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Count in octal: Difference between revisions

(add link to Delphi for pascal)
Line 599:
<lang PicoLisp>(for (N 0 T (inc N))
(prinl (oct N)) )</lang>
<lang PL/I>
/* Do the actual counting in octal. */
count: procedure options (main);
declare v(5) fixed(1) static initial ((5)0);
declare (i, k) fixed;
do k = 1 to 999;
call inc;
put skip edit ( (v(i) do i = 1 to 5) ) (f(1));
inc: proc;
declare (carry, i) fixed binary;
carry = 1;
do i = 5 to 1 by -1;
v(i) = v(i) + carry;
if v(i) > 7 then
do; v(i) = v(i) - 8; if i = 1 then stop; carry = 1; end;
carry = 0;
end inc;
end count;
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