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RC POP.OUT: Difference between revisions

→‎output, sorted by rank: updated the ranking (by popularity/number of members) of computer programming languages used on Rosetta Code.
m (→‎output, sorted by programming language: updated the number of computer programming languages used on Rosetta Code sorted by the name of the language.)
m (→‎output, sorted by rank: updated the ranking (by popularity/number of members) of computer programming languages used on Rosetta Code.)
Line 28:
===output, sorted by rank===
════════════════════════timestamp: 20 Oct 2019 10:10am════════════════════════
═════════════════════════timestamp: 6 Oct 2019 8:32pm═════════════════════════
1,031006 records read from file: RC_POP.LAN
7,241243 records read from file: RC_POP.CAT
725 (total) number of languages detected in the category file
762 " " " " " " " language "
6667,858144 (total) number of entries (solutions) detected
rank: 1 (1,183187 entries) Go
rank: 2 (1,121 entries) Phix
rank: 3 (1,110112 entries) Perl 6
rank: 4 (1,108109 entries) Julia
rank: 5 (1,093094 entries) Python
rank: 6 (1,061071 entries) Perl
rank: 7 (1,057058 entries) Kotlin
rank: 8 (1,046 entries) Racket
rank: 9 (971973 entries) C
rank: 10 (964966 entries) Zkl
rank: 11 (945 entries) J
rank: 12 (942943 entries) REXX
rank: 13 (931 entries) Tcl
rank: 14 (911 entries) Java
rank: 15 (904905 entries) Ruby
rank: 16 (899903 entries) D
rank: 17 (880882 entries) ScalaHaskell
rank: 18 (879880 entries) HaskellScala
rank: 19 (833834 entries) Sidef
rank: 20 (809817 entries) C sharp
rank: 21 (792 entries) PicoLisp
rank: 22 (781783 entries) C++
rank: 23 (750 entries) Mathematica
rank: 24 (679 entries) Common Lisp
rank: 25 (676677 entries) Ada
rank: 26 (658670 entries) Factor
rank: 27 (653655 entries) JavaScript
rank: 28 (639641 entries) Lua
rank: 29 (628 entries) AutoHotkey
rank: 30 (610 entries) Ring
rank: 31 (598 entries) Clojure
rank: 32 (590 entries) Unicon
rank: 33 (575576 entries) ALGOL 68
rank: 34 [tied] (572573 entries) NimOCaml
rank: 3435 [tied] (572 entries) OCamlNim
rank: 36 (567 entries) PureBasic
rank: 37 (563564 entries) F Sharp
rank: 38 (562563 entries) BBC BASICRust
rank: 39 [tied] (560562 entries) FORTRANBBC BASIC
rank: 3940 [tied] (560 entries) RustFORTRAN
rank: 41 (541 entries) PARI/GP
rank: 42 [tied] (532 entries) FreeBASIC
Line 82:
rank: 45 (499 entries) Erlang
rank: 46 (485 entries) PowerShell
rank: 47 (480482 entries) AWK
rank: 48 (470 entries) Pascal
rank: 49 (464 entries) Jq
rank: 50 (457458 entries) Forth
rank: 51 (448 entries) Seed7
rank: 52 (447 entries) R
Line 92:
rank: 55 (403 entries) PL/I
rank: 56 (383 entries) VBA
rank: 57 (368373 entries) Swift
rank: 58 (367 entries) Maple
rank: 59 (365 entries) MATLAB
Line 98:
rank: 61 (349 entries) M2000 Interpreter
rank: 62 (338 entries) Liberty BASIC
rank: 63 (315320 entries) Run BASICProlog
rank: 64 (314315 entries) ObjeckRun BASIC
rank: 65 (312314 entries) PrologObjeck
rank: 66 (308 entries) Oforth
rank: 67 (306307 entries) OctaveVisual Basic .NET
rank: 68 [tied] (305306 entries) EchoLispOctave
rank: 6869 [tied] (305 entries) Visual Basic .NETEchoLisp
rank: 6869 [tied] (305 entries) XPL0
rank: 71 [tied] (293 entries) VBScriptUNIX Shell
rank: 72 71 [tied] (292293 entries) UNIX ShellVBScript
rank: 73 (291 entries) Bracmat
rank: 74 (287 entries) NetRexx
Line 115:
rank: 78 (270 entries) BASIC
rank: 79 (265 entries) Smalltalk
rank: 80 [tied] (259260 entries) Delphi
rank: 8081 [tied] (259 entries) Lasso
rank: 8081 [tied] (259 entries) Wolfram Language
rank: 83 (247 entries) AppleScript
rank: 84 (239 entries) Elena
Line 129:
rank: 92 (206 entries) Logo
rank: 93 (205 entries) 360 Assembly
rank: 94 [tied] (196 entries) UrsalaStandard ML
rank: 95 94 [tied] (194196 entries) LingoUrsala
rank: 96 (193194 entries) Standard MLLingo
rank: 97 (183 entries) ERRE
rank: 98 (176177 entries) IS-BASIC
rank: 99 (175 entries) Gambas
rank: 100 (169 entries) Aime
Line 140:
rank: 103 (164 entries) Modula-2
rank: 104 (161 entries) GAP
rank: 105 [tied] (159160 entries) Objective-CYabasic
rank: 105106 [tied] (159 entries) YabasicObjective-C
rank: 107 (156 entries) HicEst
rank: 108 (155 entries) TUSCRIPT
Line 150:
rank: 113 (145 entries) REBOL
rank: 114 (143 entries) NewLISP
rank: 115 (140141 entries) KEmacs Lisp
rank: 116 [tied] (139140 entries) Emacs LispK
rank: 116117 [tied] (139 entries) TXR
rank: 118 (138 entries) Jsish
rank: 119 (127 entries) LiveCode
Line 173:
rank: 136 [tied] (108 entries) 11l
rank: 136 [tied] (108 entries) Pike
rank: 138 [tied] (106 entries) Vedit macro languageArturo
rank: 139 138 [tied] (105106 entries) Déjà VuCrystal
rank: 140138 [tied] (104106 entries) APLVedit macro language
rank: 140141 [tied] (104105 entries) DWScriptDéjà Vu
rank: 142 [tied] (100104 entries) ACL2APL
rank: 143 142 [tied] (98104 entries) CrystalDWScript
rank: 144 [tied] (96103 entries) AutoItFôrmulæ
rank: 144145 [tied] (96100 entries) Pop11ACL2
rank: 146 145 [tied] (95100 entries) TI-89 BASICMiniScript
rank: 147 [tied] (9496 entries) CeylonAutoIt
rank: 148147 [tied] (9396 entries) AxePop11
rank: 148149 [tied] (9395 entries) IoTI-89 BASIC
rank: 150 (9294 entries) PostScriptCeylon
rank: 151 [tied] (9193 entries) EasyLangAxe
rank: 151 [tied] (9193 entries) FunLIo
rank: 153 [tied] (8892 entries) BCPostScript
rank: 153154 [tied] (8891 entries) SimulaEasyLang
rank: 155 154 [tied] (8791 entries) OlFunL
rank: 156 [tied] (8688 entries) 8thBC
rank: 157 156 [tied] (8588 entries) FôrmulæSimula
rank: 158 (8387 entries) DartOl
rank: 159 [tied] (8186 entries) M48th
rank: 159160 [tied] (8183 entries) MK-61/52Dart
rank: 161 [tied] (7781 entries) LFEM4
rank: 161 [tied] (7781 entries) RavenMK-61/52
rank: 163 [tied] (7677 entries) FutureBasicLFE
rank: 164163 [tied] (7577 entries) BASIC256Raven
rank: 164165 [tied] (7576 entries) LogtalkFutureBasic
rank: 164166 [tied] (75 entries) MinBASIC256
rank: 164166 [tied] (75 entries) Sinclair ZX81 BASICLogtalk
rank: 164166 [tied] (75 entries) X86 AssemblyMin
rank: 169166 [tied] (7475 entries) ComponentSinclair PascalZX81 BASIC
rank: 169166 [tied] (7475 entries) REDX86 Assembly
rank: 171 [tied] (7274 entries) SQLComponent Pascal
rank: 172171 [tied] (6974 entries) ABAPRED
rank: 172173 [tied] (6972 entries) ElaSQL
rank: 172174 [tied] (69 entries) SatherABAP
rank: 172174 [tied] (69 entries) XLISPEla
rank: 176 174 [tied] (6869 entries) BratSather
rank: 177174 [tied] (6669 entries) NekoXLISP
rank: 177178 [tied] (6668 entries) ScilabBrat
rank: 179 [tied] (6566 entries) BurlesqueNeko
rank: 179 [tied] (6566 entries) LabVIEWScilab
rank: 179181 [tied] (65 entries) OxygenBasicBurlesque
rank: 182 181 [tied] (6365 entries) IDLCommodore BASIC
rank: 183181 [tied] (6265 entries) Commodore BASICLabVIEW
rank: 183181 [tied] (6265 entries) DcOxygenBasic
rank: 183185 [tied] (6263 entries) ValaIDL
rank: 183186 [tied] (62 entries) WartDc
rank: 187 186 [tied] (6162 entries) ColdFusionVala
rank: 188 186 [tied] (6062 entries) SequenceLWart
rank: 189 (5961 entries) Free PascalColdFusion
rank: 190 [tied] (5760 entries) Locomotive BasicSequenceL
rank: 190191 [tied] (5759 entries) SASFree Pascal
rank: 192 [tied] (5657 entries) FBSLLocomotive Basic
rank: 192 [tied] (5657 entries) MiniScriptSAS
rank: 192194 [tied] (56 entries) PowerBASICFBSL
rank: 195 194 [tied] (5456 entries) FALSEPowerBASIC
rank: 196 (5354 entries) OpenEdge/ProgressFALSE
rank: 197 (5153 entries) SPLOpenEdge/Progress
rank: 198 (5051 entries) MetafontSPL
rank: 199 [tied] (4950 entries) Lang5Metafont
rank: 199200 [tied] (49 entries) RascalLang5
rank: 201200 [tied] (4849 entries) DCLRascal
rank: 201202 [tied] (48 entries) Microsoft Small BasicDCL
rank: 203 202 [tied] (4748 entries) TokaMicrosoft Small Basic
rank: 204 [tied] (4647 entries) ATSToka
rank: 204205 [tied] (46 entries) Inform 7ATS
rank: 206205 [tied] (4546 entries) CachéInform ObjectScript7
rank: 206207 [tied] (45 entries) JoyCaché ObjectScript
rank: 208207 [tied] (4345 entries) ProcessingJoy
rank: 208209 [tied] (43 entries) WortelProcessing
rank: 208209 [tied] (43 entries) XSLTWortel
rank: 211209 [tied] (4243 entries) HolyCXSLT
rank: 211212 [tied] (42 entries) SQL PLHolyC
rank: 211212 [tied] (42 entries) SparklingSQL PL
rank: 214212 [tied] (4142 entries) AikidoSparkling
rank: 214212 [tied] (4142 entries) HarbourTailspin
rank: 214216 [tied] (41 entries) TorqueScriptAikido
rank: 214216 [tied] (41 entries) YorickHarbour
rank: 218216 [tied] (4041 entries) APEXTorqueScript
rank: 218216 [tied] (4041 entries) RapidQYorick
rank: 218220 [tied] (40 entries) S-langAPEX
rank: 218220 [tied] (40 entries) UnixPipesRapidQ
rank: 218220 [tied] (40 entries) VS-lang
rank: 223220 [tied] (3940 entries) GW-BASICUnixPipes
rank: 223220 [tied] (3940 entries) SETLV
rank: 225 [tied] (3839 entries) Brainf***GW-BASIC
rank: 225 [tied] (3839 entries) FalconSETL
rank: 225227 [tied] (38 entries) LisaacBrainf***
rank: 225227 [tied] (38 entries) SedFalcon
rank: 225227 [tied] (38 entries) TailspinLisaac
rank: 230227 [tied] (3738 entries) BabelSed
rank: 230231 [tied] (37 entries) FutharkBabel
rank: 232 231 [tied] (3637 entries) ElmFuthark
rank: 233 [tied] (3536 entries) AmigaEElm
rank: 233234 [tied] (35 entries) C ShellAmigaE
rank: 233234 [tied] (35 entries) ChapelC Shell
rank: 233234 [tied] (35 entries) GenieChapel
rank: 237234 [tied] (3435 entries) 6502 AssemblyGenie
rank: 237234 [tied] (3435 entries) GMLNial
rank: 237239 [tied] (34 entries) Nial6502 Assembly
rank: 237239 [tied] (34 entries) RLaBGML
rank: 237239 [tied] (34 entries) SuperColliderRLaB
rank: 237239 [tied] (34 entries) Vim ScriptSuperCollider
rank: 243 239 [tied] (3334 entries) WDTEVim Script
rank: 244 [tied] (3233 entries) EGLWDTE
rank: 244245 [tied] (32 entries) GnuplotEGL
rank: 244245 [tied] (32 entries) IGnuplot
rank: 244245 [tied] (32 entries) LOLCODEI
rank: 244245 [tied] (32 entries) PL/SQLLOLCODE
rank: 244245 [tied] (32 entries) QPL/SQL
rank: 244245 [tied] (32 entries) Visual FoxProQ
rank: 251245 [tied] (3032 entries) AgenaVisual FoxPro
rank: 251252 [tied] (30 entries) GUISSAgena
rank: 251252 [tied] (30 entries) HuginnGUISS
rank: 251252 [tied] (30 entries) QiHuginn
rank: 251252 [tied] (30 entries) REALbasicQi
rank: 251252 [tied] (30 entries) ZonnonREALbasic
rank: 257252 [tied] (2930 entries) MIRC Scripting LanguageZonnon
rank: 257258 [tied] (29 entries) SNUSPMIRC Scripting Language
rank: 257258 [tied] (29 entries) Smart BASICSNUSP
rank: 260258 [tied] (2829 entries) CMakeSmart BASIC
rank: 260261 [tied] (28 entries) ECLCMake
rank: 260261 [tied] (28 entries) HexiscriptECL
rank: 260261 [tied] (28 entries) HyHexiscript
rank: 260261 [tied] (28 entries) LILHy
rank: 260261 [tied] (28 entries) NS-HUBASICLIL
rank: 260261 [tied] (28 entries) OrderNS-HUBASIC
rank: 260261 [tied] (28 entries) PlainTeXOrder
rank: 268 261 [tied] (2728 entries) LimboPlainTeX
rank: 269 [tied] (2627 entries) ALGOL 60Limbo
rank: 269270 [tied] (26 entries) CleanALGOL 60
rank: 269270 [tied] (26 entries) ClipperClean
rank: 269270 [tied] (26 entries) HaxeClipper
rank: 269270 [tied] (26 entries) MLiteHaxe
rank: 269270 [tied] (26 entries) PotionMLite
rank: 269270 [tied] (26 entries) SalmonPotion
rank: 276 270 [tied] (2526 entries) LLVMSalmon
rank: 277 [tied] (2425 entries) IdrisLLVM
rank: 277278 [tied] (24 entries) MirahIdris
rank: 277278 [tied] (24 entries) SSEMMirah
rank: 277278 [tied] (24 entries) TrithRobotic
rank: 281278 [tied] (2324 entries) AstroSSEM
rank: 281278 [tied] (2324 entries) IokeTrith
rank: 281283 [tied] (23 entries) ML/IAstro
rank: 281283 [tied] (23 entries) PHLIoke
rank: 281283 [tied] (23 entries) ProDOSML/I
rank: 286283 [tied] (2223 entries) BeeswaxPHL
rank: 286283 [tied] (2223 entries) GolfscriptProDOS
rank: 286288 [tied] (22 entries) MIPS AssemblyBeeswax
rank: 286288 [tied] (22 entries) MLGolfscript
rank: 286288 [tied] (22 entries) ScratchMIPS Assembly
rank: 286288 [tied] (22 entries) SuneidoML
rank: 292288 [tied] (2122 entries) ArgileScratch
rank: 292288 [tied] (2122 entries) AssemblySuneido
rank: 292294 [tied] (21 entries) GosuArgile
rank: 292294 [tied] (21 entries) KlongAssembly
rank: 292294 [tied] (21 entries) LangurEDSAC order code
rank: 292294 [tied] (21 entries) PelotonGosu
rank: 292294 [tied] (21 entries) PureKlong
rank: 299294 [tied] (2021 entries) ChefLangur
rank: 299294 [tied] (2021 entries) FishPeloton
rank: 299294 [tied] (2021 entries) NanoqueryPure
rank: 299302 [tied] (20 entries) SelfChef
rank: 299302 [tied] (20 entries) TypeScriptFish
rank: 299302 [tied] (20 entries) Wee BasicNanoquery
rank: 305302 [tied] (1920 entries) ChucKSelf
rank: 305302 [tied] (1920 entries) EDSAC order codeTypeScript
rank: 305302 [tied] (1920 entries) VerbexxWee Basic
rank: 308 [tied] (1819 entries) DragonChucK
rank: 308 [tied] (1819 entries) FancyShen
rank: 308 [tied] (1819 entries) MakeVerbexx
rank: 311 [tied] (1718 entries) 0815Dragon
rank: 311 [tied] (1718 entries) DylanFancy
rank: 311 [tied] (1718 entries) EfeneMake
rank: 311314 [tied] (17 entries) GFA Basic0815
rank: 311314 [tied] (17 entries) MMIXDylan
rank: 311314 [tied] (17 entries) MOOEfene
rank: 311314 [tied] (17 entries) ShenGFA Basic
rank: 318314 [tied] (1617 entries) Friendly interactive shellMMIX
rank: 318314 [tied] (1617 entries) LSLMOO
rank: 318320 [tied] (16 entries) LambdatalkFriendly interactive shell
rank: 318320 [tied] (16 entries) SpinLSL
rank: 318320 [tied] (16 entries) Transact-SQLLambdatalk
rank: 318320 [tied] (16 entries) WhitespaceSpin
rank: 318320 [tied] (16 entries) WrenTransact-SQL
rank: 318320 [tied] (16 entries) XQueryWhitespace
rank: 318320 [tied] (16 entries) XojoWren
rank: 327320 [tied] (1516 entries) AgdaXQuery
rank: 327320 [tied] (1516 entries) GemaXojo
rank: 327329 [tied] (15 entries) LSE64ALGOL-M
rank: 327329 [tied] (15 entries) LucidAgda
rank: 327329 [tied] (15 entries) N/t/roffGema
rank: 327329 [tied] (15 entries) Object PascalLSE64
rank: 327329 [tied] (15 entries) OpenscadLucid
rank: 327329 [tied] (15 entries) SystemVerilogN/t/roff
rank: 335329 [tied] (1415 entries) ALGOL-MObject Pascal
rank: 335329 [tied] (1415 entries) ArcOpenscad
rank: 335329 [tied] (1415 entries) AxiomSystemVerilog
rank: 335338 [tied] (14 entries) DaoArc
rank: 335338 [tied] (14 entries) EzhilAxiom
rank: 335338 [tied] (14 entries) Inform 6Dao
rank: 335338 [tied] (14 entries) LatitudeEzhil
rank: 335338 [tied] (14 entries) OOCInform 6
rank: 335338 [tied] (14 entries) PonyLatitude
rank: 335338 [tied] (14 entries) Pure DataOOC
rank: 335338 [tied] (14 entries) VAX AssemblyPony
rank: 335338 [tied] (14 entries) Z80Pure AssemblyData
rank: 347338 [tied] (1314 entries) Computer/zeroVAX Assembly
rank: 347338 [tied] (1314 entries) KonsolScriptZ80 Assembly
rank: 347349 [tied] (13 entries) LaTeXComputer/zero Assembly
rank: 347349 [tied] (13 entries) RoboticKonsolScript
rank: 347349 [tied] (13 entries) SPADLaTeX
rank: 347349 [tied] (13 entries) SmileBASICSPAD
rank: 347349 [tied] (13 entries) VHDLSmileBASIC
rank: 354349 [tied] (1213 entries) BrlcadVHDL
rank: 354355 [tied] (12 entries) ClayBrlcad
rank: 354355 [tied] (12 entries) EgelClay
rank: 354355 [tied] (12 entries) EsEgel
rank: 354355 [tied] (12 entries) GenyrisEs
rank: 354355 [tied] (12 entries) GoloGenyris
rank: 354355 [tied] (12 entries) HalonGolo
rank: 354355 [tied] (12 entries) MontiLangHalon
rank: 354355 [tied] (12 entries) OASYS AssemblerMontiLang
rank: 354355 [tied] (12 entries) PandaOASYS Assembler
rank: 354355 [tied] (12 entries) PietPanda
rank: 354355 [tied] (12 entries) RPGPiet
rank: 354355 [tied] (12 entries) UnlambdaRPG
rank: 354355 [tied] (12 entries) VorpalUnlambda
rank: 354355 [tied] (12 entries) XBasicVorpal
rank: 369355 [tied] (1112 entries) ArendelleXBasic
rank: 369370 [tied] (11 entries) BCPLArendelle
rank: 369370 [tied] (11 entries) CLIPSBCPL
rank: 369370 [tied] (11 entries) CocoCLIPS
rank: 369370 [tied] (11 entries) CurryCoco
rank: 369370 [tied] (11 entries) FregeCurry
rank: 369370 [tied] (11 entries) GechoFrege
rank: 369370 [tied] (11 entries) Integer BASICGecho
rank: 369370 [tied] (11 entries) OnyxInteger BASIC
rank: 369370 [tied] (11 entries) SPARKOnyx
rank: 369370 [tied] (11 entries) ShinySPARK
rank: 369370 [tied] (11 entries) TSE SALShiny
rank: 381370 [tied] (1011 entries) AppTSE InventorSAL
rank: 381382 [tied] (10 entries) AsymptoteApp Inventor
rank: 381382 [tied] (10 entries) BlzAsymptote
rank: 381382 [tied] (10 entries) CoqBlz
rank: 381382 [tied] (10 entries) ECCoq
rank: 381382 [tied] (10 entries) ElisaEC
rank: 381382 [tied] (10 entries) GlovePIEElisa
rank: 381382 [tied] (10 entries) LotusScriptGlovePIE
rank: 381382 [tied] (10 entries) MathprogLotusScript
rank: 381382 [tied] (10 entries) NeverMathprog
rank: 381382 [tied] (10 entries) NiueNever
rank: 381382 [tied] (10 entries) WraplNiue
rank: 393382 [tied] (910 entries) 4DOS BatchWrapl
rank: 393394 [tied] (9 entries) 80864DOS AssemblyBatch
rank: 393394 [tied] (9 entries) Alore8086 Assembly
rank: 393394 [tied] (9 entries) BooAlore
rank: 393394 [tied] (9 entries) ComalBoo
rank: 393394 [tied] (9 entries) EeroComal
rank: 393394 [tied] (9 entries) FortressEero
rank: 393394 [tied] (9 entries) IWBASICFortress
rank: 393394 [tied] (9 entries) LilyIWBASIC
rank: 393394 [tied] (9 entries) LuckLily
rank: 393394 [tied] (9 entries) MonteLuck
rank: 393394 [tied] (9 entries) MorfaMonte
rank: 393394 [tied] (9 entries) MySQLMorfa
rank: 393394 [tied] (9 entries) NSISMySQL
rank: 393394 [tied] (9 entries) POV-RayNSIS
rank: 393394 [tied] (9 entries) RaPOV-Ray
rank: 393394 [tied] (9 entries) SIMPOLRa
rank: 393394 [tied] (9 entries) SymsynSIMPOL
rank: 393394 [tied] (9 entries) UTFoolSymsyn
rank: 393394 [tied] (9 entries) ZigUTFool
rank: 413394 [tied] (89 entries) 4DZig
rank: 413414 [tied] (8 entries) 6800 Assembly4D
rank: 413414 [tied] (8 entries) 680006800 Assembly
rank: 413414 [tied] (8 entries) 805168000 Assembly
rank: 413414 [tied] (8 entries) AArch648051 Assembly
rank: 413414 [tied] (8 entries) ArturoAArch64 Assembly
rank: 413414 [tied] (8 entries) AsciiDots
rank: 413414 [tied] (8 entries) B
rank: 413414 [tied] (8 entries) Clio
rank: 413414 [tied] (8 entries) Dylan.NET
rank: 413414 [tied] (8 entries) Egison
rank: 413414 [tied] (8 entries) FUZE BASIC
rank: 413414 [tied] (8 entries) Fan
rank: 413414 [tied] (8 entries) Glee
rank: 413414 [tied] (8 entries) HQ9+
rank: 413414 [tied] (8 entries) Hoon
rank: 413414 [tied] (8 entries) LC3 Assembly
rank: 413414 [tied] (8 entries) Lhogho
rank: 413414 [tied] (8 entries) MBS
rank: 413414 [tied] (8 entries) NESL
rank: 413414 [tied] (8 entries) NGS
rank: 413414 [tied] (8 entries) Nit
rank: 413414 [tied] (8 entries) PILOT
rank: 413414 [tied] (8 entries) PIR
rank: 413414 [tied] (8 entries) Picat
rank: 413414 [tied] (8 entries) QBASIC
rank: 413414 [tied] (8 entries) TIScript
rank: 413414 [tied] (8 entries) Verilog
rank: 441 [tied] (7 entries) AmbientTalk
rank: 441 [tied] (7 entries) Arbre
Line 691:
rank: 570 [tied] (3 entries) XBase
rank: 570 [tied] (3 entries) XUL
rank: 684656 [tied] (12 entryentries) Ya1C
rank: 656 [tied] (2 entries) Bird
rank: 656 [tied] (2 entries) Cduce
Line 719 ⟶ 720:
rank: 656 [tied] (2 entries) XPath 2.0
rank: 656 [tied] (2 entries) XSLT 1.0
rank: 684685 [tied] (1 entry) 1CAction!
rank: 684685 [tied] (1 entry) Action!Anyways
rank: 684685 [tied] (1 entry) AnywaysApricot
rank: 684685 [tied] (1 entry) ApricotB4J
rank: 684685 [tied] (1 entry) B4JCHR
rank: 684685 [tied] (1 entry) CHRCafeOBJ
rank: 684685 [tied] (1 entry) CafeOBJClarion
rank: 684685 [tied] (1 entry) ClarionDDNC
rank: 684685 [tied] (1 entry) DDNCDIV Games Studio
rank: 684685 [tied] (1 entry) DIV Games StudioEmojicode
rank: 684685 [tied] (1 entry) EmojicodeFRISC Assembly
rank: 684685 [tied] (1 entry) FRISC AssemblyFormulaOne
rank: 684685 [tied] (1 entry) FormulaOneG-fu
rank: 684685 [tied] (1 entry) G-fuJacquard Loom
rank: 684685 [tied] (1 entry) JacquardKamailio LoomScript
rank: 684685 [tied] (1 entry) KamailioLambda ScriptProlog
rank: 684685 [tied] (1 entry) LambdaLibreOffice PrologBasic
rank: 684685 [tied] (1 entry) LibreOffice BasicLychen
rank: 684685 [tied] (1 entry) LychenMAPPER
rank: 684685 [tied] (1 entry) MAPPERMEL
rank: 684685 [tied] (1 entry) MELMond
rank: 684685 [tied] (1 entry) MondMonkey
rank: 684685 [tied] (1 entry) MonkeyNASL
rank: 684685 [tied] (1 entry) NASLNeat
rank: 684685 [tied] (1 entry) NeatNewtonScript
rank: 684685 [tied] (1 entry) NewtonScriptNix
rank: 684685 [tied] (1 entry) NixOpa
rank: 684685 [tied] (1 entry) OpaPare
rank: 684685 [tied] (1 entry) PareQore
rank: 684685 [tied] (1 entry) QoreRPGIV
rank: 684685 [tied] (1 entry) RPGIVRapira
rank: 684685 [tied] (1 entry) RapiraSoar
rank: 684685 [tied] (1 entry) SoarSoneKing Assembly
rank: 684685 [tied] (1 entry) SoneKing AssemblySuperTalk
rank: 684685 [tied] (1 entry) SuperTalkSupernova
rank: 684685 [tied] (1 entry) SupernovaTerra
rank: 684685 [tied] (1 entry) TerraTestML
rank: 684685 [tied] (1 entry) TestMLWebAssembly
rank: 684685 [tied] (1 entry) WebAssemblyWollok
rank: 684685 [tied] (1 entry) WollokXanadu
rank: 684685 [tied] (1 entry) XanaduYa
rank: 684 [tied] (1 entry) Ya
☼ end─of─list. ☼
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