Pythagoras tree: Difference between revisions

m (→‎{{header|Rust}}: shortened the path to the pythagoras_tree.svg file)
Line 946:
'''Adapted from [[#Wren|Wren]]'''
{{works with|jq}}
'''Works with gojq, the Go implementation of jq'''
The jq program presented here generates SVG, which can readily be viewed in a
browser, at least if the file suffix is .svg.
Notice that the SVG viewBox dimensions are computed dynamically.
<lang jq>
# viewBox = <min-x> <min-y> <width> <height>
# Input: {svg, minx, miny, maxx, maxy}
def svg:
"<svg viewBox='\(.minx - 4|floor) \(.miny - 4 |floor) \(6 + .maxx - .minx|ceil) \(6 + .maxy - .miny|ceil)'",
" preserveAspectRatio='xMinYmin meet'",
" xmlns='' >",
def minmax($xy):
.minx = ([.minx, $xy[0]]|min)
| .miny = ([.miny, $xy[1]]|min)
| .maxx = ([.maxx, $xy[0]]|max)
| .maxy = ([.maxy, $xy[1]]|max) ;
# default values for $fill and $stroke are provided
def Polygon( $ary; $fill; $stroke):
def rnd: 1000*.|round/1000;
($fill // "none") as $fill
| ($stroke // "black") as $stroke
| ($ary | map(rnd) | join(" ")) as $a
| .svg += "\n<polygon points='\($a)' fill='\($fill)' stroke='\($stroke)' />"
| minmax($ary | [ ([ .[ range(0;length;2)]] |min), ([ .[range(1;length;2)]]|min) ] )
| minmax($ary | [ ([ .[ range(0;length;2)]] |max), ([ .[range(1;length;2)]]|max) ] ) ;
def Square($A; $B; $C; $D; $fill; $stroke):
Polygon( $A + $B + $C + $D; $fill; $stroke);
def Triangle($A; $B; $C; $fill; $stroke):
Polygon( $A + $B + $C; $fill; $stroke);
def PythagorasTree:
def drawTree($x1; $y1; $x2; $y2; $depth):
if $depth <= 0 then .
else ($x2 - $x1) as $dx
| ($y1 - $y2) as $dy
| ($x2 - $dy) as $x3
| ($y2 - $dx) as $y3
| ($x1 - $dy) as $x4
| ($y1 - $dx) as $y4
| ($x4 + 0.5 * ($dx - $dy)) as $x5
| ($y4 - 0.5 * ($dx + $dy)) as $y5
# draw a square
| "rgb(\(256 - $depth * 20), 0, 0)" as $col
| Square([$x1, $y1]; [$x2, $y2]; [$x3, $y3] ; [$x4, $y4] ; $col; "lightgray")
# draw a triangle
| "rgb( 128, \(256 - $depth * 20), 128)" as $col
| Triangle([$x3, $y3]; [$x4, $y4]; [$x5, $y5]; $col; "lightgray")
| drawTree($x4; $y4; $x5; $y5; $depth - 1)
| drawTree($x5; $y5; $x3; $y3; $depth - 1)
end ;
{svg: "", minx: infinite, miny: infinite, maxx: -infinite, maxy: -infinite}
| drawTree(275; 500; 375; 500; 7);
PythagorasTree | svg
