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<lang PicoLisp>(load "@lib/math.l")
(de compose (F G)
(curry (F G) (X)
(F (G X)) ) )
(de cube (X)
(pow X 3.0) )
(de cubeRoot (X)
(pow X 0.3333333) )
'((Fun Inv)
(prinl (format ((compose Inv Fun) 0.5) *Scl)) )
'(sin cos cube)
'(asin acos cubeRoot) )</lang>
Works with SWI-Prolog and module lambda, written by <b>Ulrich Neumerkel</b> found here: http://www.complang.tuwien.ac.at/ulrich/Prolog-inedit/lambda.pl
<lang Prolog>:- use_module(library(lambda)).
compose(F,G, FG) :-
FG = \X^Z^(call(G,X,Y), call(F,Y,Z)).
cube(X, Y) :-
Y is X ** 3.
cube_root(X, Y) :-
Y is X ** (1/3).
first_class :-
L = [sin, cos, cube],
IL = [asin, acos, cube_root],
% we create the composed functions
maplist(compose, L, IL, Lst),
% we call the functions
maplist(call, Lst, [0.5,0.5,0.5], R),
% we display the results
maplist(writeln, R).
Output :
<pre> ?- first_class.
<lang python>>>> # Some built in functions and their inverses
>>> from math import sin, cos, acos, asin
>>> # Add a user defined function and its inverse
>>> cube = lambda x: x * x * x
>>> croot = lambda x: x ** (1/3.0)
>>> # First class functions allow run-time creation of functions from functions
>>> # return function compose(f,g)(x) == f(g(x))
>>> compose = lambda f1, f2: ( lambda x: f1(f2(x)) )
>>> # first class functions should be able to be members of collection types
>>> funclist = [sin, cos, cube]
>>> funclisti = [asin, acos, croot]
>>> # Apply functions from lists as easily as integers
>>> [compose(inversef, f)(.5) for f, inversef in zip(funclist, funclisti)]
[0.5, 0.4999999999999999, 0.5]
<lang R>cube <- function(x) x^3
croot <- function(x) x^(1/3)
compose <- function(f, g) function(x){f(g(x))}
f1 <- c(sin, cos, cube)
f2 <- c(asin, acos, croot)
for(i in 1:3) {
print(compose(f1[[i]], f2[[i]])(.5))
<lang R>
Title: "First Class Functions"
Author: oofoe
Date: 2009-12-05
URL: http://rosettacode.org/wiki/First-class_functions
; Functions "foo" and "bar" are used to prove that composition
; actually took place by attaching their signatures to the result.
foo: func [x][reform ["foo:" x]]
bar: func [x][reform ["bar:" x]]
cube: func [x][x * x * x]
croot: func [x][power x 1 / 3]
; "compose" means something else in REBOL, so I "fashion" an alternative.
fashion: func [f1 f2][
do compose/deep [func [x][(:f1) (:f2) x]]]
A: [foo sine cosine cube]
B: [bar arcsine arccosine croot]
while [not tail? A][
fn: fashion get A/1 get B/1
source fn ; Prove that functions actually got composed.
print [fn 0.5 crlf]
A: next A B: next B ; Advance to next pair.
<lang ruby>irb(main):001:0> cube = proc {|x| x ** 3}
=> #<Proc:0xb7cac4b8@(irb):1>
irb(main):002:0> croot = proc {|x| x ** (1/3.0)}
=> #<Proc:0xb7ca40d8@(irb):2>
irb(main):003:0> compose = proc {|f,g| proc {|x| f[g[x]]}}
=> #<Proc:0xb7c9996c@(irb):3>
irb(main):004:0> funclist = [Math.method(:sin).to_proc, Math.method(:cos).to_proc, cube]
=> [#<Proc:0xb7c84be8@(irb):4>, #<Proc:0xb7c84bac@(irb):4>, #<Proc:0xb7cac4b8@(irb):1>]
irb(main):005:0> funclisti = [Math.method(:asin).to_proc, Math.method(:acos).to_proc, croot]
=> [#<Proc:0xb7c7a88c@(irb):5>, #<Proc:0xb7c7a850@(irb):5>, #<Proc:0xb7ca40d8@(irb):2>]
irb(main):006:0> funclist.zip(funclisti).map {|f,inversef| compose[inversef, f][0.5] }
=> [0.5, 0.5, 0.5]</lang>
<lang scala>def cube = (x:Double) => x*x*x
def cuberoot = (x:Double) => Math.pow(x,1.0/3)
def compose[A,B,C](f:B=>C,g:A=>B) = (x:A)=>f(g(x))
def fun = List(Math.sin _, Math.cos _, cube)
def inv = List(Math.asin _, Math.acos _, cuberoot)
def comp = fun zip inv map Function.tupled(_ compose _)
Here's how you could add a composition operator to make that syntax prettier:
<lang scala>class SweetFunction[B,C](f:B=>C) {
def o[A](g:A=>B) = (x:A)=>f(g(x))
implicit def sugarOnTop[A,B](f:A=>B) = new SweetFunction(f)
//and now you can do things like this
println((cube o cube o cuberoot)(0.5))</lang>
<lang scheme>(define (compose f g) (lambda (x) (f (g x))))
(define (cube x) (expt x 3))
(define (cube-root x) (expt x (/ 1 3)))
(define function (list sin cos cube))
(define inverse (list asin acos cube-root))
(define x 0.5)
(define (go f g)
(if (not (or (null? f)
(null? g)))
(begin (display ((compose (car f) (car g)) x))
(go (cdr f) (cdr g)))))
(go function inverse)</lang>
Compose is already defined in slate as (note the examples in the comment):
<lang slate>m@(Method traits) ** n@(Method traits)
"Answers a new Method whose effect is that of calling the first method
on the results of the second method applied to whatever arguments are passed.
This composition is associative, i.e. (a ** b) ** c = a ** (b ** c).
When the second method, n, does not take a *rest option or the first takes
more than one input, then the output is chunked into groups for its
consumption. E.g.:
#; `er ** #; `er applyTo: {'a'. 'b'. 'c'. 'd'} => 'abcd'
#; `er ** #name `er applyTo: {#a. #/}. => 'a/'"
n acceptsAdditionalArguments \/ [m arity = 1]
[[| *args | m applyTo: {n applyTo: args}]]
[[| *args |
m applyTo:
([| :stream |
args do: [| *each | stream nextPut: (n applyTo: each)]
inGroupsOf: n arity] writingAs: {})]]
#**`er asMethod: #compose: on: {Method traits. Method traits}.</lang>
used as:
<lang slate>n@(Number traits) cubed [n raisedTo: 3].
n@(Number traits) cubeRoot [n raisedTo: 1 / 3].
define: #forward -> {#cos `er. #sin `er. #cube `er}.
define: #reverse -> {#arcCos `er. #arcSin `er. #cubeRoot `er}.
define: #composedMethods -> (forward with: reverse collect: #compose: `er).
composedMethods do: [| :m | inform: (m applyWith: 0.5)].</lang>
{{works with|GNU Smalltalk}}
<lang smalltalk>|forward reverse composer compounds|
Number extend [
cube [ ^self raisedTo: 3 ]
Number extend [
cubeRoot [ ^self raisedTo: (1 / 3) ]
forward := #( #cos #sin #cube ).
reverse := #( #arcCos #arcSin #cubeRoot ).
composer := [ :f :g | [ :x | f value: (g value: x) ] ].
"let us create composed funcs"
compounds := OrderedCollection new.
1 to: 3 do: [ :i |
compounds add: ([ :j | composer value: [ :x | x perform: (forward at: j) ]
value: [ :x | x perform: (reverse at: j) ] ] value: i)
compounds do: [ :r | (r value: 0.5) displayNl ].</lang>
=={{header|Standard ML}}==
<lang sml>- fun cube x = Math.pow(x, 3.0);
val cube = fn : real -> real
- fun croot x = Math.pow(x, 1.0 / 3.0);
val croot = fn : real -> real
- fun compose (f, g) = fn x => f (g x); (* this is already implemented in Standard ML as the "o" operator
= we could have written "fun compose (f, g) x = f (g x)" but we show this for clarity *)
val compose = fn : ('a -> 'b) * ('c -> 'a) -> 'c -> 'b
- val funclist = [Math.sin, Math.cos, cube];
val funclist = [fn,fn,fn] : (real -> real) list
- val funclisti = [Math.asin, Math.acos, croot];
val funclisti = [fn,fn,fn] : (real -> real) list
- ListPair.map (fn (f, inversef) => (compose (inversef, f)) 0.5) (funclist, funclisti);
val it = [0.5,0.5,0.500000000001] : real list</lang>
The following is a transcript of an interactive session:<br>
{{works with|tclsh|8.5}}
<lang Tcl>% namespace path tcl::mathfunc ;# to import functions like abs() etc.
% proc cube x {expr {$x**3}}
% proc croot x {expr {$x**(1/3.)}}
% proc compose {f g} {list apply {{f g x} {{*}$f [{*}$g $x]}} $f $g}
% compose abs cube ;# returns a partial command, without argument
apply {{f g x} {{*}$f [{*}$g $x]}} abs cube
% {*}[compose abs cube] -3 ;# applies the partial command to argument -3
% set forward [compose [compose sin cos] cube] ;# omitting to print result
% set backward [compose croot [compose acos asin]]
% {*}$forward 0.5
% {*}$backward [{*}$forward 0.5]
Obviously, the ([[C]]) library implementation of some of the trigonometric functions (on which Tcl depends for its implementation) on the platform used for testing is losing a little bit of accuracy somewhere.
=={{header|TI-89 BASIC}}==
See the comments at [[Function as an Argument#TI-89 BASIC]] for more information on first-class functions or the lack thereof in TI-89 BASIC. In particular, it is not possible to do proper function composition, because functions cannot be passed as values nor be closures.
Therefore, this example does everything but the composition.
(Note: The names of the inverse functions may not display as intended unless you have the “TI Uni” font.)
<lang ti89b>Prgm
Local funs,invs,composed,x,i
Define rc_cube(x) = x^3 © Cannot be local variables
Define rc_curt(x) = x^(1/3)
Define funs = {"sin","cos","rc_cube"}
Define invs = {"sin","cos","rc_curt"}
Define x = 0.5
Disp "x = " & string(x)
For i,1,3
Disp "f=" & invs[i] & " g=" & funs[i] & " f(g(x))=" & string(#(invs[i])(#(funs[i])(x)))
DelVar rc_cube,rc_curt © Clean up our globals
The algorithm is to zip two lists of functions into a list of pairs of functions, make
that a list of functions by composing each pair, "<code>gang</code>" the list of
functions into a single function returning a list, and apply it to the
argument 0.5.
<lang Ursala>#import std
#import flo
functions = <sin,cos,times^/~& sqr>
inverses = <asin,acos,math..cbrt>
#cast %eL
main = (gang (+)*p\functions inverses) 0.5</lang>
In more detail,
* <code>(+)*p\functions inverses</code> evaluates to <code>(+)*p(inverses,functions)</code> by definition of the reverse binary to unary combinator (<code>\</code>)
* This expression evaluates to <code>(+)*p(<asin,acos,math..cbrt>,<sin,cos,times^/~& sqr>)</code> by substitution.
* The zipping is indicated by the <code>p</code> suffix on the map operator, (<code>*</code>) so that <code>(+)*p</code> evaluates to <code>(+)* <(asin,sin),(acos,cos),(cbrt,times^/~& sqr)></code>.
* The composition (<code>(+)</code>) operator is then mapped over the resulting list of pairs of functions, to obtain the list of functions <code><asin+sin,acos+cos,cbrt+ times^/~& sqr></code>.
* <code>gang<aisn+sin,acos+cos,cbrt+ times^/~& sqr></code> expresses a function returning a list in terms of a list of functions.
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