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RC POP.OUT: Difference between revisions

→‎output: updated the ranking of the languages. -- ~~~~
(→‎output: updated the ranking of the languages. -- ~~~~)
(→‎output: updated the ranking of the languages. -- ~~~~)
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════════════════════════timestamp: 12 Mar 2014 5:08pm═════════════════════════
═════════════════════════timestamp: 1 Mar 2014 3:50pm═════════════════════════
717718 records read from file: RC_POP.LAN
36993715 records read from file: RC_POP.CAT
515516 (total) number of languages detected.
rank: 1 (781784 entries) Tcl
rank: 2 (747749 entries) Racket
rank: 3 (727731 entries) Python
rank: 4 (700702 entries) C
rank: 5 (670677 entries) Perl 6
rank: 6 (664669 entries) J
rank: 7 (659664 entries) D
rank: 8 (656658 entries) Ruby
rank: 9 (636 entries) PicoLisp
rank: 10 (628630 entries) Go
rank: 11 (622624 entries) Perl
rank: 12 (592599 entries) REXX
rank: 13 (581583 entries) Ada
rank: 14 (573574 entries) Haskell
rank: 15 (567 entries) Mathematica
rank: 16 (543548 entries) AutoHotkey
rank: 17 (537 entries) Unicon
rank: 18 (529531 entries) Java
rank: 19 (525 entries) BBC BASIC
rank: 20 [tied] (491 entries) Icon
rank: 20 [tied] (491 entries) OCaml
rank: 22 (483 entries) C++
rank: 23 [tied] (469 entries) PureBasicCommon Lisp
rank: 24 23 [tied] (464469 entries) Common LispPureBasic
rank: 25 (442 entries) C sharp
rank: 26 (439440 entries) Erlang
rank: 27 (407408 entries) Scala
rank: 28 (390394 entries) PARI/GP
rank: 29 (389391 entries) JavaScript
rank: 30 (375376 entries) Clojure
rank: 31 (359 entries) Seed7
rank: 32 (343347 entries) F SharpLua
rank: 33 [tied] (342343 entries) LuaF Sharp
rank: 33 [tied] (342343 entries) PL/I
rank: 35 (341 entries) Groovy
rank: 36 (340 entries) R
Line 51:
rank: 38 (335 entries) PHP
rank: 39 (329 entries) ALGOL 68
rank: 40 (327328 entries) Fortran
rank: 41 (313 entries) Pascal
rank: 42 (307 entries) Liberty BASIC
Line 57:
rank: 44 (302 entries) MATLAB
rank: 45 (295 entries) AWK
rank: 46 (288289 entries) Octave
rank: 47 [tied] (278 entries) OzNetRexx
rank: 48 47 [tied] (276278 entries) NetRexxOz
rank: 49 (275 entries) Factor
rank: 50 (272 entries) E
Line 66:
rank: 53 (260 entries) Lasso
rank: 54 (228 entries) Delphi
rank: 55 (218222 entries) Smalltalk
rank: 56 (216 entries) Euphoria
rank: 57 (215 entries) BASIC
rank: 58 [tied] (211212 entries) Objeck
rank: 58 [tied] (211212 entries) Prolog
rank: 5860 [tied] (211 entries) UNIX Shell
rank: 61 (205207 entries) Bracmat
rank: 62 (202 entries) Maxima
rank: 63 (196 entries) Ursala
rank: 64 [tied] (189190 entries) CoffeeScriptPowerShell
rank: 6465 [tied] (189188 entries) PowerShellCoffeeScript
rank: 66 65 [tied] (188 entries) Logo
rank: 67 (183184 entries) Julia
rank: 68 (173 entries) COBOL
rank: 69 [tied] (156 entries) GAP
rank: 69 [tied] (156 entries) HicEst
rank: 71 (153 entries) Fantom
rank: 72 [tied] (151152 entries) OOREXX
rank: 7273 [tied] (151 entries) Standard ML
rank: 74 [tied] (149 entries) Nemerle
rank: 74 [tied] (149 entries) TUSCRIPT
rank: 76 (145146 entries) Objective-C
rank: 77 (128 entries) REBOL
rank: 78 (126 entries) Slate
rank: 79 (120 entries) ActionScript
rank: 80 (115119 entries) Modula-3Zkl
rank: 81 [tied] (111115 entries) AimeModula-3
rank: 8182 [tied] (111 entries) RetroAime
rank: 83 82 [tied] (108111 entries) Visual Basic .NETRetro
rank: 84 (106108 entries) VeditVisual macroBasic language.NET
rank: 85 (103106 entries) PikeVedit macro language
rank: 86 [tied] (102103 entries) MUMPSPike
rank: 87 86 [tied] (101103 entries) Déjá VuTXR
rank: 88 [tied] (100102 entries) DWScriptMUMPS
rank: 8889 [tied] (100101 entries) TXRDéjá Vu
rank: 90 [tied] (99100 entries) ACL2DWScript
rank: 9091 [tied] (99 entries) KACL2
rank: 92 91 [tied] (9899 entries) SNOBOL4K
rank: 93 (9798 entries) MAPLESNOBOL4
rank: 94 (9597 entries) Pop11MAPLE
rank: 95 (9495 entries) TI-89 BASICPop11
rank: 96 (9094 entries) PostScriptTI-89 BASIC
rank: 97 (8890 entries) Applesoft BASICPostScript
rank: 98 (8788 entries) MAXScriptApplesoft BASIC
rank: 99 (8087 entries) Batch FileMAXScript
rank: 100 [tied] (7880 entries) AutoITBatch File
rank: 100101 [tied] (78 entries) ZX Spectrum BasicAutoIT
rank: 102101 [tied] (7778 entries) NimrodZX Spectrum Basic
rank: 102103 [tied] (77 entries) RavenMK-61/52
rank: 104103 [tied] (7677 entries) M4Nimrod
rank: 104103 [tied] (7677 entries) MK-61/52Raven
rank: 106 [tied] (7576 entries) VBScriptFrink
rank: 107106 [tied] (7176 entries) MercuryM4
rank: 107108 [tied] (7175 entries) NewLISPVBScript
rank: 109 [tied] (7072 entries) FrinkMercury
rank: 109 [tied] (7072 entries) Rust
rank: 111 (6971 entries) SatherNewLISP
rank: 112 (6869 entries) LogtalkSather
rank: 113 [tied] (6568 entries) OxygenBasicLogtalk
rank: 114113 [tied] (6468 entries) BratTI-83 BASIC
rank: 114115 [tied] (6465 entries) LabVIEWOxygenBasic
rank: 116 [tied] (6364 entries) IDLBrat
rank: 117 116 [tied] (6264 entries) TI-83 BASICLabVIEW
rank: 118 [tied] (6163 entries) AppleScriptIDL
rank: 118119 [tied] (6162 entries) IoAppleScript
rank: 120 (6061 entries) Component PascalIo
rank: 121 (5960 entries) WartComponent Pascal
rank: 122 (5659 entries) Emacs LispWart
rank: 123 (5557 entries) LocomotiveEmacs BasicLisp
rank: 124 [tied] (5455 entries) ElaLocomotive Basic
rank: 124125 [tied] (54 entries) VBAEla
rank: 126125 [tied] (5354 entries) BurlesqueVBA
rank: 126127 [tied] (53 entries) EiffelBurlesque
rank: 126127 [tied] (53 entries) FBSLEiffel
rank: 129 127 [tied] (5253 entries) Modula-2FBSL
rank: 130 [tied] (5052 entries) APLModula-2
rank: 130131 [tied] (50 entries) FALSEAPL
rank: 132131 [tied] (4950 entries) Lang5FALSE
rank: 132133 [tied] (49 entries) MetafontLang5
rank: 132133 [tied] (49 entries) RascalMetafont
rank: 135133 [tied] (4849 entries) OpenEdge/ProgressRascal
rank: 135136 [tied] (48 entries) ValaOpenEdge/Progress
rank: 137 136 [tied] (4748 entries) TokaVala
rank: 138 (4647 entries) BefungeToka
rank: 139 (4546 entries) Inform 7Befunge
rank: 140 [tied] (4445 entries) BCInform 7
rank: 140141 [tied] (44 entries) JoyBC
rank: 142 141 [tied] (4344 entries) Dart
rank: 143141 [tied] (4244 entries) Visual BasicJoy
rank: 143144 [tied] (42 entries) WortelVisual Basic
rank: 143144 [tied] (42 entries) X86 AssemblyWortel
rank: 146144 [tied] (4142 entries) AikidoX86 Assembly
rank: 146147 [tied] (41 entries) DcAikido
rank: 146147 [tied] (41 entries) PowerBASICDc
rank: 146147 [tied] (41 entries) YorickPowerBASIC
rank: 150 147 [tied] (4041 entries) VYorick
rank: 151 [tied] (3940 entries) BASIC256V
rank: 151152 [tied] (39 entries) ColdFusionBASIC256
rank: 151152 [tied] (39 entries) Oberon-2ColdFusion
rank: 151152 [tied] (39 entries) UnixPipesOberon-2
rank: 155152 [tied] (3839 entries) LisaacUnixPipes
rank: 155156 [tied] (38 entries) SASLisaac
rank: 155156 [tied] (38 entries) TorqueScriptSAS
rank: 158 156 [tied] (3738 entries) ZklTorqueScript
rank: 159 (36 entries) LFE
rank: 160 (34 entries) RLaB
Line 259:
rank: 244 [tied] (11 entries) Gecho
rank: 244 [tied] (11 entries) Genyris
rank: 259244 [tied] (911 entries) SIMPOLKotlin
rank: 244 [tied] (11 entries) SPARK
rank: 244 [tied] (11 entries) Scratch
rank: 244 [tied] (11 entries) Shiny
rank: 244 [tied] (11 entries) TSE SAL
rank: 252244 [tied] (1011 entries) AsymptoteXQuery
rank: 252254 [tied] (10 entries) ElisaAsymptote
rank: 252254 [tied] (10 entries) ElixirCoco
rank: 252254 [tied] (10 entries) MathprogElisa
rank: 252254 [tied] (10 entries) NiueElixir
rank: 252254 [tied] (10 entries) WraplMathprog
rank: 252254 [tied] (10 entries) XQueryNiue
rank: 259254 [tied] (910 entries) 4DOS BatchWrapl
rank: 259261 [tied] (9 entries) Alore4DOS Batch
rank: 259261 [tied] (9 entries) CocoAlore
rank: 259261 [tied] (9 entries) Eero
rank: 259261 [tied] (9 entries) Integer BASIC
rank: 259261 [tied] (9 entries) KotlinLLVM
rank: 259261 [tied] (9 entries) LLVMLiveCode
rank: 259261 [tied] (9 entries) LiveCodeLotusScript
rank: 259261 [tied] (9 entries) LotusScriptNSIS
rank: 259261 [tied] (9 entries) NSISPure Data
rank: 259261 [tied] (9 entries) Pure DataSIMPOL
rank: 259 [tied] (9 entries) SIMPOL
rank: 271 [tied] (8 entries) 4D
rank: 271 [tied] (8 entries) Agda
Line 364:
rank: 351 [tied] (4 entries) 80386 Assembly
rank: 351 [tied] (4 entries) ALGOL W
rank: 351 [tied] (4 entries) ANT
rank: 351 [tied] (4 entries) Agda2
rank: 351 [tied] (4 entries) Algae
Line 405 ⟶ 404:
rank: 351 [tied] (4 entries) Verilog
rank: 351 [tied] (4 entries) Visual Objects
rank: 394393 [tied] (3 entries) .QL
rank: 394393 [tied] (3 entries) 8 1/2
rank: 394393 [tied] (3 entries) 8080 Assembly
rank: 394393 [tied] (3 entries) A+
rank: 394393 [tied] (3 entries) ALGOL
rank: 394393 [tied] (3 entries) AMPL
rank: 394393 [tied] (3 entries) ASPANT
rank: 394393 [tied] (3 entries) ASP.Net
rank: 394393 [tied] (3 entries) Alice MLASP.Net
rank: 394393 [tied] (3 entries) ApplicationAlice MasterML
rank: 394393 [tied] (3 entries) AspectC++Application Master
rank: 394393 [tied] (3 entries) AspectJAspectC++
rank: 394393 [tied] (3 entries) AxumAspectJ
rank: 394393 [tied] (3 entries) BAxum
rank: 394393 [tied] (3 entries) BetaB
rank: 394393 [tied] (3 entries) C0HBeta
rank: 394393 [tied] (3 entries) CB80C0H
rank: 394393 [tied] (3 entries) CamlCB80
rank: 394393 [tied] (3 entries) CecilCaml
rank: 394393 [tied] (3 entries) CilkCecil
rank: 394393 [tied] (3 entries) Cilk++
rank: 394393 [tied] (3 entries) DatalogCilk++
rank: 394393 [tied] (3 entries) DieselDatalog
rank: 394393 [tied] (3 entries) ElanDiesel
rank: 394393 [tied] (3 entries) EulerElan
rank: 394393 [tied] (3 entries) FAUSTEuler
rank: 394393 [tied] (3 entries) FPIFAUST
rank: 394393 [tied] (3 entries) FeatureC++FPI
rank: 394393 [tied] (3 entries) FelixFeatureC++
rank: 394393 [tied] (3 entries) FreeMatFelix
rank: 394393 [tied] (3 entries) GenteeFreeMat
rank: 394393 [tied] (3 entries) GooGentee
rank: 394393 [tied] (3 entries) GriGoo
rank: 394393 [tied] (3 entries) JabacoGri
rank: 394393 [tied] (3 entries) K3dJabaco
rank: 394393 [tied] (3 entries) KayaK3d
rank: 394393 [tied] (3 entries) KeyList DatabasingKaya
rank: 394393 [tied] (3 entries) L.in.oleumKeyList Databasing
rank: 394393 [tied] (3 entries) Lotus 123 Macro ScriptingL.in.oleum
rank: 394393 [tied] (3 entries) LoutLotus 123 Macro Scripting
rank: 394393 [tied] (3 entries) LushLout
rank: 394393 [tied] (3 entries) M680x0Lush
rank: 394393 [tied] (3 entries) ME10 macroM680x0
rank: 394393 [tied] (3 entries) MGSME10 macro
rank: 394393 [tied] (3 entries) MS SQLMGS
rank: 394393 [tied] (3 entries) MSSQLMS SQL
rank: 394393 [tied] (3 entries) MaudeMSSQL
rank: 394393 [tied] (3 entries) MirelleMaude
rank: 394393 [tied] (3 entries) MythonMirelle
rank: 394393 [tied] (3 entries) N/t/roffMython
rank: 394393 [tied] (3 entries) NQPN/t/roff
rank: 394393 [tied] (3 entries) NetLogoNQP
rank: 394393 [tied] (3 entries) NiceNetLogo
rank: 394393 [tied] (3 entries) OpenC++Nice
rank: 394393 [tied] (3 entries) PL/MOpenC++
rank: 394393 [tied] (3 entries) PLUSPL/M
rank: 394393 [tied] (3 entries) PLZ/SYSPLUS
rank: 394393 [tied] (3 entries) PPC AssemblyPLZ/SYS
rank: 394393 [tied] (3 entries) PPLPPC Assembly
rank: 394393 [tied] (3 entries) Pentium AssemblyPPL
rank: 394393 [tied] (3 entries) PotionPentium Assembly
rank: 394393 [tied] (3 entries) PowerbuilderPotion
rank: 394393 [tied] (3 entries) QuakeCPowerbuilder
rank: 394393 [tied] (3 entries) RLSLQuakeC
rank: 394393 [tied] (3 entries) RTSLRLSL
rank: 394393 [tied] (3 entries) RefalRTSL
rank: 394393 [tied] (3 entries) SPARC AssemblyRefal
rank: 394393 [tied] (3 entries) Script3DSPARC Assembly
rank: 394393 [tied] (3 entries) SheerPower 4GLScript3D
rank: 394393 [tied] (3 entries) SimulaSheerPower 4GL
rank: 394393 [tied] (3 entries) SnobolSimula
rank: 394393 [tied] (3 entries) Superbase BASICSnobol
rank: 394393 [tied] (3 entries) TALSuperbase BASIC
rank: 394393 [tied] (3 entries) TeLaTAL
rank: 394393 [tied] (3 entries) ThistleTeLa
rank: 394393 [tied] (3 entries) TuringThistle
rank: 394393 [tied] (3 entries) UScriptTuring
rank: 394393 [tied] (3 entries) UserRPLUScript
rank: 394393 [tied] (3 entries) VB6UserRPL
rank: 394393 [tied] (3 entries) VRMLVB6
rank: 394393 [tied] (3 entries) WMLVRML
rank: 394393 [tied] (3 entries) XBaseWML
rank: 394393 [tied] (3 entries) XSLT 1.0XBase
rank: 394393 [tied] (3 entries) YacasXSLT 1.0
rank: 394393 [tied] (3 entries) ZEDXUL
rank: 394393 [tied] (3 entries) ZonnonYacas
rank: 480393 [tied] (23 entries) 68000 AssemblyZED
rank: 480393 [tied] (23 entries) BMLZonnon
rank: 480481 [tied] (2 entries) CHR68000 Assembly
rank: 480481 [tied] (2 entries) CduceBML
rank: 480481 [tied] (2 entries) GLBasicCHR
rank: 480481 [tied] (2 entries) GLSLCduce
rank: 480481 [tied] (2 entries) OOCGLBasic
rank: 480481 [tied] (2 entries) OOCalcGLSL
rank: 480481 [tied] (2 entries) Perl5iOOC
rank: 480481 [tied] (2 entries) ToffeeScriptOOCalc
rank: 480481 [tied] (2 entries) XLPerl5i
rank: 480481 [tied] (2 entries) XULToffeeScript
rank: 351481 [tied] (42 entries) ANTXL
rank: 492 [tied] (1 entry) Apricot
rank: 492 [tied] (1 entry) CafeOBJ
rank: 492 [tied] (1 entry) ChucK
rank: 492 [tied] (1 entry) Jacquard Loom
rank: 492 [tied] (1 entry) Kamailio Script
rank: 492 [tied] (1 entry) LiveScript
rank: 492 [tied] (1 entry) MAPPER
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