :: String -> Integer
integerSpell wx =
case tokenize wx of
("negative":"zero":[]) -> -0
("zero":[]) -> 0
("negative":wx') -> negate $ parse illions wx'
wx' -> parse illions wx'</lang>
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