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RC POP.OUT: Difference between revisions

→‎RC_POP.OUT: updated the ranking of languages.
m (→‎RC_POP.OUT: updated the ranking of languages.)
m (→‎RC_POP.OUT: updated the ranking of languages.)
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═════════════════════════timestamp: 3 Oct 2015 5:38pm═════════════════════════
♀════════════════════════timestamp: 13 Sep 2015 5:19pm═════════════════════════
784 records read from file: RC_POP.LAN
4,118146 records read from file: RC_POP.CAT
571 (total) number of languages detected in the category file,
591 " " " " " " " language " ,
4546,794173 (total) number of entries detected.
rank: 1 (889891 entries) Tcl
rank: 2 (878887 entries) Racket
rank: 3 (856858 entries) Python
rank: 4 (806808 entries) J
rank: 5 (775776 entries) Ruby
rank: 6 (768771 entries) Perl 6
rank: 7 (759763 entries) C
rank: 8 (747 entries) Go
rank: 9 (740744 entries) D
rank: 10 (712716 entries) Perl
rank: 11 (707709 entries) REXX
rank: 12 (695696 entries) PicoLisp
rank: 13 (690695 entries) Haskell
rank: 14 (675 entries) Mathematica
rank: 15 (657660 entries) Zkl
rank: 16 (654657 entries) Java
rank: 17 (624 entries) Ada
rank: 18 (591 entries) AutoHotkey
rank: 19 (581585 entries) UniconC++
rank: 20 (575581 entries) C++Unicon
rank: 21 (556 entries) Common Lisp
rank: 22 (550551 entries) Scala
rank: 23 (532533 entries) BBC BASIC
rank: 24 (523 entries) Icon
rank: 25 (517518 entries) C sharpSharp
rank: 26 (508509 entries) OCaml
rank: 27 (502 entries) Nim
rank: 28 (491495 entries) PureBasic
rank: 29 (488489 entries) Clojure
rank: 30 (458477 entries) ErlangSidef
rank: 31 (455468 entries) JavaScriptErlang
rank: 32 (446462 entries) PARI/GPJavaScript
rank: 33 (422446 entries) SidefPARI/GP
rank: 34 (413414 entries) Julia
rank: 35 (412 entries) Jq
rank: 36 (405411 entries) Seed7ALGOL 68
rank: 37 (402405 entries) ALGOL 68Seed7
rank: 38 (392394 entries) PL/I
rank: 39 (387390 entries) Fortran
rank: 40 (380381 entries) Lua
rank: 41 (372375 entries) PascalFORTH
rank: 42 (367373 entries) RPascal
rank: 43 (366368 entries) FORTHR
rank: 44 (365366 entries) F SharpGroovy
rank: 45 (364365 entries) GroovyF Sharp
rank: 46 (361363 entries) PHP
rank: 47 (342347 entries) AWK
rank: 48 (337 entries) MATLAB
rank: 49 (325326 entries) Liberty BASIC
rank: 50 (303316 entries) XPL0Elixir
rank: 51 (298303 entries) OctaveXPL0
rank: 52 (292298 entries) OforthOctave
rank: 53 (288292 entries) SchemeOforth
rank: 54 (287289 entries) FactorScheme
rank: 55 (285287 entries) NetRexxFactor
rank: 56 (282285 entries) PowerShellNetRexx
rank: 57 (280283 entries) OzPowerShell
rank: 58 (276280 entries) Run BASICOz
rank: 59 (273277 entries) BracmatRun BASIC
rank: 60 (272274 entries) EBracmat
rank: 61 (269272 entries) UNIX ShellE
rank: 62 (266269 entries) ElixirUNIX Shell
rank: 63 (264 entries) Prolog
rank: 64 (260 entries) Lasso
rank: 65 (249252 entries) DelphiSwift
rank: 66 (246249 entries) SwiftDelphi
rank: 67 (239 entries) Smalltalk
rank: 68 (230231 entries) EuphoriaVBScript
rank: 69 [tied] (226230 entries) VBScriptEuphoria
rank: 70 69 [tied] (225230 entries) Objeck
rank: 71 (222224 entries) BASIC
rank: 72 (206 entries) Maxima
rank: 73 (201 entries) CoffeeScript
rank: 74 (200 entries) Logo
rank: 75 (196 entries) Ursala
rank: 76 (190191 entries) OoRexx
rank: 77 (177179 entries) COBOLMaple
rank: 78 (175177 entries) ERRECOBOL
rank: 79 (172175 entries) MapleERRE
rank: 80 (170172 entries) Rust
rank: 81 (162 entries) Standard ML
rank: 82 [tied] (156 entries) GAP
rank: 82 [tied] (156 entries) HicEst
rank: 84 [tied] (154 entries) Objective-CBatch File
rank: 8584 [tied] (153154 entries) Batch FileObjective-C
rank: 8586 [tied] (153 entries) Fantom
rank: 87 (150 entries) Nemerle
rank: 88 [tied] (149 entries) Eiffel
rank: 88 [tied] (149 entries) TUSCRIPT
rank: 90 (141 entries) REBOL
rank: 91 (127129 entries) NewLISPEchoLisp
rank: 92 (126127 entries) SlateNewLISP
rank: 93 (120126 entries) ActionScriptSlate
rank: 94 (119120 entries) Modula-3ActionScript
rank: 95 (117119 entries) AimeModula-3
rank: 96 [tied] (115117 entries) MAXScriptAime
rank: 9697 [tied] (115116 entries) Visual Basic .NET
rank: 98 (112115 entries) TXRMAXScript
rank: 99 (111112 entries) RetroTXR
rank: 100 (109111 entries) Applesoft BASICRetro
rank: 101 [tied] (106110 entries) Vedit macroApplesoft languageBASIC
rank: 102101 [tied] (105110 entries) Déjá VuPhix
rank: 102103 [tied] (105108 entries) Emacs Lisp
rank: 104 (103106 entries) PikeVedit macro language
rank: 105 (102105 entries) MUMPSDéjá Vu
rank: 106 (101104 entries) KBefunge
rank: 107 [tied] (100103 entries) ACL2Pike
rank: 107108 [tied] (100102 entries) DWScriptMUMPS
rank: 107109 [tied] (100101 entries) SNOBOL4K
rank: 110 [tied] (96100 entries) Pop11ACL2
rank: 111110 [tied] (95100 entries) EchoLispDWScript
rank: 111110 [tied] (95100 entries) TI-83 BASICSNOBOL4
rank: 111113 [tied] (9599 entries) TI-8983 BASIC
rank: 114 [tied] (9396 entries) AxePop11
rank: 114115 [tied] (9395 entries) BefungeTI-89 BASIC
rank: 116 [tied] (9193 entries) AppleScriptAxe
rank: 116117 [tied] (91 entries) FunLAppleScript
rank: 116117 [tied] (91 entries) PostScriptFrink
rank: 119117 [tied] (9091 entries) FrinkFunL
rank: 119117 [tied] (9091 entries) PhixPostScript
rank: 121 (88 entries) Mercury
rank: 122 (87 entries) AutoIt
Line 147:
rank: 130 (76 entries) Wolfram Language
rank: 131 (69 entries) Sather
rank: 132 [tied] (68 entries) LogtalkALGOL W
rank: 133 132 [tied] (6668 entries) OxygenBasicLogtalk
rank: 134 [tied] (6566 entries) ALGOL WOxygenBasic
rank: 134135 [tied] (65 entries) Brat
rank: 134135 [tied] (65 entries) LabVIEW
rank: 258137 [tied] (1363 entries) Z80360 Assembly
rank: 137 [tied] (63 entries) IDL
rank: 137 [tied] (63 entries) Io
rank: 139 140 [tied] (62 entries) Component Pascal
rank: 140 [tied] (6162 entries) WartFreeBASIC
rank: 141142 (6061 entries) VBAWart
rank: 142143 [tied] (5960 entries) 360 AssemblyVBA
rank: 142144 [tied] (59 entries) Burlesque
rank: 144145 (58 entries) Visual Basic
rank: 145146 (57 entries) Dart
rank: 146147 [tied] (55 entries) APL
rank: 146147 [tied] (55 entries) FBSL
rank: 146147 [tied] (55 entries) Locomotive Basic
rank: 149150 [tied] (54 entries) ColdFusion
rank: 149150 [tied] (54 entries) Ela
rank: 151152 (53 entries) 8th
rank: 152153 [tied] (52 entries) FreeBASICFALSE
rank: 152153 [tied] (52 entries) Modula-2
rank: 152153 [tied] (52 entries) X86 Assembly
rank: 155 (51 entries) FALSE
rank: 156 [tied] (49 entries) Lang5
rank: 156 [tied] (49 entries) Metafont
Line 178:
rank: 161 [tied] (47 entries) ABAP
rank: 161 [tied] (47 entries) DCL
rank: 213161 [tied] (2547 entries) HaXeSQL
rank: 161 [tied] (47 entries) Toka
rank: 164165 [tied] (45 entries) Inform 7
rank: 164165 [tied] (45 entries) Joy
rank: 164165 [tied] (45 entries) LiveCode
rank: 167168 [tied] (44 entries) BASIC256
rank: 167168 [tied] (44 entries) SQLElena
rank: 169170 [tied] (43 entries) Dc
rank: 169170 [tied] (43 entries) Wortel
rank: 171172 [tied] (42 entries) PowerBASIC
rank: 171172 [tied] (42 entries) SAS
rank: 171172 [tied] (42 entries) Sparkling
rank: 171172 [tied] (42 entries) XSLT
rank: 175176 [tied] (41 entries) Aikido
rank: 175176 [tied] (41 entries) TorqueScript
rank: 175176 [tied] (41 entries) Yorick
rank: 178179 [tied] (40 entries) UnixPipes
rank: 178179 [tied] (40 entries) V
rank: 180181 [tied] (38 entries) Harbour
rank: 180181 [tied] (38 entries) Lisaac
rank: 180181 [tied] (38 entries) RapidQ
rank: 183184 [tied] (36 entries) ElenaScilab
rank: 183 [tied] (36 entries) Scilab
rank: 185 (35 entries) Chapel
rank: 186 [tied] (34 entries) RLaBBrainf***
rank: 187186 [tied] (3334 entries) AmigaEREALbasic
rank: 187186 [tied] (3334 entries) Brainf***RLaB
rank: 187189 [tied] (33 entries) C ShellAmigaE
rank: 187189 [tied] (33 entries) REALbasicC Shell
rank: 187189 [tied] (33 entries) Sed
rank: 192 [tied] (32 entries) Babel
rank: 192 [tied] (32 entries) EGL
Line 220:
rank: 203 [tied] (28 entries) CMake
rank: 203 [tied] (28 entries) ECL
rank: 183203 [tied] (3628 entries) ScilabGW-BASIC
rank: 213203 [tied] (2528 entries) MLiteLOLCODE
rank: 203 [tied] (28 entries) Order
rank: 206208 [tied] (27 entries) GW-BASICNial
rank: 206208 [tied] (27 entries) LOLCODESNUSP
rank: 206210 [tied] (2726 entries) Nial6502 Assembly
rank: 209210 [tied] (26 entries) Clean
rank: 209210 [tied] (26 entries) Clipper
rank: 209210 [tied] (26 entries) SNUSPSalmon
rank: 209214 [tied] (2625 entries) SalmonFalcon
rank: 213214 [tied] (25 entries) 6502 AssemblyGnuplot
rank: 213214 [tied] (25 entries) FalconHaXe
rank: 213214 [tied] (25 entries) GnuplotMLite
rank: 213 [tied] (25 entries) HaXe
rank: 213 [tied] (25 entries) MLite
rank: 218 [tied] (24 entries) Mirah
rank: 218 [tied] (24 entries) Trith
Line 243:
rank: 225 [tied] (22 entries) Suneido
rank: 227 (21 entries) Argile
rank: 232228 [tied] (1820 entries) PureChef
rank: 228 [tied] (20 entries) Kotlin
rank: 232228 [tied] (1820 entries) Scratch
rank: 228 [tied] (20 entries) Self
rank: 230232 [tied] (19 entries) ChefChucK
rank: 230233 [tied] (1918 entries) ChucKAssembly
rank: 232233 [tied] (18 entries) AssemblyFancy
rank: 232233 [tied] (18 entries) FancyLimbo
rank: 232233 [tied] (18 entries) LimboMake
rank: 232233 [tied] (18 entries) MakePure
rank: 232 [tied] (18 entries) Pure
rank: 232 [tied] (18 entries) Scratch
rank: 238 [tied] (17 entries) Dylan
rank: 238 [tied] (17 entries) Efene
rank: 238 [tied] (17 entries) MMIX
rank: 238 [tied] (17 entries) MOO
rank: 369242 [tied] (516 entries) ZPL0815
rank: 242 [tied] (16 entries) Friendly interactive shell
rank: 242 [tied] (16 entries) Gambas
rank: 242 [tied] (16 entries) LSL
rank: 242 [tied] (16 entries) SETL
rank: 246242 [tied] (1516 entries) GemaWhitespace
rank: 246248 [tied] (15 entries) LSE64Gema
rank: 246248 [tied] (15 entries) LucidLSE64
rank: 246248 [tied] (15 entries) WhitespaceLucid
rank: 250251 [tied] (14 entries) 0815Axiom
rank: 250251 [tied] (14 entries) AxiomDao
rank: 250251 [tied] (14 entries) DaoEzhil
rank: 250251 [tied] (14 entries) EzhilFish
rank: 250251 [tied] (14 entries) FishInform 6
rank: 250251 [tied] (14 entries) Inform 6OOC
rank: 250251 [tied] (14 entries) OOCOpenscad
rank: 250251 [tied] (14 entries) OpenscadQ
rank: 258251 [tied] (1314 entries) ALGOLZ80 60Assembly
rank: 258260 [tied] (13 entries) KonsolScriptALGOL 60
rank: 258260 [tied] (13 entries) Object PascalKonsolScript
rank: 258260 [tied] (13 entries) PlainTeXObject Pascal
rank: 258260 [tied] (13 entries) Pure DataPlainTeX
rank: 258260 [tied] (13 entries) QPure Data
rank: 258 [tied] (13 entries) Z80 Assembly
rank: 265 [tied] (12 entries) Brlcad
rank: 265 [tied] (12 entries) Clay
Line 335:
rank: 317 [tied] (8 entries) 6800 Assembly
rank: 317 [tied] (8 entries) 8051 Assembly
rank: 534317 [tied] (18 entryentries) 8086 YaAssembly
rank: 317 [tied] (8 entries) Coq
rank: 317 [tied] (8 entries) Dylan.NET
Line 346 ⟶ 347:
rank: 317 [tied] (8 entries) RPG
rank: 317 [tied] (8 entries) TIScript
rank: 331332 [tied] (7 entries) 8086 AssemblyAmbientTalk
rank: 331332 [tied] (7 entries) AmbientTalkArbre
rank: 331332 [tied] (7 entries) ArbreBlast
rank: 331332 [tied] (7 entries) BlastCobra
rank: 331332 [tied] (7 entries) CobraCommodore BASIC
rank: 331332 [tied] (7 entries) Commodore BASICCrack
rank: 331332 [tied] (7 entries) CrackF
rank: 331332 [tied] (7 entries) FFree Pascal
rank: 331332 [tied] (7 entries) Free PascalFrege
rank: 331332 [tied] (7 entries) FregeHQ9+
rank: 331332 [tied] (7 entries) HQ9+Intercal
rank: 331332 [tied] (7 entries) IntercalKite
rank: 331332 [tied] (7 entries) KiteLisp
rank: 331332 [tied] (7 entries) LispMIPS Assembly
rank: 331332 [tied] (7 entries) MIPS AssemblyMySQL
rank: 331332 [tied] (7 entries) MySQLPurity
rank: 331332 [tied] (7 entries) PurityRhope
rank: 331332 [tied] (7 entries) RhopeSquirrel
rank: 331332 [tied] (7 entries) SquirrelSuperCollider
rank: 331332 [tied] (7 entries) SuperColliderVisual Prolog
rank: 331332 [tied] (7 entries) Visual PrologYacas
rank: 331353 [tied] (76 entries) Yacas68000 Assembly
rank: 353 [tied] (6 entries) ANTLR
rank: 353 [tied] (6 entries) Agena
Line 384 ⟶ 385:
rank: 353 [tied] (6 entries) Whenever
rank: 353 [tied] (6 entries) µC++
rank: 369370 [tied] (5 entries) 68000 AssemblyArc
rank: 369370 [tied] (5 entries) ArcBrace
rank: 369370 [tied] (5 entries) BraceCrystal
rank: 369370 [tied] (5 entries) CrystalDMS
rank: 369370 [tied] (5 entries) DMSDeluge
rank: 369370 [tied] (5 entries) DelugeELLA
rank: 369370 [tied] (5 entries) ELLAFerite
rank: 369370 [tied] (5 entries) FeriteGEORGE
rank: 369370 [tied] (5 entries) GEORGEHope
rank: 369370 [tied] (5 entries) HopeJAMES II/Rule-based Cellular Automata
rank: 369370 [tied] (5 entries) JAMES II/Rule-based Cellular AutomataJCL
rank: 369370 [tied] (5 entries) JCLL++
rank: 369370 [tied] (5 entries) L++OPL
rank: 369370 [tied] (5 entries) OPLOccam
rank: 369370 [tied] (5 entries) OccamPDP-11 Assembly
rank: 369370 [tied] (5 entries) PDP-11 AssemblyPSQL
rank: 369370 [tied] (5 entries) PSQLPony
rank: 369370 [tied] (5 entries) PonyQuill
rank: 369370 [tied] (5 entries) QuillS-lang
rank: 369370 [tied] (5 entries) S-langScript Basic
rank: 369370 [tied] (5 entries) Script BasicSisal
rank: 369370 [tied] (5 entries) SisalTPP
rank: 369370 [tied] (5 entries) TPPThyrd
rank: 369370 [tied] (5 entries) ThyrdXProc
rank: 369370 [tied] (5 entries) XProcXTalk
rank: 369370 [tied] (5 entries) XTalkZPL
rank: 369 [tied] (5 entries) ZPL
rank: 396 [tied] (4 entries) 80386 Assembly
rank: 396 [tied] (4 entries) Algae
Line 531:
rank: 440 [tied] (3 entries) UScript
rank: 440 [tied] (3 entries) UserRPL
rank: 155 440 [tied] (513 entries) FALSEUyir
rank: 440 [tied] (3 entries) VRML
rank: 440 [tied] (3 entries) WML
Line 537 ⟶ 538:
rank: 440 [tied] (3 entries) XUL
rank: 440 [tied] (3 entries) Zonnon
rank: 522523 [tied] (2 entries) Cduce
rank: 522523 [tied] (2 entries) GLBasic
rank: 522523 [tied] (2 entries) GLSL
rank: 522523 [tied] (2 entries) MINILJack
rank: 522523 [tied] (2 entries) OOCalcMINIL
rank: 522523 [tied] (2 entries) PeopleCodeOOCalc
rank: 522523 [tied] (2 entries) Perl5iPeopleCode
rank: 522523 [tied] (2 entries) ScriptBasicPerl5i
rank: 522523 [tied] (2 entries) SmileBASICScriptBasic
rank: 522523 [tied] (2 entries) ToffeeScriptSmileBASIC
rank: 522523 [tied] (2 entries) XLToffeeScript
rank: 522523 [tied] (2 entries) XSLT 1.0XL
rank: 534523 [tied] (12 entryentries) XSLT Apricot1.0
rank: 534536 [tied] (1 entry) B4JApricot
rank: 534536 [tied] (1 entry) CHRB4J
rank: 534536 [tied] (1 entry) CafeOBJCHR
rank: 534536 [tied] (1 entry) ClarionCafeOBJ
rank: 534536 [tied] (1 entry) DDNCClarion
rank: 534536 [tied] (1 entry) ElmDDNC
rank: 534536 [tied] (1 entry) FormulaOneElm
rank: 534536 [tied] (1 entry) HackFormulaOne
rank: 534536 [tied] (1 entry) JackHack
rank: 534536 [tied] (1 entry) Jacquard Loom
rank: 534536 [tied] (1 entry) Kamailio Script
rank: 534536 [tied] (1 entry) Kitten
rank: 534536 [tied] (1 entry) LibreOffice Basic
rank: 534536 [tied] (1 entry) MAPPER
rank: 534536 [tied] (1 entry) MEL
rank: 534536 [tied] (1 entry) Malbolge
rank: 534536 [tied] (1 entry) Mond
rank: 534536 [tied] (1 entry) Neat
rank: 534536 [tied] (1 entry) NewtonScript
rank: 534536 [tied] (1 entry) Nickle
rank: 534536 [tied] (1 entry) Opa
rank: 534536 [tied] (1 entry) Pare
rank: 534536 [tied] (1 entry) Qore
rank: 534536 [tied] (1 entry) Rapira
rank: 534536 [tied] (1 entry) Soar
rank: 534536 [tied] (1 entry) SoneKing Assembly
rank: 534536 [tied] (1 entry) Supernova
rank: 534536 [tied] (1 entry) Terra
rank: 534536 [tied] (1 entry) TestML
rank: 534536 [tied] (1 entry) UyirVAX Assembly
rank: 534536 [tied] (1 entry) VAX AssemblyVox
rank: 534536 [tied] (1 entry) VoxWollok
rank: 534536 [tied] (1 entry) WollokXPath 2.0
rank: 534536 [tied] (1 entry) XPath 2.0Xanadu
rank: 534536 [tied] (1 entry) XanaduXojo
rank: 534536 [tied] (1 entry) XojoYa
rank: 534 [tied] (1 entry) Ya
☼ end─of─list. ☼
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