K-d tree: Difference between revisions

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import Numeric._
// Task 1A. Build tree of KDNodes. Translated from Wikipedia.
// Translated from Wikipedia
def apply[T](points: Seq[Seq[T]], depth: Int = 0)(implicit num: Numeric[T]): Option[KDNode[T]] = {
val dim = points.headOption.map(_.size) getOrElse 0
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// Task 1B. KDNodeFind classthe tonearest containnode Nodein datathis subtree. Translated from Wikipedia.
// Contains a method to find the nearest node in this subtree, translated from Wikipedia
case class KDNode[T](value: Seq[T], left: Option[KDNode[T]], right: Option[KDNode[T]], axis: Int)(implicit num: Numeric[T]) {
def nearest(to: Seq[T]): Nearest[T] = {
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// Something to keepKeep track of nodes visited, as per task. Pretty-printable.
case class Nearest[T](value: Seq[T], to: Seq[T], visited: Set[KDNode[T]] = Set[KDNode[T]]())(implicit num: Numeric[T]) {
lazy val distsq = KDTree.distsq(value, to)
override def toString = f"Searched for=${to} found=${value} distance=${math.sqrt(num.toDouble(distsq))}%.4f visited=${visited.size}"
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def compare[T](a: Seq[T], b: Seq[T])(implicit num: Numeric[T]): Int =
a.zip(b).find(c => num.compare(c._1, c._2) != 0).map(c => num.compare(c._1, c._2)).getOrElse(0)
// Something to keep track of nodes visited as per task
case class Nearest[T](value: Seq[T], to: Seq[T], visited: Set[KDNode[T]] = Set[KDNode[T]]())(implicit num: Numeric[T]) {
lazy val distsq = KDTree.distsq(value, to)
override def toString = f"Searched for=${to} found=${value} distance=${math.sqrt(num.toDouble(distsq))}%.4f visited=${visited.size}"
Task test:
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