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Conjugate transpose: Difference between revisions

→‎{{header|Perl 6}}: Add perl 6 example
(→‎{{header|Perl 6}}: Add perl 6 example)
Line 1,096:
=={{header|Perl 6}}==
{{works with|Rakudo|2015-12-13}}
<lang perl6>for [ # Test Matrices
[ 1, 1+i, 2i],
[ 1-i, 5, -3],
[0-2i, -3, 0]
[1, 1, 0],
[0, 1, 1],
[1, 0, 1]
[0.707 , 0.707, 0],
[0.707i, 0-0.707i, 0],
[0 , 0, i]
-> @m {
say "\nMatrix:";
my @t = @m».conj.&mat-trans;
say "\nTranspose:";
say "Is Hermitian? {is-Hermitian(@m, @t)}";
say "Is Normal? {is-Normal(@m, @t)}";
say "Is Unitary? {is-Unitary(@m, @t)}";
sub is-Hermitian (@m, @t, --> Bool) {
so @m».Complex eqv @t».Complex
sub is-Normal (@m, @t, --> Bool) {
mat-mult(@m, @t)».Complex eqv mat-mult(@t, @m)».Complex;
sub is-Unitary (@m, @t, --> Bool) {
so mat-mult(@m, @t, 1e-3)».Complex eqv mat-ident(+@m)».Complex;
sub mat-trans (@m) { map { [ @m[*;$_] ] }, ^@m[0] }
sub mat-ident ($n) { [ map { [ flat 0 xx $_, 1, 0 xx $n - 1 - $_ ] }, ^$n ] }
sub mat-mult(@a, @b, \ε = 1e-15) {
my @p;
for ^@a X ^@b[0] -> ($r, $c) {
@p[$r][$c] += @a[$r][$_] * @b[$_][$c] for ^@b;
@p[$r][$c].=round(ε); # avoid floating point math errors
sub say-it (@array) { $_».fmt("%9s").say for @array }</lang>
[ 1 1+1i 0+2i]
[ 1-1i 5 -3]
[ 0-2i -3 0]
[ 1 1+1i 0+2i]
[ 1-1i 5 -3]
[ 0-2i -3 0]
Is Hermitian? True
Is Normal? True
Is Unitary? False
[ 1 1 0]
[ 0 1 1]
[ 1 0 1]
[ 1 0 1]
[ 1 1 0]
[ 0 1 1]
Is Hermitian? False
Is Normal? True
Is Unitary? False
[ 0.707 0.707 0]
[ 0+0.707i 0-0.707i 0]
[ 0 0 0+1i]
[ 0.707 0-0.707i 0]
[ 0.707 0+0.707i 0]
[ 0 0 0-1i]
Is Hermitian? False
Is Normal? True
Is Unitary? True


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