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Letter frequency: Difference between revisions

Added AppleScript solution.
m (→‎{{header|Raku}}: Fix link: Perl 6 --> Raku)
(Added AppleScript solution.)
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This is probably best handled with vanilla AppleScript and ASObjC each each doing what it does best. The test text used here is the one specified for the [https://www.rosettacode.org/wiki/Word_frequency Word frequency] task.
<lang applescript>use AppleScript version "2.4" -- OS X 10.10 (Yosemite) or later
use framework "Foundation"
use scripting additions
on letterFrequencyinFile(theFile)
-- Read the file as an NSString, letting the system guess the encoding.
set fileText to current application's class "NSString"'s stringWithContentsOfFile:(POSIX path of theFile) ¬
usedEncoding:(missing value) |error|:(missing value)
-- Get the NSString's non-letter delimited runs, lower-cased, as an AppleScript list of texts.
-- The switch to vanilla objects is for speed and the ability to extract 'characters'.
set nonLetterSet to current application's class "NSCharacterSet"'s letterCharacterSet()'s invertedSet()
script o
property letterRuns : (fileText's lowercaseString()'s componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet:(nonLetterSet)) as list
end script
-- Extract the characters from the runs and add them to an NSCountedSet to have the occurrences of each value counted.
-- No more than 50,000 characters are extracted in one go to avoid slowing or freezing the script.
set countedSet to current application's class "NSCountedSet"'s new()
repeat with i from 1 to (count o's letterRuns)
set thisRun to item i of o's letterRuns
set runLength to (count thisRun)
repeat with i from 1 to runLength by 50000
set j to i + 49999
if (j > runLength) then set j to runLength
tell countedSet to addObjectsFromArray:(characters i thru j of thisRun)
end repeat
end repeat
-- Work through the counted set's contents and build a list of records showing how many of what it received.
set output to {}
repeat with thisLetter in countedSet's allObjects()
set thisCount to (countedSet's countForObject:(thisLetter))
set end of output to {letter:thisLetter, |count|:thisCount}
end repeat
-- Derive an array of dictionaries from the list and sort it on the letters.
set output to current application's class "NSMutableArray"'s arrayWithArray:(output)
set byLetter to current application's class "NSSortDescriptor"'s sortDescriptorWithKey:("letter") ¬
ascending:(true) selector:("localizedStandardCompare:")
tell output to sortUsingDescriptors:({byLetter})
-- Convert back to a list of records and return the result.
return output as list
end letterFrequencyinFile
-- Test with the text file for the "Word frequency" task.
set theFile to ((path to desktop as text) & "135-0.txt") as alias
return letterFrequencyinFile(theFile)</lang>
<pre>{{letter:"a", |count|:207133}, {letter:"à", |count|:63}, {letter:"â", |count|:56}, {letter:"æ", |count|:116}, {letter:"b", |count|:37506}, {letter:"c", |count|:67354}, {letter:"ç", |count|:50}, {letter:"d", |count|:108747}, {letter:"e", |count|:330738}, {letter:"é", |count|:1474}, {letter:"è", |count|:299}, {letter:"ê", |count|:74}, {letter:"ë", |count|:5}, {letter:"f", |count|:56206}, {letter:"g", |count|:48598}, {letter:"h", |count|:176839}, {letter:"i", |count|:175288}, {letter:"î", |count|:39}, {letter:"ï", |count|:18}, {letter:"j", |count|:5840}, {letter:"k", |count|:14433}, {letter:"l", |count|:99543}, {letter:"m", |count|:62219}, {letter:"n", |count|:169954}, {letter:"ñ", |count|:2}, {letter:"o", |count|:184388}, {letter:"ô", |count|:34}, {letter:"œ", |count|:38}, {letter:"p", |count|:43387}, {letter:"q", |count|:2533}, {letter:"r", |count|:148671}, {letter:"s", |count|:162047}, {letter:"t", |count|:235526}, {letter:"u", |count|:68270}, {letter:"ù", |count|:18}, {letter:"û", |count|:9}, {letter:"ü", |count|:39}, {letter:"v", |count|:26268}, {letter:"w", |count|:56513}, {letter:"x", |count|:4027}, {letter:"y", |count|:39183}, {letter:"z", |count|:1906}}</pre>


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