Check Machin-like formulas: Difference between revisions

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→‎{{header|Python}}: translations.
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This example parses the original equations to form an intermediate representation then does the checks.
This example parses the original equations to form an intermediate representation then does the checks.<br>
Function tans and tanEval are translations of the Haskel functions of the same names.
<lang python>import re
<lang python>import re
from fractions import Fraction
from fractions import Fraction
Line 221: Line 222:
ca = coef // 2
ca = coef // 2
cb = coef - ca
cb = coef - ca
a = tanEval(ca, f)
a, b = tanEval(ca, f), tanEval(cb, f)
b = tanEval(cb, f)
return (a + b) / (1 - a * b)
return (a + b) / (1 - a * b)

Revision as of 21:19, 8 November 2012

Check Machin-like formulas is a draft programming task. It is not yet considered ready to be promoted as a complete task, for reasons that should be found in its talk page.

Machin-like formulas are useful for efficiently computing numerical approximations to Pi. Verify the following Machin-like formulas are correct by calculating the value of tan(right hand side) for each equation using exact arithmetic and showing they equal 1:

and confirm that the following formula is incorrect by showing tan(right hand side) is not 1:

These identities are useful in calculating the values:


<lang haskell>import Data.Ratio

tanEval (1,f) = f tanEval (coef,f) | coef < 0 = -tanEval (-coef, f) | otherwise = (a + b) / (1 - a * b) where a = tanEval (ca, f) b = tanEval (cb, f) ca = coef `div` 2 cb = coef - ca

tans [x] = tanEval x tans xs = (a + b) / (1 - a * b) where a = tans aa b = tans bb (aa, bb) = splitAt ((length xs)`div`2) xs

machins = [ [(1, 1%2), (1, 1%3)], [(2, 1%3), (1, 1%7)], [(12, 1%18), (8, 1%57), (-5, 1%239)], [(88, 1%172), (51, 1%239), (32 , 1%682), (44, 1%5357), (68, 1%12943)]]

not_machin = [(88, 1%172), (51, 1%239), (32 , 1%682), (44, 1%5357), (68, 1%12944)]

main = do putStrLn "Machins:" mapM_ (\x->putStrLn $ show(tans x) ++ " <-- " ++ show(x)) machins

putStr "\nnot Machin: "; print not_machin print (tans not_machin)</lang>


<lang ocaml>open Num;; (* use exact rationals for results *)

let tadd p q = (p +/ q) // ((Int 1) -/ (p */ q)) in

(* tan(n*arctan(a/b)) *) let rec tan_expr (n,a,b) =

 if n = 1 then (Int a)//(Int b) else
 if n = -1 then (Int (-a))//(Int b) else
   let m = n/2 in
   let tm = tan_expr (m,a,b) in
   let m2 = tadd tm tm and k = n-m-m in
   if k = 0 then m2 else tadd (tan_expr (k,a,b)) m2 in

let verify (k, tlist) =

 Printf.printf "Testing: pi/%d = " k;
 let t_str = (fun (x,y,z) -> Printf.sprintf "%d*atan(%d/%d)" x y z) tlist in
 print_endline (String.concat " + " t_str);
 let ans_terms = tan_expr tlist in
 let answer = List.fold_left tadd (Int 0) ans_terms in
 Printf.printf "  tan(RHS) = %s\n" (string_of_num answer) in

(* example: prog 4 5 29 278 7 3 79 represents pi/4 = 5*atan(29/278) + 7*atan(3/79) *) let args = Sys.argv in let nargs = Array.length args in let v k = int_of_string args.(k) in let rec triples n =

 if n+2 > nargs-1 then []
 else (v n, v (n+1), v (n+2)) :: triples (n+3) in

if nargs > 4 then let dat = (v 1, triples 2) in verify dat else List.iter verify [



Compile with

ocamlopt -o verify_machin.opt nums.cmxa

or run with

ocaml nums.cma
Testing: pi/4 = 1*atan(1/2) + 1*atan(1/3)
  tan(RHS) = 1
Testing: pi/4 = 2*atan(1/3) + 1*atan(1/7)
  tan(RHS) = 1
Testing: pi/4 = 4*atan(1/5) + -1*atan(1/239)
  tan(RHS) = 1
Testing: pi/4 = 5*atan(1/7) + 2*atan(3/79)
  tan(RHS) = 1
Testing: pi/4 = 5*atan(29/278) + 7*atan(3/79)
  tan(RHS) = 1
Testing: pi/4 = 1*atan(1/2) + 1*atan(1/5) + 1*atan(1/8)
  tan(RHS) = 1
Testing: pi/4 = 4*atan(1/5) + -1*atan(1/70) + 1*atan(1/99)
  tan(RHS) = 1
Testing: pi/4 = 5*atan(1/7) + 4*atan(1/53) + 2*atan(1/4443)
  tan(RHS) = 1
Testing: pi/4 = 6*atan(1/8) + 2*atan(1/57) + 1*atan(1/239)
  tan(RHS) = 1
Testing: pi/4 = 8*atan(1/10) + -1*atan(1/239) + -4*atan(1/515)
  tan(RHS) = 1
Testing: pi/4 = 12*atan(1/18) + 8*atan(1/57) + -5*atan(1/239)
  tan(RHS) = 1
Testing: pi/4 = 16*atan(1/21) + 3*atan(1/239) + 4*atan(3/1042)
  tan(RHS) = 1
Testing: pi/4 = 22*atan(1/28) + 2*atan(1/443) + -5*atan(1/1393) + -10*atan(1/11018)
  tan(RHS) = 1
Testing: pi/4 = 22*atan(1/38) + 17*atan(7/601) + 10*atan(7/8149)
  tan(RHS) = 1
Testing: pi/4 = 44*atan(1/57) + 7*atan(1/239) + -12*atan(1/682) + 24*atan(1/12943)
  tan(RHS) = 1
Testing: pi/4 = 88*atan(1/172) + 51*atan(1/239) + 32*atan(1/682) + 44*atan(1/5357) + 68*atan(1/12943)
  tan(RHS) = 1
Testing: pi/4 = 88*atan(1/172) + 51*atan(1/239) + 32*atan(1/682) + 44*atan(1/5357) + 68*atan(1/12944)
  tan(RHS) = 1009288018000944050967896710431587186456256928584351786643498522649995492271475761189348270710224618853590682465929080006511691833816436374107451368838065354726517908250456341991684635768915704374493675498637876700129004484434187627909285979251682006538817341793224963346197503893270875008524149334251672855130857035205217929335932890740051319216343365800342290782260673215928499123722781078448297609548233999010983373327601187505623621602789012550584784738082074783523787011976757247516095289966708782862528690942242793667539020699840402353522108223/1009288837315638583415701528780402795721935641614456853534313491853293025565940011104051964874275710024625850092154664245109626053906509780125743180758231049920425664246286578958307532545458843067352531217230461290763258378749459637420702619029075083089762088232401888676895047947363883809724322868121990870409574061477638203859217672620508200713073485398199091153535700094640095900731630771349477187594074169815106104524371099618096164871416282464532355211521113449237814080332335526420331468258917484010722587072087349909684004660371264507984339711


This example parses the original equations to form an intermediate representation then does the checks.
Function tans and tanEval are translations of the Haskel functions of the same names. <lang python>import re from fractions import Fraction from pprint import pprint as pp

equationtext = \

 pi/4 = arctan(1/2) + arctan(1/3) 
 pi/4 = 2*arctan(1/3) + arctan(1/7)
 pi/4 = 4*arctan(1/5) - arctan(1/239)
 pi/4 = 5*arctan(1/7) + 2*arctan(3/79)
 pi/4 = 5*arctan(29/278) + 7*arctan(3/79)
 pi/4 = arctan(1/2) + arctan(1/5) + arctan(1/8) 
 pi/4 = 4*arctan(1/5) - arctan(1/70) + arctan(1/99) 
 pi/4 = 5*arctan(1/7) + 4*arctan(1/53) + 2*arctan(1/4443)
 pi/4 = 6*arctan(1/8) + 2*arctan(1/57) + arctan(1/239)
 pi/4 = 8*arctan(1/10) - arctan(1/239) - 4*arctan(1/515)
 pi/4 = 12*arctan(1/18) + 8*arctan(1/57) - 5*arctan(1/239)
 pi/4 = 16*arctan(1/21) + 3*arctan(1/239) + 4*arctan(3/1042)
 pi/4 = 22*arctan(1/28) + 2*arctan(1/443) - 5*arctan(1/1393) - 10*arctan(1/11018)
 pi/4 = 22*arctan(1/38) + 17*arctan(7/601) + 10*arctan(7/8149)
 pi/4 = 44*arctan(1/57) + 7*arctan(1/239) - 12*arctan(1/682) + 24*arctan(1/12943)
 pi/4 = 88*arctan(1/172) + 51*arctan(1/239) + 32*arctan(1/682) + 44*arctan(1/5357) + 68*arctan(1/12943)
 pi/4 = 88*arctan(1/172) + 51*arctan(1/239) + 32*arctan(1/682) + 44*arctan(1/5357) + 68*arctan(1/12944)

def parse_eqn(equationtext=equationtext):

   eqn_re = re.compile(r"""(?mx)
   (?P<lhs> ^ \s* pi/4 \s* = \s*)?             # LHS of equation
   (?:                                         # RHS
       \s* (?P<sign> [+-])? \s* 
       (?: (?P<mult> \d+) \s* \*)? 
       \s* arctan\( (?P<numer> \d+) / (?P<denom> \d+)
   found = eqn_re.findall(equationtext)
   machins, part = [], []
   for lhs, sign, mult, numer, denom in eqn_re.findall(equationtext):
       if lhs and part:
           part = []
       part.append( ( (-1 if sign == '-' else 1) * ( int(mult) if mult else 1),
                      Fraction(int(numer), (int(denom) if denom else 1)) ) )
   return machins

def tans(xs):

   xslen = len(xs)
   if xslen == 1:
       return tanEval(*xs[0])
   aa, bb = xs[:xslen//2], xs[xslen//2:]
   a, b = tans(aa), tans(bb)
   return (a + b) / (1 - a * b)

def tanEval(coef, f):

   if coef == 1:
       return f
   if coef < 0:
       return -tanEval(-coef, f)
   ca = coef // 2
   cb = coef - ca
   a, b = tanEval(ca, f), tanEval(cb, f)
   return (a + b) / (1 - a * b)

if __name__ == '__main__':

   machins = parse_eqn()
   #pp(machins, width=160)
   for machin, eqn in zip(machins, equationtext.split('\n')):
       ans = tans(machin)
       print('%5s: %s' % ( ('OK' if ans == 1 else 'ERROR'), eqn))</lang>
   OK:   pi/4 = arctan(1/2) + arctan(1/3) 
   OK:   pi/4 = 2*arctan(1/3) + arctan(1/7)
   OK:   pi/4 = 4*arctan(1/5) - arctan(1/239)
   OK:   pi/4 = 5*arctan(1/7) + 2*arctan(3/79)
   OK:   pi/4 = 5*arctan(29/278) + 7*arctan(3/79)
   OK:   pi/4 = arctan(1/2) + arctan(1/5) + arctan(1/8) 
   OK:   pi/4 = 4*arctan(1/5) - arctan(1/70) + arctan(1/99) 
   OK:   pi/4 = 5*arctan(1/7) + 4*arctan(1/53) + 2*arctan(1/4443)
   OK:   pi/4 = 6*arctan(1/8) + 2*arctan(1/57) + arctan(1/239)
   OK:   pi/4 = 8*arctan(1/10) - arctan(1/239) - 4*arctan(1/515)
   OK:   pi/4 = 12*arctan(1/18) + 8*arctan(1/57) - 5*arctan(1/239)
   OK:   pi/4 = 16*arctan(1/21) + 3*arctan(1/239) + 4*arctan(3/1042)
   OK:   pi/4 = 22*arctan(1/28) + 2*arctan(1/443) - 5*arctan(1/1393) - 10*arctan(1/11018)
   OK:   pi/4 = 22*arctan(1/38) + 17*arctan(7/601) + 10*arctan(7/8149)
   OK:   pi/4 = 44*arctan(1/57) + 7*arctan(1/239) - 12*arctan(1/682) + 24*arctan(1/12943)
   OK:   pi/4 = 88*arctan(1/172) + 51*arctan(1/239) + 32*arctan(1/682) + 44*arctan(1/5357) + 68*arctan(1/12943)
ERROR:   pi/4 = 88*arctan(1/172) + 51*arctan(1/239) + 32*arctan(1/682) + 44*arctan(1/5357) + 68*arctan(1/12944)