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Elliptic curve arithmetic: Difference between revisions

Added C++ implementation
(Added C++ implementation)
Line 127:
a + b + d = Zero
a * 12345 = (10.759, 35.387)
Uses C++11 or later
<lang C++>#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// define a type for the points on the elliptic curve that behaves
// like a built in type.
class EllipticPoint
double m_x, m_y;
static constexpr double MagicZeroMarker = -99.0;
static constexpr double B = 7; // the 'b' in y^2 = x^3 + a * x + b
// 'a' is 0
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, const EllipticPoint&);
// Create a point that is initialized to Zero
constexpr EllipticPoint() noexcept : m_x(MagicZeroMarker - 1), m_y(0) {}
// Create a point based on the yCoordiante. For a curve with a = 0 and b = 7
// there is only one x for each y
explicit EllipticPoint(double yCoordinate) noexcept
m_y = yCoordinate;
m_x = cbrt(m_y * m_y - B);
// Check if the point is 0
bool IsZero() const noexcept
// x and y are undefined at the Zero point. Internally
// represent Zero with a large negative x. Such points
// cannot be on the curve itself.
bool isBool = m_x <= MagicZeroMarker;
return isBool;
// make a negaive version of the point ( p = -q)
EllipticPoint operator-() const noexcept
EllipticPoint negPt;
negPt.m_x = m_x;
negPt.m_y = -m_y;
return negPt;
// add a point to this one ( p+=q )
EllipticPoint& operator+=(const EllipticPoint& rhs) noexcept
*this = rhs;
else if (rhs.IsZero())
// since rhs is zero this point does not need to be
// modified
double L = (rhs.m_y - m_y) / (rhs.m_x - m_x);
if(signbit(m_y) != signbit(rhs.m_y))
// in this case rhs == -lhs, the result should be 0
*this = EllipticPoint();
return *this;
// in this case rhs == lhs. based on the property
// of the curve, lhs + rhs + the new value must = 0.
// the line going through all three points is tangent to
// curve at rhs (and lhs). wikipedia has a nice diagram.
// the math used to calculate L is different.
L = (3 * m_x * m_x) / (2 * m_y);
double newX = L * L - m_x - rhs.m_x;
double newY = L * (m_x - newX) - m_y;
if (abs(newY) > 1e20)
// snap this point to zero
*this = EllipticPoint();
m_x = newX;
m_y = newY;
return *this;
// multiple the point by an integer ( p *= 3)
EllipticPoint& operator*=(int rhs) noexcept
EllipticPoint r;
EllipticPoint p = *this;
for (int i = 1; i <= rhs; i <<= 1)
if (i & rhs) r += p;
p += p;
*this = r;
return *this;
// add points (p + q)
inline EllipticPoint operator+(EllipticPoint lhs, const EllipticPoint& rhs) noexcept
lhs += rhs;
return lhs;
// multiply by an integer (p * 3)
inline EllipticPoint operator*(EllipticPoint lhs, const int rhs) noexcept
lhs *= rhs;
return lhs;
// print the point
ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const EllipticPoint& pt)
if(pt.IsZero()) cout << "(Zero)\n";
else cout << "(" << pt.m_x << ", " << pt.m_y << ")\n";
return os;
int main(void) {
const EllipticPoint a(1), b(2);
cout << "a = " << a;
cout << "b = " << b;
const EllipticPoint c = a + b;
cout << "c = a + b = " << c;
cout << "a + b + c = " << a + b + c;
const EllipticPoint d = -c;
cout << "d = -c = " << d;
cout << "c + d = " << c + d;
cout << "a + (b + d) = " << a + (b + d);
cout << "a * 12345 = " << a * 12345 << "\n";
const EllipticPoint zero;
EllipticPoint g;
cout << "g = zero = " << g;
cout << "g+=a = " << (g+=a);
cout << "g+=zero = " << (g+=zero);
cout << "g+=b = " << (g+=b);
cout << "g*=2 = " << (g*=2) << "\n";
EllipticPoint special(0); // the point where it crosses the x-axis
cout << "special = " << special; // this has the minimum possible value for x
cout << "special*=2 = " << (special*=2); // doubling it gives zero. at this point
// the tangent to the curve is vertical
return 0;
a = (-1.81712, 1)
b = (-1.44225, 2)
c = a + b = (10.3754, -33.5245)
a + b + c = (2.44845, -4.65598)
d = -c = (10.3754, 33.5245)
c + d = (Zero)
a + (b + d) = (Zero)
a * 12345 = (10.7586, 35.3874)
g = zero = (Zero)
g+=a = (-1.81712, 1)
g+=zero = (-1.81712, 1)
g+=b = (10.3754, -33.5245)
g*=2 = (2.44845, -4.65598)
special = (-1.91293, 0)
special*=2 = (Zero)


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