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Twelve statements: Difference between revisions

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<5 8 11> implies 1.</pre>
Works with '''SWI-Prolog''' and '''library(clpfd)'''.
<lang Prolog>puzzle :-
% 1. This is a numbered list of twelve statements.
L = [A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, A12],
L ins 0..1,
element(1, L, 1),
% 2. Exactly 3 of the last 6 statements are true.
A2 #= 1 #<==> A7 + A8 + A9 + A10 + A11 + A12 #= 3,
% 3. Exactly 2 of the even-numbered statements are true.
A3 #= 1 #<==> A2 + A4 + A6 + A8 + A10 + A12 #= 2,
% 4. If statement 5 is true, then statements 6 and 7 are both true.
A4 #= 1 #<==> (A5 #= 1 #==> (A6 + A7 #= 2)),
% 5. The 3 preceding statements are all false.
A5 #= 1 #<==> A2 + A3 + A4 #= 0,
% 6. Exactly 4 of the odd-numbered statements are true.
A6 #= 1 #==> A1 + A3 + A5 + A7 + A9 + A11 #= 4,
% 7. Either statement 2 or 3 is true, but not both.
A7 #= 1 #<==> A2 + A3 #= 1,
% 8. If statement 7 is true, then 5 and 6 are both true.
A8 #= 1 #<==> (A7 #= 1 #==> A5 + A6 #= 2),
% 9. Exactly 3 of the first 6 statements are true.
A9 #= 1 #<==> A1 + A2 + A3 + A4 + A5 + A6 #= 3,
% 10. The next two statements are both true.
A10 #= 1 #<==> A11 + A12 #= 2,
% 11. Exactly 1 of statements 7, 8 and 9 are true.
A11 #= 1 #<==> A7 + A8 + A9 #= 1,
% 12. Exactly 4 of the preceding statements are true.
A12 #= 1 #<==> A1 + A2 + A3 + A4 + A5 + A6 + A7 +A8 + A9 + A10 + A11 #= 4,
numlist(1, 12, NL),
write('Statements '),
maplist(my_write, NL, L),
writeln('are true').
my_write(N, 1) :-
format('~w ', [N]).
my_write(_N, 0).
Output :
<pre> ?- puzzle.
Statements 1 3 4 6 7 11 are true
true .</pre>
Note: we choose to adapt the statement numbering to zero-based indexing in the constraintinfo lambda expressions but convert back to one-based on output.
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