Langton's ant: Difference between revisions

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{{draft task|Celluar automaton}}
[[wp:Langton's ant|Langton's ant]] models an ant sitting on a plane of cells facing in one of four directions. Each cell can either be black or white. The ant moves according to the color of the cell it is current sitting in based on the following rules. If the cell is black it turns left, if it is white it turns right. andIt then moves onforward to the next cell forward.and Thethe color of the cell it was in is switched black/white.
This rather simple ruleset leads some movement appearing like random (or maybe like some kind of edge detecion being run on random images) and after about 10000 a cyle appears that makes the ant move in a diagonal movements with a corridor about 10 pixels wide, which essentially means that the ant will move out of the screen. The program terminates when the ant moves off screen.
The problem has recieved some analysis, for more details, please take a look at the Wikipedia article.
