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There is a space leak when creating the trees which will lead to terrible performance on massive trees. This can probably be quelled with strictness annotations.
<lang Haskell>import System.Random
import Data.List (sortBy, genericLength)
-- A finite list of dimensional accessors tell a KDTree how to get a
-- Euclidean dimensional value 'b' out of an arbitrary datum 'a'.
type DimensionalAccessors a b = [a -> b]
-- A binary tree structure of 'a'.
data Tree a = Node a (Tree a) (Tree a)
| Empty
instance Show a => Show (Tree a) where
show Empty = "Empty"
show (Node value left right) =
"(" ++ show value ++ " " ++ show left ++ " " ++ show right ++ ")"
-- A k-d tree structure of 'a' with Euclidean dimensions of 'b'.
data KDTree a b = KDTree (DimensionalAccessors a b) (Tree a)
instance Show a => Show (KDTree a b) where
show (KDTree _ tree) = "KDTree " ++ show tree
-- The squared Euclidean distance formula.
sqrDist :: Num b => DimensionalAccessors a b -> a -> a -> b
sqrDist dims a b = sum $ map square $ zipWith (-) a' b'
a' = map (\f -> f a) dims
b' = map (\f -> f b) dims
square :: Num a => a -> a
square x = x * x
-- Insert a value into a k-d tree.
insert :: Ord b => KDTree a b -> a -> KDTree a b
insert (KDTree dims tree) value = KDTree dims $ ins (cycle dims) tree
ins _ Empty = Node value Empty Empty
ins (d:ds) (Node split left right) =
if d value < d split
then Node split (ins ds left) right
else Node split left (ins ds right)
-- Produce an empty k-d tree.
empty :: DimensionalAccessors a b -> KDTree a b
empty dims = KDTree dims Empty
-- Produce a k-d tree with one value.
singleton :: Ord b => DimensionalAccessors a b -> a -> KDTree a b
singleton dims value = insert (empty dims) value
-- Create a k-d tree from a list of values using the median-finding algorithm.
fromList :: Ord b => DimensionalAccessors a b -> [a] -> KDTree a b
fromList dims values = KDTree dims $ fList (cycle dims) values
fList _ [] = Empty
fList (d:ds) values =
let sorted = sortBy (\a b -> compare (d a) (d b)) values
(lower, higher) = splitAt (genericLength sorted `div` 2) sorted
in case higher of
[] -> Empty
median:rest -> Node median (fList ds lower) (fList ds rest)
-- Create a k-d tree from a list of values by repeatedly inserting the values
-- into a tree. Faster than median-finding, but can create unbalanced trees.
fromListLinear :: Ord b => DimensionalAccessors a b -> [a] -> KDTree a b
fromListLinear dims values = foldl insert (empty dims) values
-- Given a k-d tree, find the nearest value to a given value.
-- Also report how many nodes were visited.
nearest :: (Ord b, Num b, Integral c) => KDTree a b -> a -> (Maybe a, c)
nearest (KDTree dims tree) value = near (cycle dims) tree
dist = sqrDist dims
-- If we have an empty tree, then return nothing.
near _ Empty = (Nothing, 1)
-- We hit a leaf node, so it is the current best.
near _ (Node split Empty Empty) = (Just split, 1)
near (d:ds) (Node split left right) =
-- Move down the tree in the fashion of insertion.
let dimdist x y = square (d x - d y)
splitDist = dist value split
hyperPlaneDist = dimdist value split
bestLeft = near ds left
bestRight = near ds right
-- maybeThisBest is the node of the side of the split where the value
-- resides, and maybeOtherBest is the node on the other side of the split.
((maybeThisBest, thisCount), (maybeOtherBest, otherCount)) =
if d value < d split
then (bestLeft, bestRight)
else (bestRight, bestLeft)
in case maybeThisBest of
Nothing ->
-- From the search point (in this case), the hypersphere radius to
-- the split node is always >= the hyperplane distance, so we will
-- always check the other side.
let count = 1 + thisCount + otherCount
in case maybeOtherBest of
-- We are currently at a leaf node, so this is the only choice.
-- It is not strictly necessary to take care of this case
-- because of the above pattern matching in near.
Nothing -> (Just split, count)
-- We have a node on the other side, so compare
-- it to the split point to see which is closer.
Just otherBest ->
if dist value otherBest < splitDist
then (maybeOtherBest, count)
else (Just split, count)
Just thisBest ->
let thisBestDist = dist value thisBest
best =
-- Determine which is the closer node of this side.
if splitDist < thisBestDist
then split
else thisBest
bestDist = dist value best
if bestDist < hyperPlaneDist
-- If the distance to the best node is less than the distance
-- to the splitting hyperplane, then the current best node is the
-- only choice.
then (Just best, 1 + thisCount)
-- There is a chance that a node on the other side is closer
-- than the current best.
let count = 1 + thisCount + otherCount
in case maybeOtherBest of
Nothing -> (Just best, count)
Just otherBest ->
if bestDist < dist value otherBest
then (Just best, count)
else (maybeOtherBest, count)
-- Dimensional accessors for a 2-tuple
tuple2D :: [(a, a) -> a]
tuple2D = [fst, snd]
-- Dimensional accessors for a 3-tuple
tuple3D :: [(a, a, a) -> a]
tuple3D = [d1, d2, d3]
d1 (a, _, _) = a
d2 (_, b, _) = b
d3 (_, _, c) = c
-- Random 3-tuple generation
instance (Random a, Random b, Random c) => Random (a, b, c) where
random gen =
let (vA, genA) = random gen
(vB, genB) = random genA
(vC, genC) = random genB
in ((vA, vB, vC), genC)
randomR ((lA, lB, lC), (hA, hB, hC)) gen =
let (vA, genA) = randomR (lA, hA) gen
(vB, genB) = randomR (lB, hB) genA
(vC, genC) = randomR (lC, hC) genB
in ((vA, vB, vC), genC)
printResults :: (Show a, Show b, Show c, Floating c) =>
a -> (Maybe a, b) -> DimensionalAccessors a c -> IO ()
printResults point result dims = do
let (nearest, visited) = result
case nearest of
Nothing -> putStrLn "Could not find nearest."
Just value -> do
let dist = sqrt $ sqrDist dims point value
putStrLn $ "Point: " ++ show point
putStrLn $ "Nearest: " ++ show value
putStrLn $ "Distance: " ++ show dist
putStrLn $ "Visited: " ++ show visited
putStrLn ""
-- Naive nearest search used to confirm results.
linearNearest :: (Ord b, Num b) => DimensionalAccessors a b -> a -> [a] -> Maybe a
linearNearest _ _ [] = Nothing
linearNearest dims value (x:xs) = Just $ foldl comp x xs
comp val best = if sqrDist dims value val < sqrDist dims value best
then val
else best
main :: IO ()
main = do
let wikiValues :: [(Double, Double)]
wikiValues = [(2, 3), (5, 4), (9, 6), (4, 7), (8, 1), (7, 2)]
wikiTree = fromList tuple2D wikiValues
wikiSearch = (9, 2)
wikiNearest = nearest wikiTree wikiSearch
putStrLn "Wikipedia example:"
printResults wikiSearch wikiNearest tuple2D
let stdGen = mkStdGen 0
randRange :: ((Double, Double, Double), (Double, Double, Double))
randRange = ((0, 0, 0), (1000, 1000, 1000))
(randSearch, stdGenB) = randomR randRange stdGen
randValues = take 1000 $ randomRs randRange stdGenB
randTree = fromList tuple3D randValues
randNearest = nearest randTree randSearch
randNearestLinear = linearNearest tuple3D randSearch randValues
putStrLn "1000 random 3D points on the range of [0, 1000):"
printResults randSearch randNearest tuple3D
putStrLn "Confirm naive nearest:"
print randNearestLinear</lang>
<pre>Wikipedia example:
Point: (9.0,2.0)
Nearest: (8.0,1.0)
Distance: 1.4142135623730951
Visited: 3
1000 random 3D points on the range of [0, 1000):
Point: (992.9251340102518,993.3624439225405,464.8305261946105)
Nearest: (939.1965739740829,980.2876583283734,452.4829965078272)
Distance: 56.658359235505955
Visited: 23
Confirm naive nearest:
Just (939.1965739740829,980.2876583283734,452.4829965078272)</pre>
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