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Last letter-first letter: Difference between revisions

Added C version
(Fixed bug in second D version)
(Added C version)
Line 22:
Extra brownie points for dealing with the full list of 646 names.
From the D version.
<lang c>#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
typedef struct {
uint16_t index;
unsigned char last_char, first_char;
} Ref;
Ref* longest_path_refs;
size_t longest_path_refs_len;
Ref* refs;
size_t refs_len;
size_t n_solutions;
char** longest_path;
size_t longest_path_len;
/// tally statistics
void search(const size_t curr_len) {
if (curr_len == longest_path_refs_len) {
} else if (curr_len > longest_path_refs_len) {
n_solutions = 1;
longest_path_refs_len = curr_len;
memcpy(longest_path_refs, refs, curr_len * sizeof(Ref));
// recursive search
const size_t last_char = refs[curr_len - 1].last_char;
for (size_t i = curr_len; i < refs_len; i++)
if (refs[i].first_char == last_char) {
const Ref aux = refs[curr_len];
refs[curr_len] = refs[i];
refs[i] = aux;
search(curr_len + 1);
refs[i] = refs[curr_len];
refs[curr_len] = aux;
void find_longest_chain(char** items,
const size_t items_len) {
refs_len = items_len;
refs = calloc(refs_len, sizeof(Ref));
// enough space for all items
longest_path_refs_len = 0;
longest_path_refs = calloc(refs_len, sizeof(Ref));
for (size_t i = 0; i < items_len; i++) {
const size_t itemsi_len = strlen(items[i]);
if (itemsi_len <= 1)
refs[i].index = (uint16_t)i;
refs[i].last_char = items[i][itemsi_len - 1];
refs[i].first_char = items[i][0];
// try each item as possible start
for (size_t i = 0; i < items_len; i++) {
const Ref aux = refs[0];
refs[0] = refs[i];
refs[i] = aux;
refs[i] = refs[0];
refs[0] = aux;
longest_path_len = longest_path_refs_len;
longest_path = calloc(longest_path_len, sizeof(char*));
for (size_t i = 0; i < longest_path_len; i++)
longest_path[i] = items[longest_path_refs[i].index];
int main() {
char* pokemon[] = {"audino", "bagon", "baltoy", "banette",
"bidoof", "braviary", "bronzor", "carracosta", "charmeleon",
"cresselia", "croagunk", "darmanitan", "deino", "emboar",
"emolga", "exeggcute", "gabite", "girafarig", "gulpin",
"haxorus", "heatmor", "heatran", "ivysaur", "jellicent",
"jumpluff", "kangaskhan", "kricketune", "landorus", "ledyba",
"loudred", "lumineon", "lunatone", "machamp", "magnezone",
"mamoswine", "nosepass", "petilil", "pidgeotto", "pikachu",
"pinsir", "poliwrath", "poochyena", "porygon2", "porygonz",
"registeel", "relicanth", "remoraid", "rufflet", "sableye",
"scolipede", "scrafty", "seaking", "sealeo", "silcoon",
"simisear", "snivy", "snorlax", "spoink", "starly", "tirtouga",
"trapinch", "treecko", "tyrogue", "vigoroth", "vulpix",
"wailord", "wartortle", "whismur", "wingull", "yamask"};
const size_t pokemon_len = 70;
find_longest_chain(pokemon, pokemon_len);
printf("Maximum path length: %u\n", longest_path_len);
printf("Paths of that length: %u\n", n_solutions);
printf("Example path of that length:\n");
for (size_t i = 0; i < longest_path_len; i += 7) {
printf(" ");
for (size_t j = i; j < (i+7) && j < longest_path_len; j++)
printf("%s ", longest_path[j]);
return 0;
<pre>Maximum path length: 23
Paths of that length: 1248
Example path of that length:
machamp petilil landorus scrafty yamask kricketune emboar
registeel loudred darmanitan nosepass simisear relicanth heatmor
rufflet trapinch haxorus seaking girafarig gabite exeggcute
emolga audino</pre>
Runtime: about 0.49 seconds, gcc compiler.
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