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Count occurrences of a substring: Difference between revisions

Add 8086 assembly
(Add 8080 assembly)
(Add 8086 assembly)
Line 175:
=={{header|8086 Assembly}}==
<lang asm> cpu 8086
org 100h
section .text
jmp demo
;;; Count non-overlapping substrings [ES:DI] in [DS:SI]
;;; Return count in AX
subcnt: xor ax,ax ; Set count to 0
xor dl,dl ; Zero to compare to
mov bp,di ; Keep copy of substring pointer
.scan: cmp dl,[si] ; End of string?
je .out ; Then we're done
mov bx,si ; Keep copy of search position
mov di,bp ; Start at beginning of substring
.cmp: xor cx,cx
dec cx
repe cmpsb ; Scan until no match
dec si ; Go to first non-match
dec di
cmp dl,[es:di] ; Reached end of substring?
je .match ; Then we found a match
mov si,bx ; If not, continue searching one
inc si ; position further
jmp .scan
.match: inc ax ; Found a match - increment count
jmp .scan
.out: ret
;;; Test the routine on a few examples
demo: mov si,pairs
.loop: lodsw ; Load string pointer
test ax,ax ; If 0, stop
jz .out
xchg dx,ax
lodsw ; Load substring pointer
xchg di,ax
push si ; Keep example pointer
xchg si,dx
call subcnt ; Count substrings
call prax ; Print amount of substrings
pop si ; Restore example pointer
jmp .loop
.out: ret
;;; Print AX as number
prax: mov bx,num ; Pointer to end of number string
mov cx,10 ; Divisor
.dgt: xor dx,dx ; Divide by 10
div cx
add dl,'0' ; Add ASCII 0 to remainder
dec bx ; Store digit
mov [bx],dl
test ax,ax ; If number not zero yet
jnz .dgt ; Find rest of digits
mov dx,bx ; Print number string
mov ah,9
int 21h
section .data
db '*****' ; Output number placeholder
num: db ' $'
;;; Examples
pairs: dw .str1,.sub1,.str2,.sub2,.str3,.sub3,0
.str1: db 'the three truths',0
.sub1: db 'th',0 ; result should be 3
.str2: db 'ababababab',0
.sub2: db 'abab',0 ; result should be 2
.str3: db 'cat',0
.sub3: db 'dog',0 ; result should be 0</lang>
<pre>3 2 0</pre>


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