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RC POP.OUT: Difference between revisions

→‎output, sorted by rank: updated the ranking of computer programming languages that are used on Rosetta Code based on the number of members.
m (→‎output, sorted by programming language: updated the ranking of computer programming languages that are used on Rosetta Code based on the number of members sorted by computer programming language.)
m (→‎output, sorted by rank: updated the ranking of computer programming languages that are used on Rosetta Code based on the number of members.)
Line 35:
===output, sorted by rank===
════════════════════════timestamp: 292 DecJan 20202021 1112:55am════════════════════════02pm═════════════════════════
1,095 records read from file: RC_POP.LAN
7,997994 records read from file: RC_POP.CAT
785 (total) number of languages detected in the category file
821 " " " " " " " language "
75,148209 (total) number of entries (solutions) detected
rank: 1 (1,307308 entries) Go
rank: 2 (1,280281 entries) Phix
rank: 3 (1,270271 entries) Julia
rank: 4 (1,262263 entries) Raku
rank: 5 (1,198203 entries) Python
rank: 6 (1,182 entries) Perl
rank: 7 (1,108109 entries) Kotlin
rank: 8 (1,081083 entries) C
rank: 9 (1,075076 entries) Java
rank: 10 (1,061 entries) Racket
rank: 11 (1,024026 entries) REXX
rank: 12 (1,012 entries) Zkl
rank: 13 (1,002 entries) J
rank: 14 (985 entries) Ruby
rank: 15 (975976 entries) Haskell
rank: 16 (965967 entries) C++
rank: 17 [tied] (957 entries) TclD
rank: 18 17 [tied] (956957 entries) DTcl
rank: 19 (913 entries) Scala
rank: 20 (870 entries) C sharp
rank: 21 (866 entries) Sidef
rank: 22 (846857 entries) Wren
rank: 23 (830 entries) PicoLisp
rank: 24 (819 entries) Factor
rank: 25 (779782 entries) Nim
rank: 26 (773 entries) Lua
rank: 27 (760761 entries) Mathematica
rank: 28 (755757 entries) Ada
rank: 29 (720 entries) Common Lisp
rank: 30 (713714 entries) Rust
rank: 31 (708 entries) JavaScript
rank: 32 (679 entries) AutoHotKey
rank: 33 (676 entries) FreeBASIC
rank: 34 (661665 entries) Ring
rank: 35 (628 entries) Clojure
rank: 36 (622 entries) F Sharp
rank: 37 (617 entries) ALGOL 68
rank: 38 (596 entries) Unicon
rank: 39 [tied] (578 entries) Fortran
rank: 3940 [tied] (578577 entries) OCaml
rank: 41 (574 entries) PureBasic
rank: 42 (567 entries) BBC BASIC
rank: 43 (550555 entries) AWK
rank: 44 (546 entries) PARI/GP
rank: 45 (537 entries) Icon
rank: 46 (527528 entries) Elixir
rank: 47 (509511 entries) Swift
rank: 48 [tied] (505506 entries) ErlangPascal
rank: 4849 [tied] (505 entries) PascalErlang
rank: 50 (504 entries) PowerShell
rank: 51 (490 entries) R
rank: 52 (482483 entries) Forth
rank: 53 (474475 entries) Groovy
rank: 54 (465 entries) Jq
rank: 55 (453 entries) Seed7
Line 103:
rank: 59 (405 entries) PL/I
rank: 60 (392 entries) VBA
rank: 61 (382383 entries) MATLAB
rank: 62 (380 entries) Maple
rank: 63 [tied] (375 entries) Visual Basic .NET
Line 110:
rank: 66 (367 entries) Scheme
rank: 67 (348 entries) Liberty BASIC
rank: 68 (338340 entries) AppleScript
rank: 69 (327 entries) OCTAVE
rank: 70 (319320 entries) Smalltalk
rank: 71 (318 entries) Objeck
rank: 72 (316 entries) Run BASIC
Line 139:
rank: 95 (212 entries) Batch File
rank: 96 (208 entries) Logo
rank: 97 (203204 entries) ALGOL W
rank: 98 [tied] (197 entries) Crystal
rank: 98 [tied] (197 entries) IS-BASIC
Line 163:
rank: 118 [tied] (153 entries) Fantom
rank: 120 (152 entries) Applesoft BASIC
rank: 121 [tied] (150151 entries) AArch64 Assembly
rank: 121122 [tied] (150 entries) Nemerle
rank: 121122 [tied] (150 entries) Pike
rank: 124 (149 entries) REBOL
rank: 125 (148 entries) Emacs Lisp
rank: 126 (145 entries) Arturo
rank: 127 (141143 entries) APL
rank: 128 [tied] (140 entries) K
rank: 128 [tied] (140 entries) TXR
Line 259:
rank: 215 [tied] (48 entries) DCL
rank: 215 [tied] (48 entries) Microsoft Small Basic
rank: 217 [tied] (47 entries) TokaGW-BASIC
rank: 218217 [tied] (4647 entries) ATSToka
rank: 218219 [tied] (46 entries) Caché ObjectScriptATS
rank: 218219 [tied] (46 entries) GW-BASICCaché ObjectScript
rank: 218219 [tied] (46 entries) Inform 7
rank: 222 (45 entries) Joy
rank: 223 [tied] (43 entries) NS-HUBASIC
Line 305:
rank: 260 [tied] (34 entries) Vim Script
rank: 262 [tied] (33 entries) Klingphix
rank: 264262 [tied] (3233 entries) Visual FoxProPL/SQL
rank: 262 [tied] (33 entries) WDTE
rank: 264265 [tied] (32 entries) EGL
rank: 264265 [tied] (32 entries) Gnuplot
rank: 264265 [tied] (32 entries) I
rank: 264265 [tied] (32 entries) PL/SQLVisual FoxPro
rank: 264 [tied] (32 entries) Visual FoxPro
rank: 269 [tied] (30 entries) Agena
rank: 269 [tied] (30 entries) GUISS
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