Strip control codes and extended characters from a string: Difference between revisions

(158 intermediate revisions by 75 users not shown)
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The task is to strip control codes and extended characters from a string. The solution should demonstrate how to achieve each of the following results:
* a string with control codes stripped (but extended characters not stripped)
* a string withStrip control codes and extended characters strippedfrom a string.
In ASCII, the control codes have decimal codes 0 through to 31 and 127 and greater than 126. On an ASCII based system, if the control codes are stripped, the resultant string would have all of its characters within the range of 32 to 126 decimal on the ascii table.
The solution should demonstrate how to achieve each of the following results:
:*   a string with control codes stripped (but extended characters not stripped)
:*   a string with control codes and extended characters stripped
In ASCII, the control codes have decimal codes 0 through to 31 and 127.
On an ASCII based system, if the control codes are stripped, the resultant string would have all of its characters within the range of 32 to 126 decimal on the ASCII table.
On a non-ASCII based system, we consider characters that do not have a corresponding glyph on the ASCII table (within the ASCII range of 32 to 126 decimal) to be an extended character for the purpose of this task.
<syntaxhighlight lang="11l">F stripped(s)
R s.filter(i -> Int(i.code) C 32..126).join(‘’)
=={{header|8086 Assembly}}==
<syntaxhighlight lang="asm"> .model small
.stack 1024
StringStrip db "abc",13,10,8,7,"def",90h
mov ax,@data
mov ds,ax
mov ax,@code
mov es,ax
mov ax,03h
int 10h ;clear screen
mov si,offset StringStrip
call PrintString_PartiallyStripped
call NewLine
mov si,offset StringStrip
call PrintString_Stripped
mov ax,4C00h
int 21h ;return to DOS
;prints a null-terminated string
;all other control codes are stripped.
cmp al,0
jz Terminated
;not equal to zero
cmp al,21h ; if (AL < 21h)
jb PrintString_Stripped ;skip this character and keep going
cmp al,7Fh ; if (AL >= 7Fh)
jae PrintString_Stripped ;skip this character and keep going
mov ah,02h
mov dl,al
int 21h ;prints character in DL to screen
jmp PrintString_Stripped
;strips control codes but not extended ascii.
;The null terminator isn't stripped of course.
cmp al,0
jz Terminated_PartiallyStripped
cmp al,21h
jb PrintString_PartiallyStripped
cmp al,7Fh
je PrintString_PartiallyStripped ;delete counts as a control code
mov ah,02h
mov dl,al
int 21h
jmp PrintString_PartiallyStripped
mov ah,02h
mov dl,13 ;carriage return
int 10h
mov ah,02h
mov dl,10 ;line feed
int 10h
end start</syntaxhighlight>
<syntaxhighlight lang="action!">BYTE FUNC IsAscii(CHAR c)
IF c<32 OR c>124 OR c=96 OR c=123 THEN
PROC Strip(CHAR ARRAY src,dst)
FOR i=1 TO src(0)
IF IsAscii(c) THEN
PROC Main()
src(20)=[16 0 16 96 123 'a 'b 'c 131 27 30 '1 '2 '3 4 1 20],
PrintF("Original string: ""%S""%E",src)
PrintF("Stripped string: ""%S""%E",dst)
[ Screenshot from Atari 8-bit computer]
Original string: "♥♣♦♠abc┘←123┤├●"
Stripped string: "abc123"
<syntaxhighlight lang="ada">with Ada.Text_IO;
procedure Strip_ASCII is
Full: String := 'a' & Character'Val(11) & 'b' & Character'Val(166) &
'c' & Character'Val(127) & Character'Val(203) &
Character'Val(202) & "de";
-- 5 ordinary characters ('a' .. 'e')
-- 2 control characters (11, 127); note that 11 is the "vertical tab"
-- 3 extended characters (166, 203, 202)
function Filter(S: String;
From: Character := ' ';
To: Character := Character'Val(126);
Above: Character := Character'Val(127)) return String is
if S'Length = 0 then
return "";
elsif (S(S'First) >= From and then S(S'First) <= To) or else S(S'First) > Above then
return S(S'First) & Filter(S(S'First+1 .. S'Last), From, To, Above);
return Filter(S(S'First+1 .. S'Last), From, To, Above);
end if;
end Filter;
procedure Put_Line(Text, S: String) is
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line(Text & " """ & S & """, Length:" & Integer'Image(S'Length));
end Put_Line;
Put_Line("The full string :", Full);
Put_Line("No Control Chars:", Filter(Full)); -- default values for From, To, and Above
Put_Line("Neither_Extended:", Filter(Full, Above => Character'Last)); -- defaults for From and To
end Strip_ASCII;
<pre>The full string : "a
b�c��de", Length: 10
No Control Chars: "ab�c��de", Length: 8
Neither_Extended: "abcde", Length: 5</pre>
=={{header|ALGOL 68}}==
<syntaxhighlight lang="algol68"># remove control characters and optionally extended characters from the string text #
# assums ASCII is the character set #
PROC strip characters = ( STRING text, BOOL strip extended )STRING:
# we build the result in a []CHAR and convert back to a string at the end #
INT text start = LWB text;
INT text max = UPB text;
[ text start : text max ]CHAR result;
INT result pos := text start;
FOR text pos FROM text start TO text max DO
INT ch := ABS text[ text pos ];
IF ( ch >= 0 AND ch <= 31 ) OR ch = 127 THEN
# control character #
ELIF strip extended AND ( ch > 126 OR ch < 0 ) THEN
# extened character and we don't want them #
# include this character #
result[ result pos ] := REPR ch;
result pos +:= 1
result[ text start : result pos - 1 ]
END # strip characters # ;
# test the control/extended character stripping procedure #
STRING t = REPR 2 + "abc" + REPR 10 + REPR 160 + "def~" + REPR 127 + REPR 10 + REPR 150 + REPR 152 + "!";
print( ( "<<" + t + ">> - without control characters: <<" + strip characters( t, FALSE ) + ">>", newline ) );
print( ( "<<" + t + ">> - without control or extended characters: <<" + strip characters( t, TRUE ) + ">>", newline ) )</syntaxhighlight>
ûÿ!>> - without control characters: <<abcádef~ûÿ!>>
ûÿ!>> - without control or extended characters: <<abcdef~!>>
<syntaxhighlight lang="rebol">str: {string of ☺☻♥♦⌂, may include control characters and other ♫☼§►↔◄░▒▓█┌┴┐±÷²¬└┬┘ilk.}
print "with extended characters"
print join select split str 'x ->
not? in? to :integer to :char x (0..31)++127
print "without extended characters"
print join select split str 'x ->
and? ascii? x
not? in? to :integer to :char x (0..31)++127</syntaxhighlight>
<pre>with extended characters
string of ☺☻♥♦⌂, may include control characters and other ♫☼§►↔◄░▒▓█┌┴┐±÷²¬└┬┘ilk.
without extended characters
string of , may include control characters and other ilk.</pre>
<syntaxhighlight lang="ahk">Stripped(x){
Loop Parse, x
if Asc(A_LoopField) > 31 and Asc(A_LoopField) < 128
r .= A_LoopField
return r
MsgBox % stripped("`ba" Chr(00) "b`n`rc`fd" Chr(0xc3))</syntaxhighlight>
<syntaxhighlight lang="awk">
s = "ab\xA2\x09z" # a b cent tab z
printf("original string: %s (length %d)\n",s,length(s))
gsub(/[\x00-\x1F\x7F]/,"",s); printf("control characters stripped: %s (length %d)\n",s,length(s))
gsub(/[\x80-\xFF]/,"",s); printf("control and extended stripped: %s (length %d)\n",s,length(s))
original string: ab¢ z (length 5)
control characters stripped: ab¢z (length 4)
control and extended stripped: abz (length 3)
{{works with|QBasic}}
While DOS does support ''some'' extended characters, they aren't entirely standardized, and shouldn't be relied upon.
<syntaxhighlight lang="qbasic">DECLARE FUNCTION strip$ (what AS STRING)
' tab c+cedilla eof
x = CHR$(9) + "Fran" + CHR$(135) + "ais" + CHR$(26)
y = strip(x)
z = strip2(x)
PRINT "x:"; x
PRINT "y:"; y
PRINT "z:"; z
FUNCTION strip$ (what AS STRING)
FOR L0 = 1 TO LEN(what)
tmp = MID$(what, L0, 1)
CASE 32 TO 126
outP = outP + tmp
strip$ = outP
FUNCTION strip2$ (what AS STRING)
FOR L1 = 1 TO LEN(what)
tmp = MID$(what, L1, 1)
'normal accented various greek, math, etc.
CASE 32 TO 126, 128 TO 168, 171 TO 175, 224 TO 253
outP = outP + tmp
strip2$ = outP
END FUNCTION</syntaxhighlight>
x: Français→
See also: [[#Liberty BASIC|Liberty BASIC]], [[#PureBasic|PureBasic]], [[#Run BASIC|Run BASIC]]
=={{header|BBC BASIC}}==
<syntaxhighlight lang="bbcbasic"> test$ = CHR$(9) + "Fran" + CHR$(231) + "ais." + CHR$(127)
PRINT "Original ISO-8859-1 string: " test$ " (length " ; LEN(test$) ")"
test$ = FNstripcontrol(test$)
PRINT "Control characters stripped: " test$ " (length " ; LEN(test$) ")"
test$ = FNstripextended(test$)
PRINT "Control & extended stripped: " test$ " (length " ; LEN(test$) ")"
DEF FNstripcontrol(A$) : REM CHR$(127) is a 'control' code
I% += 1
A$ = LEFT$(A$,I%-1) + MID$(A$,I%+1)
= A$
DEF FNstripextended(A$)
I% += 1
A$ = LEFT$(A$,I%-1) + MID$(A$,I%+1)
= A$</syntaxhighlight>
Original ISO-8859-1 string: Français (length 11)
Control characters stripped: Français. (length 9)
Control & extended stripped: Franais. (length 8)
Using BQN's character arithmetic and comparison, characters are binned using <code>⍋</code> and removed if they are inside the range.
<syntaxhighlight lang="bqn">StripCt←((1≠(@+0‿32)⊸⍋)∧(@+127)⊸≠)⊸/
<syntaxhighlight lang="bqn"> RP←•rand.Deal∘≠⊸⊏ # Random Permutation
ascii←RP @+↕256
·Ä¬âç/ÃøªÎ#VÁ;Û ß6ÐiÜQÈ d
´ò3ÀA©üOØô&.nþ°³ö^c9ºa«2q1NæÖõä ¦
wZóp""Ç+éS¨ "
≠StripCt ascii
≠StripCtEx ascii
unicode←RP @+↕1000
"kȺ=<ɘΙͷƤ̀ÿʅ Ɂ
ϋǒǩƽͱñȤȔ˯BVȱĶțŁ̅Ġ˄ͦ_ǸǦǂɫɒŦˏτȍ5ȒNļʛˁhĹȅǔʣͯĄż̜̍̕Œdz͒ɹĵǖΤÐ)F±-ǿď͚­ƒʵ̈́Ȳ̮ʷːΘ̊ʑĞ©ȗŕƟƹƁˤƩɦΡ̴@ʇ˃ʽ˜UęOīNj1ϐΰŊ¿\ʞ8ʒȧ˾ƭķɡ͠#ǥȀšJŻ͛ȇǷcνĦǑƿƖ!ēö§ɎľêϘK¼ȋȮȕƓ×ȴȝȾȰÕÇ˸͐´ɝ·ȨŐƯ͎ʉΑ$>ʍʬɮΓeÛʋͽʥŨYÖ͇ͮƷ̾͌ƚP£ρŔόɊ̗σŝ͹Ͳʤώɓ͸˙ɀͅǯɤʦιΥÁû̓ž˒ξƢĪ̂̋ͩȫ̥̖͑7ĝÄΕı͆ØQ˘ɐƑ΀ő̼»̇űŚĒ²ĴT,Ȃ¯ϓυúɆɽÈ΂ˮ̏͡Ɛʭ̷˿ãąΧƌħǨŖ̱ɟ/Ǣɸπ π̻
ȥ΄LjͿå¸ʗ0ėČlˡ̭DzîȜκŏþγyɚ͢Ǿ˅ʿ̓òŮ«͵ư*̨ϏǧŜ ͈ˇɿͫljğ˱ŞƔƍÎİǠƺς
`ʴ;ƣ̦ȿˋʊƋ̢˩ºůŭè Ȉ}jŤʐƜrɾ˥˓˼Þ[̺˛˳pìʏ́ěRǟɨƴ̝ɣǺʆÍƼÏζȷɛǫǶʧï̽õüȌɌ̳˪ɥƪDZøɄɻĘéņ?Řȳ̚
ȵΖƳɪ̃ł;ǰϦăCňȦ˹tÝċʎ9ϚμńΎεʨðɋ΅aɂįNJ˻Ȫ͕ύĮǮȐǬŅƃĭɉĤ΋ǐͧƮΜvƙƏƻǣĬϢŌˍλƀƦ¡ȠǤ·ȹZôLŵƲ̿α2ſʃµÅĕȞșͭo ř̬ź¹ǛƠŪβȑƶ+ȚȻbŲäƝͪfȘ̀ÀĉϡǙǍ "
≠StripCt unicode
≠StripCtEx unicode
<syntaxhighlight lang="bracmat">( "string of ☺☻♥♦⌂, may include control
characters and other ilk.\L\D§►↔◄
Rødgrød med fløde"
: ?string1
: ?string2
& :?newString
& whl
' ( @(!string1:?clean (%@:<" ") ?string1)
& !newString !clean:?newString
& !newString !string1:?newString
& out$(str$("Control characters stripped:
" str$!newString))
& :?newString
& whl
' ( @(!string2:?clean (%@:(<" "|>"~")) ?string2)
& !newString !clean:?newString
& !newString !string2:?newString
& out
$ ( str
$ ( "
Control characters and extended characters stripped:
& );</syntaxhighlight>
<pre>Control characters stripped:
string of ⌂, may include controlcharacters and other ilk.§Rødgrød med fløde
Control characters and extended characters stripped:
string of , may include controlcharacters and other ilk.Rdgrd med flde</pre>
<lang C>#include <stdio.h>
===<tt>filtered copy and swap</tt>===
Take advantage of the the fact that char is an 8-bit integer in C.<br>
Unsigned char is used throughout to enablethe extended ASCII set. <br>
A random function is called to generate a mix of good and bad values.<br>
A temp buffer is created with only valid characters, and swapped for the original.<br>
A true/false function checks if the character is in the valid range.<br>
<syntaxhighlight lang="c">#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#define MAXBUF 256 /* limit */
#define STR_SZ 100 /* string size */
/* function prototypes */
int ascii (const unsigned char c);
int ascii_ext (const unsigned char c);
unsigned char* strip(unsigned char* str, const size_t n, int ext );
/* check a character
return 1 for true
0 for false
int ascii (const unsigned char c)
unsigned char min = 32; /* <space> */
unsigned char max = 126; /* ~ tilde */
if ( c>=min && c<=max ) return 1;
return 0;
/* check if extended character
return 1 for true
0 for false
int ascii_ext (const unsigned char c)
unsigned char min_ext = 128;
unsigned char max_ext = 255;
if ( c>=min_ext && c<=max_ext )
return 1;
return 0;
/* fill buffer with only ASCII valid characters
then rewrite string from buffer
limit to n < MAX chars
unsigned char* strip( unsigned char* str, const size_t n, int ext)
unsigned char buffer[MAXBUF] = {'\0'};
size_t i = 0; // source index
size_t j = 0; // dest index
size_t max = (n<MAXBUF)? n : MAXBUF -1; // limit size
while (i < max )
if ( (ext && ascii_ext(str[i]) ) || (ascii(str[i]) ) ) // check
buffer[j++] = str[i]; // assign
memset(str, '\0', max); // wipe string
i = 0; // reset count
while( i < j)
str[i] = buffer[i]; // copy back
str[j] = '\0'; // terminate properly
return str;
/* try it out */
int main( int argc, char** argv)
enum {ASCII=0, EXT=1}; /* enumeration makes easier reading */
unsigned int seed = 134529; // RNG seed value
/* variables and storage */
unsigned char badstring[STR_SZ] = {'\0'};
unsigned char bs_2[STR_SZ] = {'\0'};
unsigned char* goodstring = NULL;
unsigned char* goodstring_ext = NULL;
size_t i = 0;
srand(seed); /* seed RNG */
fprintf(stdout, "Original:\t" );
/* generate a random string */
for (i = 0; i < STR_SZ; i++)
badstring[i] = (unsigned char) ( rand () & (unsigned char)0xFF );
fprintf(stdout, "%c", badstring[i] );
fprintf(stdout, "\n");
memcpy(bs_2, badstring, STR_SZ * sizeof(unsigned char) ); /* copy string */
goodstring_ext = strip( badstring, STR_SZ, EXT); /* remove non-extended and non-ascii */
fprintf(stdout, "\nEXT:\t%s\n" , goodstring_ext );
goodstring = strip( bs_2, STR_SZ, ASCII); /* remove all non-ascii */
fprintf(stdout, "\nASCII:\t%s\n" , goodstring );
return 0;
Original: ƒ˜v�ý8Ç…Ø×�B„…â¤Ê8ln9V¢DèÝz�@ÅTÃ]ÊÙZ� ßÚwo�ûôÿ ¾8 ,qcζK¬0aìõ¶¯R€ˆ­ƒ(Œ]Ÿüz›ðz;¯²GÛ#ªªÙöV z WñQŽyþ�¡
EXT: ƒ˜vý8Ç…Ø×�B„…â¤Ê8ln9V¢DèÝz@ÅTÃ]ÊÙZ ßÚwoûôÿ ¾8,qcζK¬0aìõ¶¯R€ˆ­ƒ(Œ]Ÿüz›ðz;¯²GÛ#ªªÙöVWBþñQŽyþ¡</span>
ASCII: v8B8ln9VDz@T]Zwo8,qcK0aR(]zz;G#VWBQy
===<tt>apply mask from a table</tt>===
<syntaxhighlight lang="c">#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
Line 73 ⟶ 648:
return 0;
}</langsyntaxhighlight>output:<syntaxhighlight lang="text"> !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ <odd stuff my xterm thinks are bad unicode hence can't be properly shown>
=={{header|C sharp|C#}}==
Uses the test string from REXX.
<syntaxhighlight lang="csharp">
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace RosettaCode
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string test = "string of ☺☻♥♦⌂, may include control characters and other ilk.♫☼§►↔◄";
Console.WriteLine("Original: {0}", test);
Console.WriteLine("Stripped of control codes: {0}", StripControlChars(test));
Console.WriteLine("Stripped of extended: {0}", StripExtended(test));
static string StripControlChars(string arg)
char[] arrForm = arg.ToCharArray();
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(arg.Length);//This many chars at most
foreach(char ch in arrForm)
if (!Char.IsControl(ch)) buffer.Append(ch);//Only add to buffer if not a control char
return buffer.ToString();
static string StripExtended(string arg)
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(arg.Length); //Max length
foreach(char ch in arg)
UInt16 num = Convert.ToUInt16(ch);//In .NET, chars are UTF-16
//The basic characters have the same code points as ASCII, and the extended characters are bigger
if((num >= 32u) && (num <= 126u)) buffer.Append(ch);
return buffer.ToString();
Original: string of ☺☻♥♦⌂, may include control characters and other ilk.♫☼§►↔◄
Stripped of control codes: string of ☺☻♥♦⌂, may include control characters and other ilk.♫☼§►↔◄
Stripped of extended: string of , may include control characters and other ilk.
<langsyntaxhighlight C++lang="cpp">#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
Line 89 ⟶ 717:
struct MyRandomizer {
char operator( )( ) {
return static_cast<char>( rand( ) % 257256 ) ;
} ;
Line 120 ⟶ 748:
std::cout << "string without extended characters: " << no_extended << std::endl ;
return 0 ;
<PRE>string with all characters: K�O:~���7�5����
Line 128 ⟶ 756:
string without extended characters: KO:~75W@>qQ@W-
<syntaxhighlight lang="clojure">; generate our test string of characters with control and extended characters
(def range-of-chars (apply str (map char (range 256))))
; filter out the control characters:
(apply str (filter #(not (Character/isISOControl %)) range-of-chars))
; filter to return String of characters that are between 32 - 126:
(apply str (filter #(<= 32 (int %) 126) range-of-chars))</syntaxhighlight>
=={{header|Common Lisp}}==
(defun control-char-p (ch)
(or (< (char-code ch) 32)
(= (char-code ch) 127)))
(defun extended-char-p (ch)
(> (char-code ch) 127))
(defun strip-special-chars (string &key strip-extended)
(let ((needs-removing-p (if strip-extended
(lambda (ch)
(or (control-char-p ch)
(extended-char-p ch)))
(remove-if needs-removing-p string)))
<syntaxhighlight lang="d">import std.traits;
S stripChars(S)(S s, bool function(dchar) pure nothrow mustStrip)
pure nothrow if (isSomeString!S) {
S result;
foreach (c; s) {
if (!mustStrip(c))
result ~= c;
return result;
void main() {
import std.stdio, std.uni;
auto s = "\u0000\u000A abc\u00E9def\u007F";
writeln(s.stripChars( &isControl ));
writeln(s.stripChars( c => isControl(c) || c == '\u007F' ));
writeln(s.stripChars( c => isControl(c) || c >= '\u007F' ));
<pre> abcédef�
{{works with|Delphi|6.0}}
<syntaxhighlight lang="Delphi">
{String pack with control and extened chars}
const TestStr ='N'+#$01 +'o'+#$02 +'w'+#$03 +' '+#$04 +'i'+#$05 +'s'+#$06 +' '+#$07 +'t'+#$08 +'h'+#$09 +'e'+#$0A +' '+#$0B +'t'+#$0C +'i'+#$0D +'m'+#$0E +'e'+#$0F +' '+#$10 +'f'+#$11 +'o'+#$12 +'r'+#$13 +' '+#$14 +'a'+#$15 +'l'+#$16 +'l'+#$17 +' '+#$18 +'g'+#$19 +'o'+#$1A +'o'+#$1B +'d'+#$1C +' '+#$1D +'m'+#$1E +'e'+#$1F +'n'+#$80 +' '+#$81 +'t'+#$82 +'o'+#$83 +' '+#$84 +'c'+#$85 +'o'+#$86 +'m'+#$87 +'e'+#$88 +' '+#$89 +'t'+#$8A +'o'+#$8B +' '+#$8C +'t'+#$8D +'h'+#$8E +'e'+#$8F +' '+#$90 +'a'+#$91 +'i'+#$92 +'d'+#$93 +' '+#$94 +'o'+#$95 +'f'+#$96 +' '+#$97 +'t'+#$98 +'h'+#$99 +'e'+#$9A +' '+#$9B +'p'+#$9C +'a'+#$9D +'r'+#$9E +'t'+#$9F +'y'+#$A0;
function StripControls(S: string): string;
{Strip control characters from string}
var I: integer;
for I:=1 to Length(S) do
if byte(S[I])>=$20 then Result:=Result+S[I];
function StripExtended(S: string): string;
{Strip extended characters from string}
var I: integer;
for I:=1 to Length(S) do
if byte(S[I])<$80 then Result:=Result+S[I];
procedure StripString(Memo: TMemo);
Memo.Lines.Add('String full of controls and extended chars: ');
Memo.Lines.Add('String stripped of controls chars: ');
Memo.Lines.Add('String stripped of extended chars: ');
Memo.Lines.Add('String stripped of both control and extended chars: ');
String full of controls and extended chars:
N�o�w� �i�s� �t�h e
m�e� �f�o�r� �a�l�l� �g�o�o�d� �m�e�n€ t‚oƒ „c…o†m‡eˆ ‰tŠo‹ ŒthŽe a‘i’d“ ”o•f– —t˜h™eš ›pœaržtŸy 
String stripped of controls chars:
Now is the time for all good men€ t‚oƒ „c…o†m‡eˆ ‰tŠo‹ ŒthŽe a‘i’d“ ”o•f– —t˜h™eš ›pœaržtŸy 
String stripped of extended chars:
N�o�w� �i�s� �t�h e
m�e� �f�o�r� �a�l�l� �g�o�o�d� �m�e�n to come to the aid of the party
String stripped of both control and extended chars:
Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of the party
Elapsed Time: 51.012 ms.
<syntaxhighlight lang=easylang>
func$ strip s$ .
for c$ in strchars s$
if strcode c$ >= 32 and strcode c$ <= 126
r$ &= c$
return r$
print strip "\tHellö world"
Exported functions to be used by [[Update_a_configuration_file]]
<syntaxhighlight lang="erlang">
-module( strip_control_codes ).
-export( [is_not_control_code/1, is_not_control_code_nor_extended_character/1, task/0] ).
is_not_control_code( C ) when C > 127 -> true;
is_not_control_code( C ) when C < 32; C =:= 127 -> false;
is_not_control_code( _C ) -> true.
is_not_control_code_nor_extended_character( C ) when C > 127 -> false;
is_not_control_code_nor_extended_character( C ) -> is_not_control_code( C ).
task() ->
String = lists:seq( 0, 255 ),
io:fwrite( "String (~p characters): ~s~n", [erlang:length(String), String] ),
String_without_cc = lists:filter( fun is_not_control_code/1, String ),
io:fwrite( "String without control codes (~p characters): ~s~n", [erlang:length(String_without_cc), String_without_cc] ),
String_without_cc_nor_ec = lists:filter( fun is_not_control_code_nor_extended_character/1, String ),
io:fwrite( "String without control codes nor extended characters (~p characters): ~s~n", [erlang:length(String_without_cc_nor_ec), String_without_cc_nor_ec] ).
41> strip_control_codes:task().
String (256 characters): ^@^A^B^C^D^E^F^G^H
^N^O^P^Q^R^S^T^U^V^W^X^Y^Z^[^\^]^^^_ !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~^�������������������������������� ¡¢£¤¥¦§¨©ª«¬­®¯°±²³´µ¶·¸¹º»¼½¾¿ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖ×ØÙÚÛÜÝÞßàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõö÷øùúûüýþÿ
String without control codes (223 characters): !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~�������������������������������� ¡¢£¤¥¦§¨©ª«¬­®¯°±²³´µ¶·¸¹º»¼½¾¿ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖ×ØÙÚÛÜÝÞßàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõö÷øùúûüýþÿ
String without control codes nor extended characters (95 characters): !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~
=={{header|F Sharp|F#}}==
Uses test string from REXX.
<syntaxhighlight lang="fsharp">
open System
let stripControl (arg:string) =
String(Array.filter (fun x -> not (Char.IsControl(x))) (arg.ToCharArray()))
//end stripControl
let stripExtended (arg:string) =
let numArr = (fun (x:char) -> Convert.ToUInt16(x)) (arg.ToCharArray()) in
String([|for num in numArr do if num >= 32us && num <= 126us then yield Convert.ToChar(num) |])
//end stripExtended
let main args =
let test = "string of ☺☻♥♦⌂, may include control characters and other ilk.♫☼§►↔◄"
printfn "Original: %s" test
printfn "Stripped of controls: %s" (stripControl test)
printfn "Stripped of extended: %s" (stripExtended test)
0//main must return integer, much like in C/C++
Original: string of ☺☻♥♦�, may include control characters and other ilk.♫☼§►↔◄
Stripped of controls: string of ☺☻♥♦�, may include control characters and other ilk.♫☼§►↔◄
Stripped of extended: string of , may include control characters and other ilk.
<syntaxhighlight lang="text">USING: ascii kernel sequences ;
: strip-control-codes ( str -- str' ) [ control? not ] filter ;
: strip-control-codes-and-extended ( str -- str' )
strip-control-codes [ ascii? ] filter ;</syntaxhighlight>
<syntaxhighlight lang="forth">: strip ( buf len -- buf len' ) \ repacks buffer, so len' <= len
over + over swap over ( buf dst limit src )
i c@ 32 127 within if
i c@ over c! char+
over - ;</syntaxhighlight>
<syntaxhighlight lang="fortran">module stripcharacters
implicit none
pure logical function not_control(ch)
character, intent(in) :: ch
not_control = iachar(ch) >= 32 .and. iachar(ch) /= 127
end function not_control
pure logical function not_extended(ch)
character, intent(in) :: ch
not_extended = iachar(ch) >= 32 .and. iachar(ch) < 127
end function not_extended
pure function strip(string,accept) result(str)
character(len=*), intent(in) :: string
character(len=len(string)) :: str
pure logical function accept(ch)
character, intent(in) :: ch
end function except
end interface
integer :: i,n
str = repeat(' ',len(string))
n = 0
do i=1,len(string)
if ( accept(string(i:i)) ) then
n = n+1
str(n:n) = string(i:i)
end if
end do
end function strip
end module stripcharacters
program test
use stripcharacters
character(len=256) :: string, str
integer :: ascii(256), i
forall (i=0:255) ascii(i) = i
forall (i=1:len(string)) string(i:i) = achar(ascii(i))
write (*,*) string
write (*,*) 'Control characters deleted:'
str = strip(string,not_control)
write (*,*) str
forall (i=1:len(string)) string(i:i) = achar(ascii(i))
write (*,*) 'Extended characters deleted:'
write (*,*) strip(string,not_extended)
end program test
<syntaxhighlight lang="freebasic">' FB 1.05.0 Win64
Function stripControlChars(s As Const String) As String
If s = "" Then Return ""
Dim count As Integer = 0
Dim strip(0 To Len(s) - 1) As Boolean
For i As Integer = 0 To Len(s) - 1
For j As Integer = 0 To 31
If s[i] = j OrElse s[i] = 127 Then
count += 1
strip(i) = True
Exit For
End If
Next j
Next i
Dim buffer As String = Space(Len(s) - count)
count = 0
For i As Integer = 0 To Len(s) - 1
If Not Strip(i) Then
buffer[count] = s[i]
count += 1
End If
Return buffer
End Function
Function stripExtendedChars(s As Const String) As String
If s = "" Then Return ""
Dim count As Integer = 0
Dim strip(0 To Len(s) - 1) As Boolean
For i As Integer = 0 To Len(s) - 1
For j As Integer = 128 To 255
If s[i] = j Then
count += 1
strip(i) = True
Exit For
End If
Next j
Next i
Dim buffer As String = Space(Len(s) - count)
count = 0
For i As Integer = 0 To Len(s) - 1
If Not Strip(i) Then
buffer[count] = s[i]
count += 1
End If
Return buffer
End Function
Dim s As String = !"\v\001The\t quick\255 \vbrown\127\f fox\156"
Dim s1 As String = stripControlChars(s)
Dim s2 As String = stripExtendedChars(s)
Dim s3 As String = stripExtendedChars(s1)
' Under Windows console, code page 850 :
' "vertical tab" displays as ♂
' "form feed" displays as ♀
' Chr(1) displays as ☺
' Chr(127) displays as ⌂
' the other control characters do what it says on the tin
' Chr(156) displays as £
' Chr(255) displays as space
Print "Before stripping :" , s
Print "Ctl chars stripped :" , s1
Print "Ext chars stripped :" , s2
Print "Both sets stripped :" , s3
Print "Before stripping" , "Length => " ; Len(s)
Print "Ctl chars stripped" , "Length => " ; Len(s1)
Print "Ext chars stripped" , "Length => " ; Len(s2)
Print "Both sets stripped" , "Length => " ; Len(s3)
Print "Press any key to quit"
Before stripping : ♂☺The quick  ♂brown⌂♀ fox£
Ctl chars stripped : The quick  brown fox£
Ext chars stripped : ♂☺The quick ♂brown⌂♀ fox
Both sets stripped : The quick brown fox
Before stripping Length => 27
Ctl chars stripped Length => 21
Ext chars stripped Length => 25
Both sets stripped Length => 19
<syntaxhighlight lang="frink">stripExtended[str] := str =~ %s/[^\u0020-\u007e]//g
stripControl[str] := str =~ %s/[\u0000-\u001F\u007f]//g
println[stripExtended[char[0 to 127]]]
println[stripControl[char[0 to 127]]]</syntaxhighlight>
'''[ Click this link to run this code]'''
<syntaxhighlight lang="gambas">Public Sub Main()
Dim sString As String = "The\t \equick\n \fbrownfox \vcost £125.00 or €145.00 or $160.00 \bto \ncapture ©®"
Dim sStd, sExtend As String
Dim siCount As Short
For siCount = 32 To 126
sStd &= Chr(siCount)
For siCount = 128 To 255
sExtend &= Chr(siCount)
Print "Original string: -\t" & sString & gb.NewLine
Print "No extended characters: -\t" & Check(sString, sStd)
sStd &= sExtend
Print "With extended characters: -\t" & Check(sString, sStd)
Public Sub Check(sString As String, sCheck As String) As String
Dim siCount As Short
Dim sResult As String
For siCount = 1 To Len(sString)
If InStr(sCheck, Mid(sString, siCount, 1)) Then sResult &= Mid(sString, siCount, 1)
Return sResult
Original string: - The uick
brownfox ^Kcost £125.00 or €145.00 or $160.00to
capture ©®
No extended characters: - The quick brownfox cost 125.00 or 145.00 or $160.00 to capture
With extended characters: - The quick brownfox cost £125.00 or €145.00 or $160.00 to capture ©®
Go works for ASCII and non-ASCII systems. The first pair of functions below interpret strings as byte strings, presumably useful for strings consisting of ASCII and 8-bit extended ASCII data. The second pair of functions interpret strings as UTF-8.
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="go">package main
import (
// two byte-oriented functions identical except for operator comparing c to 127.
func stripCtlFromBytes(str string) string {
b := make([]byte, len(str))
var bl int
for i := 0; i < len(str); i++ {
c := str[i]
if c >= 32 && c != 127 {
b[bl] = c
return string(b[:bl])
func stripCtlAndExtFromBytes(str string) string {
b := make([]byte, len(str))
var bl int
for i := 0; i < len(str); i++ {
c := str[i]
if c >= 32 && c < 127 {
b[bl] = c
return string(b[:bl])
// two UTF-8 functions identical except for operator comparing c to 127
func stripCtlFromUTF8(str string) string {
return strings.Map(func(r rune int) intrune {
if runer >= 32 && runer != 127 {
return runer
return -1
}, str)
func stripCtlAndExtFromUTF8(str string) string {
return strings.Map(func(r rune int) intrune {
if runer >= 32 && runer < 127 {
return runer
return -1
}, str)
// Advanced Unicode normalization and filtering,
const src = "déjà vu" + // precomposed unicode
// see and
"\n\000\037 \041\176\177\200\377\n" + // various boundary cases
// for more
"as⃝df̅" // unicode combining characters
// details.
func stripCtlAndExtFromUnicode(str string) string {
isOk := func(r rune) bool {
return r < 32 || r >= 127
// The isOk filter is such that there is no need to chain to norm.NFC
t := transform.Chain(norm.NFKD, transform.RemoveFunc(isOk))
// This Transformer could also trivially be applied as an io.Reader
// or io.Writer filter to automatically do such filtering when reading
// or writing data anywhere.
str, _, _ = transform.String(t, str)
return str
const src = "déjà vu" + // precomposed unicode
"\n\000\037 \041\176\177\200\377\n" + // various boundary cases
"as⃝df̅" // unicode combining characters
func main() {
fmt.Println("source text:")
fmt.Println(src, "\n")
fmt.Println("as\nas bytes, stripped of control codes:")
fmt.Println(stripCtlFromBytes(src), "\n")
fmt.Println("as\nas bytes, stripped of control codes and extended characters:")
fmt.Println(stripCtlAndExtFromBytes(src), "\n")
fmt.Println("as\nas UTF-8, stripped of control codes:")
fmt.Println(stripCtlFromUTF8(src), "\n")
fmt.Println("as\nas UTF-8, stripped of control codes and extended characters:")
fmt.Println("\nas decomposed and stripped Unicode:")
Output: (varies with display configuration)
source text:
déjà vu
� !~�����
Line 219 ⟶ 1,283:
as UTF-8, stripped of control codes and extended characters:
dj vu !~asdf
as decomposed and stripped Unicode:
deja vu !~asdf
<syntaxhighlight lang="groovy">def stripControl = { it.replaceAll(/\p{Cntrl}/, '') }
def stripControlAndExtended = { it.replaceAll(/[^\p{Print}]/, '') }</syntaxhighlight>
<syntaxhighlight lang="groovy">def text = (0..255).collect { (char) it }.join('')
def textMinusControl = text.findAll { int v = (char)it; v > 31 && v != 127 }.join('')
def textMinusControlAndExtended = textMinusControl.findAll {((char)it) < 128 }.join('')
assert stripControl(text) == textMinusControl
assert stripControlAndExtended(text) == textMinusControlAndExtended</syntaxhighlight>
<syntaxhighlight lang="haskell">import Control.Applicative (liftA2)
strip, strip2 :: String -> String
strip = filter (liftA2 (&&) (> 31) (< 126) . fromEnum)
-- or
strip2 = filter (((&&) <$> (> 31) <*> (< 126)) . fromEnum)
main :: IO ()
main =
(putStrLn . unlines) $
[strip, strip2] <*> ["alphabetic 字母 with some less parochial parts"]</syntaxhighlight>
<pre>alphabetic with some less parochial parts
alphabetic with some less parochial parts</pre>
=={{header|Icon}} and {{header|Unicon}}==
We'll use ''deletec'' to remove unwanted characters (2nd argument) from a string (1st argument). The procedure below coerces types back and forth between string and cset. The character set of unwanted characters is the difference of all ASCII characters and the ASCII characters from 33 to 126.
<langsyntaxhighlight Iconlang="icon">procedure main(A)
link strings
{{libheader|Icon Programming Library}}
Line 233 ⟶ 1,328:
The IPL procedure ''deletec'' is equivalent to this:
<langsyntaxhighlight Iconlang="icon">procedure deletec(s, c) #: delete characters
result := ""
s ? {
Line 239 ⟶ 1,334:
return result ||:= tab(0)
Line 246 ⟶ 1,341:
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="j">stripControlCodes=: -.&(DEL,32{.a.)
stripControlExtCodes=: ([ -. -.)&(32}.127{.a.)</langsyntaxhighlight>
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="j"> mystring=: a. {~ ?~256 NB. ascii chars 0-255 in random order
#mystring NB. length of string
Line 263 ⟶ 1,358:
stripControlExtCodes myunicodestring
k}w:]U3xEh9"GZdr/#^B.Sn%\uFOo[(`t2-J6*IA=Vf&N;lQ8,${XLz5?D0~s)'Y7Kq|ip4<WRCaM!b@cgv_T +mH>1ejPy</langsyntaxhighlight>
Generally speaking, <code>([-.-.)</code> gives us the contents from the sequence on the left, restricted to only the items which appear in the sequence on the right.
[[Category:String manipulation]]
{{works with|Java|8+}}
<syntaxhighlight lang="java">import java.util.function.IntPredicate;
public class StripControlCodes {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String s = "\u0000\n abc\u00E9def\u007F";
System.out.println(stripChars(s, c -> c > '\u001F' && c != '\u007F'));
System.out.println(stripChars(s, c -> c > '\u001F' && c < '\u007F'));
static String stripChars(String s, IntPredicate include) {
return s.codePoints().filter(include::test).collect(StringBuilder::new,
StringBuilder::appendCodePoint, StringBuilder::append).toString();
<pre> abcédef
===ES 5===
<syntaxhighlight lang="javascript">(function (strTest) {
// s -> s
function strip(s) {
return s.split('').filter(function (x) {
var n = x.charCodeAt(0);
return 31 < n && 127 > n;
return strip(strTest);
<syntaxhighlight lang="javascript">"abcd"</syntaxhighlight>
{{works with|jq|1.4}}
<syntaxhighlight lang="jq">def strip_control_codes:
explode | map(select(. > 31 and . != 127)) | implode;
def strip_extended_characters:
explode | map(select(31 < . and . < 127)) | implode;</syntaxhighlight>
<syntaxhighlight lang="jq">def string: "string of ☺☻♥♦⌂, may include control characters such as null(\u0000) and other ilk.\n§►↔◄\nRødgrød med fløde";
"string | strip_control_codes\n => \(string | strip_control_codes)",
"string | strip_extended_characters\n => \(string | strip_extended_characters)"</syntaxhighlight>
<syntaxhighlight lang="sh">$ jq -n -r -f Strip_control_codes_and_extended_characters.jq
string | strip_control_codes
=> string of ☺☻♥♦⌂, may include control characters such as null() and other ilk.§►↔◄Rødgrød med fløde
string | strip_extended_characters
=> string of , may include control characters such as null() and other ilk.Rdgrd med flde</syntaxhighlight>
<syntaxhighlight lang="julia">
stripc0{T<:String}(a::T) = replace(a, r"[\x00-\x1f\x7f]", "")
stripc0x{T<:String}(a::T) = replace(a, r"[^\x20-\x7e]", "")
a = "a\n\tb\u2102d\u2147f"
println("Original String:\n ", a)
println("\nWith C0 control characters removed:\n ", stripc0(a))
println("\nWith C0 and extended characters removed:\n ", stripc0x(a))
Original String:
With C0 control characters removed:
With C0 and extended characters removed:
<syntaxhighlight lang="scala">// version 1.1.2
fun String.strip(extendedChars: Boolean = false): String {
val sb = StringBuilder()
for (c in this) {
val i = c.toInt()
if (i in 32..126 || (!extendedChars && i >= 128)) sb.append(c)
return sb.toString()
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val s = "123\tabc\u0007DEF\u007F+-*/€æŧðłþ"
println("String = $s Length = ${s.length}")
println("\nAfter stripping control characters:")
val t = s.strip()
println("String = $t Length = ${t.length}")
println("\nAfter stripping control and extended characters:")
val u = s.strip(true)
println("String = $u Length = ${u.length}")
String = 123 abcDEF�+-*/€æŧðłþ Length = 22
After stripping control characters:
String = 123abcDEF+-*/€æŧðłþ Length = 19
After stripping control and extended characters:
String = 123abcDEF+-*/ Length = 13
<syntaxhighlight lang="langur">
val str = "()\x15abcd\uFFFF123\uBBBB!@#$%^&*\x01"
writeln "original : ", str
writeln "without ctrl chars: ", replace(str, RE/\p{Cc}/, "")
writeln "print ASCII only : ", replace(str, re/[^ -~]/, "")
<pre>original : ()�abcd�123뮻!@#$%^&*�
without ctrl chars: ()abcd�123뮻!@#$%^&*
print ASCII only : ()abcd123!@#$%^&*</pre>
=={{header|Liberty BASIC}}==
<syntaxhighlight lang="lb">
<lang lb>
all$ =""
for i =0 to 255
Line 306 ⟶ 1,541:
extendedStripped$ =r$
end function
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="lua">function Strip_Control_Codes( str )
local s = ""
for i in str:gmatch( "%C+" ) do
Line 333 ⟶ 1,568:
print( Strip_Control_Codes(q) )
print( Strip_Control_and_Extended_Codes(q) )</langsyntaxhighlight>
<pre> !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~€‚ƒ„…†‡ˆ‰Š‹ŒŽ‘’“”•–—˜™š›œžŸ€�‚ƒ„…†‡ˆ‰Š‹Œ�Ž��‘’“”•–—˜™š›œ�žŸ ¡¢£¤¥¦§¨©ª«¬­®¯°±²³´µ¶·¸¹º»¼½¾¿ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖ×ØÙÚÛÜÝÞßàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõö÷øùúûüýþÿ
=={{header|Mathematica}}/{{header|Wolfram Language}}==
<syntaxhighlight lang="mathematica">stripCtrl[x_]:=StringJoin[Select[Characters[x],
\.15\.16\.17\.18\.19\.1a\[RawEscape]\.1c\.1d\.1e\.1f !"#$%&'()*+,-./
^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~��������������������������������� ¡¢£¤¥¦§¨©ª«\[Not]­®¯\[Degree]
^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~�������������������������������� ¡¢£¤¥¦§¨©ª«\[Not]­®¯\[Degree]
=={{header|MATLAB}} / {{header|Octave}}==
<syntaxhighlight lang="matlab"> function str = stripped(str)
str = str(31<str & str<127);
end; </syntaxhighlight>
<syntaxhighlight lang="nim">proc stripped(str: string): string =
result = ""
for c in str:
if ord(c) in 32..126:
result.add c
proc strippedControl(str: string): string =
result = ""
for c in str:
if ord(c) in {32..126, 128..255}:
result.add c
echo strippedControl "\ba\x00b\n\rc\fdÄ"
echo stripped "\ba\x00b\n\rc\fd\xc3"</syntaxhighlight>
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="ocaml">let is_control_code c =
letc d< ='\032' int_of_char|| c in= '\127'
d < 32 || d = 127
let is_extended_char c =
c > '\127'
let d = int_of_char c in
d > 127
let strip f str =
let len = String.length str in
let res = StringBytes.create len in
let rec aux i j =
if i >= len then String.sub res 0 j else
then Bytes.sub_string res 0 j
if f str.[i]
else if f str.[i]
then aux (succ i) j
else begin
resBytes.[j]set <-res j str.[i];
aux (succ i) (succ j)
Line 362 ⟶ 1,648:
let () =
Random.self_init ();
let len = 32 in
let s = String.create len in
String.init len (fun _ ->
char_of_int ( 256))
for i = 0 to pred len do
s.[i] <- char_of_int ( 256)
print_endline (strip is_control_code s);
print_endline (strip (fun c -> (is_control_code c) || (is_extended_char c)) s);</syntaxhighlight>
{{works with|Free_Pascal}}
<syntaxhighlight lang="pascal">program StripCharacters(output);
function Strip (s: string; control, extended: boolean): string;
index: integer;
Strip := '';
for index:= 1 to length(s) do
if not ((control and (ord(s[index]) <= 32)) or (extended and (ord(s[index]) > 127))) then
Strip := Strip + s[index];
test: string;
i: integer;
setlength(test, 40);
for i := 1 to length(test) do
test[i] := char(1 + random(255));
writeln ('Original: ', test);
writeln ('No CNTL: ', Strip(test, true, false));
writeln ('No extnd: ', Strip(test, false, true));
writeln ('ASCII: ', Strip(test, true, true));
<pre>% ./StripCharacters
Original: )?z8i9?a?K??N?s?F˪w?a??s
No CNTL: )?z8i9?a?K??N?s?F˪w?a??s#?b?B}PT?ٜ
No extnd: )z8i9aKNsFwas
ASCII: )z8i9aKNsFwas#bB}PT
<syntaxhighlight lang="delphi">
function StripControlCodes(s: string): string
:= s.Where(c -> c.Code in 32..126).JoinToString;
var s := #127'abc'#1#15#31'def'#12;
Peloton has a native instruction for removing control codes from a string, SAL, the Low ASCII Strip. From the manual:
<syntaxhighlight lang="sgml">Create variable with control characters: <@ SAYLETVARLIT>i|This string has control characters
- - - - - -
in it</@>
Strip control characters <@ SAYSALVAR>i</@>
Assign infix <@ LETVARSALVAR>j|i</@> <@ SAYVAR>j</@>
Assign prepend <@ LETSALVARVAR>k|i</@> <@ SAYVAR>k</@>
Reflexive assign <@ ACTSALVAR>i</@> <@ SAYVAR>i</@></syntaxhighlight>
Peloton also has SAH, High ASCII Strip. Again, from the manual:
<syntaxhighlight lang="sgml">Create variable with high and low ANSI: <@ SAYLETVARLIT>i|This string has both low ansi and high ansi characters - il doit d'être prévenu</@>
Strip high ANSI <@ SAYSAHVAR>i</@>
Assign infix <@ LETVARSAHVAR>j|i</@> <@ SAYVAR>j</@>
Assign prepend <@ LETSAHVARVAR>k|i</@> <@ SAYVAR>k</@>
Reflexive assign <@ ACTSAHVAR>i</@> <@ SAYVAR>i</@></syntaxhighlight>
<langsyntaxhighlight Perllang="perl">#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict ;
Line 391 ⟶ 1,748:
print "\nWithout extended: " ;
print join( '' , map { chr( $_ ) } @noextended ) ;
print "\n" ;</langsyntaxhighlight>
<PRE>before sanitation : �L08&YH�O��n)�:���O�G$���.���"zO���Q�?��
Line 398 ⟶ 1,755:
=={{header|Perl 6Phix}}==
<lang perl6>my $str = (0..400).roll(80)».chr.join;
While you can delete a character from a string using say s[i..i] = "", the fastest and easiest way is always just
to build a new one character-by-character.<br>
I credited Ada solely for the sensible fromch / toch / abovech idea.
<!--<syntaxhighlight lang="phix">(phixonline)-->
<span style="color: #008080;">with</span> <span style="color: #008080;">javascript_semantics</span>
<span style="color: #7060A8;">requires</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #008000;">"1.0.2"</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)</span> <span style="color: #000080;font-style:italic;">-- (param default fixes in pwa/p2js)</span>
<span style="color: #008080;">function</span> <span style="color: #000000;">filter_it</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #004080;">string</span> <span style="color: #000000;">s</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span> <span style="color: #004080;">integer</span> <span style="color: #000000;">fromch</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span><span style="color: #008000;">' '</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span> <span style="color: #000000;">toch</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span><span style="color: #000000;">#7E</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span> <span style="color: #000000;">abovech</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span><span style="color: #000000;">#7F</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)</span>
<span style="color: #004080;">string</span> <span style="color: #000000;">res</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #008000;">""</span>
<span style="color: #008080;">for</span> <span style="color: #000000;">i</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span><span style="color: #000000;">1</span> <span style="color: #008080;">to</span> <span style="color: #7060A8;">length</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">s</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)</span> <span style="color: #008080;">do</span>
<span style="color: #004080;">integer</span> <span style="color: #000000;">ch</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #000000;">s</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">[</span><span style="color: #000000;">i</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">]</span>
<span style="color: #008080;">if</span> <span style="color: #000000;">ch</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">>=</span><span style="color: #000000;">fromch</span> <span style="color: #008080;">and</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">ch</span><span style="color: #0000FF;"><=</span><span style="color: #000000;">toch</span> <span style="color: #008080;">or</span> <span style="color: #000000;">ch</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">></span><span style="color: #000000;">abovech</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)</span> <span style="color: #008080;">then</span>
<span style="color: #000000;">res</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">&=</span> <span style="color: #000000;">ch</span>
<span style="color: #008080;">end</span> <span style="color: #008080;">if</span>
<span style="color: #008080;">end</span> <span style="color: #008080;">for</span>
<span style="color: #008080;">return</span> <span style="color: #000000;">res</span>
<span style="color: #008080;">end</span> <span style="color: #008080;">function</span>
<span style="color: #008080;">procedure</span> <span style="color: #000000;">put_line</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #004080;">string</span> <span style="color: #000000;">text</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span> <span style="color: #000000;">s</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)</span>
<span style="color: #7060A8;">printf</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">1</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #008000;">"%s \"%s\", Length:%d\n"</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,{</span><span style="color: #000000;">text</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #000000;">s</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #7060A8;">length</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">s</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)})</span>
<span style="color: #008080;">end</span> <span style="color: #008080;">procedure</span>
<span style="color: #004080;">string</span> <span style="color: #000000;">full</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #008000;">"\u0000 abc\u00E9def\u007F"</span>
<span style="color: #000000;">put_line</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #008000;">"The full string:"</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span> <span style="color: #000000;">full</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)</span>
<span style="color: #000000;">put_line</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #008000;">"No Control Chars:"</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span> <span style="color: #000000;">filter_it</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">full</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">))</span> <span style="color: #000080;font-style:italic;">-- default values for fromch, toch, and abovech</span>
<span style="color: #000000;">put_line</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #008000;">"\" and no Extended:"</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span> <span style="color: #000000;">filter_it</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">full</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span> <span style="color: #000000;">abovech</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">:=</span><span style="color: #000000;">#FF</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">))</span> <span style="color: #000080;font-style:italic;">-- defaults for fromch and toch</span>
(desktop/Phix, in a grubby Windows console)
The full string: " abc+®def�", Length:11
No Control Chars: " abc+®def", Length:9
" and no Extended: " abcdef", Length:7
The full string: " abcédef�", Length:10
No Control Chars: " abcédef", Length:8
" and no Extended: " abcdef", Length:7
The reason is that JavaScript handles unicode slightly differently. On desktop/Phix, \u0000 is treated as the single ''byte'' #00, and
likewise \u007F as the single byte #7F, but \u00E9 is converted to the utf-8 sequence #C3,#A9 - hence the disagreement over the initial and middle lengths. For proper compatibility you would have to start playing with utf8_to_utf32() and friends. Also as you can see the grubby Windows console does not display utf8 nicely, so we get an ugly "+®" for what should be a single \u00E9 character. You should get slightly better results on a Linux console, and maybe if you have more fonts installed on Windows than I do, things might look better with a different one, plus of course the text is far more likely to display correctly in a GUI, but that's a bit beyond the remit of this simple task I fear.
say $str;
say $str.subst(/<[ ^@..^_ ]>/, '', :g);
say $str.subst(/<-[ \ ..~ ]>/, '', :g);</lang>
Control characters in strings are written with a hat (^) in PicoLisp. ^? is the DEL character.
<langsyntaxhighlight PicoLisplang="picolisp">(de stripCtrl (Str)
Line 421 ⟶ 1,813:
'((C) (> "^?" C "^_"))
(chop Str) ) ) )</langsyntaxhighlight>
<pre>: (char "^?")
Line 434 ⟶ 1,826:
: (stripCtrlExt "^I^M a b c^? d äöüß")
-> " a b c d "</pre>
<syntaxhighlight lang="pike">> string input = random_string(100);
> (string)((array)input-enumerate(32)-enumerate(255-126,1,127));
Result: "p_xx08M]cK<FHgR3\\I.x>)Tm<VgakYddy&P7"</syntaxhighlight>
<syntaxhighlight lang="pl/i">
stripper: proc options (main);
declare s character (100) varying;
declare i fixed binary;
s = 'the quick brown fox jumped';
/* A loop to replace blanks with control characters */
do i = 1 to length(s);
if substr(s, i, 1) = ' ' then
substr(s, i, 1) = '01'x;
put skip list (s);
call stripcc (s);
put skip list (s);
s = 'now is the time for all good men';
/* A loop to replace blanks with control characters */
do i = 1 to length(s);
if substr(s, i, 1) = ' ' then
substr(s, i, 1) = 'A1'x;
put skip list (s);
call stripex (s);
put skip list (s);
/* Strip control codes. */
stripcc: procedure (s);
declare s character (*) varying;
declare w character (length(s));
declare c character (1);
declare (i, j) fixed binary;
j = 0;
do i = 1 to length (s);
c = substr(s, i, 1);
if unspec(c) >= '00100000'b | unspec(c) = '01111111'b then
j = j + 1;
substr(w, j, 1) = c;
s = substr(w, 1, j);
end stripcc;
/* Strips control codes and extended characters. */
stripex: procedure (s);
declare s character (*) varying;
declare w character (length(s));
declare c character (1);
declare (i, j) fixed binary;
j = 0;
do i = 1 to length (s);
c = substr(s, i, 1);
if unspec(c) >= '00100000'b & unspec(c) < '01111111'b then
j = j + 1;
substr(w, j, 1) = c;
s = substr(w, 1, j);
end stripex;
end stripper;
<syntaxhighlight lang="powershell">
function Remove-Character
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName="Control and Extended")]
filter Remove-ControlCharacter
$_.ToCharArray() | ForEach-Object -Begin {$out = ""} -Process {if (-not [Char]::IsControl($_)) {$out += $_ }} -End {$out}
filter Remove-ExtendedCharacter
$_.ToCharArray() | ForEach-Object -Begin {$out = ""} -Process {if ([int]$_ -lt 127) {$out += $_ }} -End {$out}
foreach ($s in $String)
switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName)
"Control" {$s | Remove-ControlCharacter}
"Extended" {$s | Remove-ExtendedCharacter}
Default {$s | Remove-ExtendedCharacter | Remove-ControlCharacter}
<syntaxhighlight lang="powershell">
$test = "$([char]9)Français."
"Original string : `"$test`""
"Control characters stripped : `"$($test | Remove-Character -Control)`""
"Extended characters stripped : `"$($test | Remove-Character -Extended)`""
"Control & extended stripped : `"$($test | Remove-Character)`""
Original string : " Français."
Control characters stripped : "Français."
Extended characters stripped : " Franais."
Control & extended stripped : "Franais."
<syntaxhighlight lang="powershell">
"Français", "Čeština" | Remove-Character -Extended
<langsyntaxhighlight PureBasiclang="purebasic">Procedure.s stripControlCodes(source.s)
Protected i, *ptrChar.Character, length = Len(source), result.s
*ptrChar = @source
Line 473 ⟶ 2,021:
Print(#CRLF$ + #CRLF$ + "Press ENTER to exit"): Input()
Sample output:
<pre>»╫=┐C─≡G(═ç╤â√╝÷╔¬ÿ▌x  è4∞|)ï└⌐ƒ9²òτ┌ºáj)▓<~-vPÿφQ╨ù¿╖îFh"[ü╗dÉ₧q#óé├p╫■
Line 480 ⟶ 2,028:
<syntaxhighlight lang="python">stripped = lambda s: "".join(i for i in s if 31 < ord(i) < 127)
<lang Python>def stripped(x):
return "".join([i for i in x if ord(i) in range(32, 127)])
print (stripped("\ba\x00b\n\rc\fd\xc3"))</langsyntaxhighlight>Output:<syntaxhighlight lang="text">abcd</langsyntaxhighlight>
<syntaxhighlight lang="racket">
#lang racket
;; Works on both strings (Unicode) and byte strings (raw/ASCII)
(define (strip-controls str)
(regexp-replace* #rx"[\0-\037\177]+" str ""))
(define (strip-controls-and-extended str)
(regexp-replace* #rx"[^\040-\176]+" str ""))
(formerly Perl 6)
{{works with|Rakudo|2018.03}}
<syntaxhighlight lang="raku" line>my $str = (0..400).roll(80)».chr.join;
say $str;
say $str.subst(/<:Cc>/, '', :g); # unicode property: control character
say $str.subst(/<-[\ ..~]>/, '', :g);</syntaxhighlight>
Note that &nbsp; ''guillemets'' &nbsp; were used as fences in presenting/displaying the &nbsp; «««before»»» &nbsp; and &nbsp; «««after»»» &nbsp; text strings.
===idiomatic version===
This REXX version processes each character in an idiomatic way &nbsp; (if it's a wanted character, then keep it).
<syntaxhighlight lang="rexx">/*REXX program strips all "control codes" from a character string (ASCII or EBCDIC). */
z= 'string of ☺☻♥♦⌂, may include control characters and other ♫☼§►↔◄░▒▓█┌┴┐±÷²¬└┬┘ilk.'
@=' !"#$%&''()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~'
do j=1 for length(z); _=substr(z, j, 1) /*get a char from X one at a time. */
if verify(_, @)==0 then $=$ || _ /*Is char in the @ list? Then use it.*/
end /*j*/ /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */
say 'old = »»»'z"«««" /*add ««fence»» before & after old text*/
say 'new = »»»'$"«««" /* " " " " " new " */</syntaxhighlight>
old = »»»string of ☺☻♥♦⌂, may include control characters and other ♫☼§►↔◄░▒▓█┌┴┐±÷²¬└┬┘ilk.«««
new = »»»string of , may include control characters and other ilk.«««
===faster version===
This REXX version only deletes unwanted characters.
It also shows a different way of performing concatenations (without using abutments, &nbsp; and a way to split a long literal (character) string.
Because there are &nbsp; (or should be) &nbsp; fewer unwanted characters than wanted characters, this version is faster.
<syntaxhighlight lang="rexx">/*REXX program strips all "control codes" from a character string (ASCII or EBCDIC). */
x= 'string of ☺☻♥♦⌂, may include control characters and other ♫☼§►↔◄░▒▓█┌┴┐±÷²¬└┬┘ilk.'
@=' !"#$%&''()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghij' || ,
$=x /*set "new" string to same as the old. */
do until _=0; _=verify($, @) /*check if any character isn't in @.*/
if _\==0 then $=delstr($, _, 1) /*Is this a bad char? Then delete it.*/
end /*until*/ /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */
say 'old = »»»' || x || "«««" /*add ««fence»» before & after old text*/
say 'new = »»»' || $ || "«««" /* " " " " " new " */</syntaxhighlight>
{{out|output|text=&nbsp; is identical to the 1<sup>st</sup> REXX version.}} <br><br>
<syntaxhighlight lang="ring">
s = char(31) + "abc" + char(13) + "def" + char(11) + "ghi" + char(10)
see strip(s) + nl
func strip str
strip = ""
for i = 1 to len(str)
nr = substr(str,i,1)
a = ascii(nr)
if a > 31 and a < 123 and nr != "'" and nr != """"
strip = strip + nr ok
return strip
RPL has a character set based on ASCII but does not support extended characters.
≪ → text
≪ "" 1 text SIZE '''FOR''' j
text j DUP SUB NUM
'''IF''' DUP 32 ≥ OVER 126 ≤ '''THEN''' CHR + '''ELSE''' DROP '''END'''
≫ ≫ '<span style="color:blue">NOCTRL</span>' STO
<syntaxhighlight lang="ruby">class String
def strip_control_characters()
chars.each_with_object("") do |char, str|
str << char unless char.ascii_only? and (char.ord < 32 or char.ord == 127)
def strip_control_and_extended_characters()
chars.each_with_object("") do |char, str|
str << char if char.ascii_only? and char.ord.between?(32,126)
p s = "\ba\x00b\n\rc\fd\xc3\x7ffoo"
p s.strip_control_characters
p s.strip_control_and_extended_characters</syntaxhighlight>
=={{header|Run BASIC}}==
<syntaxhighlight lang="runbasic">s$ = chr$(31) + "abc" + chr$(13) + "def" + chr$(11) + "ghi" + chr$(10)
print strip$(s$)
' -----------------------------------------
' strip junk
' -----------------------------------------
FUNCTION strip$(str$)
for i = 1 to len(str$)
a$ = MID$(str$,i,1)
a = ASC(a$)
if a > 31 then
if a < 123 then
if a$ <> "'" then
if a$ <> """" then
strip$ = strip$ + a$
end if
end if
end if
end if
next i
END FUNCTION</syntaxhighlight>
input : chr$(31)+"abc"+chr$(13)+"def"+chr$(11)+"ghi"+chr$(10)
output : abcdefghi</pre>
===ASCII: Using StringOps Class===
<syntaxhighlight lang="scala">val controlCode : (Char) => Boolean = (c:Char) => (c <= 32 || c == 127)
val extendedCode : (Char) => Boolean = (c:Char) => (c <= 32 || c > 127)
// ASCII test...
val teststring = scala.util.Random.shuffle( (1.toChar to 254.toChar).toList ).mkString
println( "ctrl filtered out: \n\n" +
teststring.filterNot(controlCode) + "\n" )
println( "ctrl and extended filtered out: \n\n" +
teststring.filterNot(controlCode).filterNot(extendedCode) + "\n" )</syntaxhighlight>
<pre>ctrl filtered out:
ctrl and extended filtered out:
===Unicode: Using Regular Expressions===
<syntaxhighlight lang="scala">//
// A Unicode test string
val ulist = 0x8232.toChar :: 0xFFF9.toChar :: 0x200E.toChar :: (1.toChar to 2000.toChar).toList
val ustring = scala.util.Random.shuffle( ulist ).mkString
// Remove control codes including private codes
val sNoCtrlCode = ustring.replaceAll("[\\p{C}]","")
val htmlNoCtrlCode = for( i <- sNoCtrlCode.indices ) yield
"&#" + sNoCtrlCode(i).toInt + ";" + (if( (i+1) % 10 == 0 ) "\n" else "")
println( "ctrl filtered out: <br/><br/>\n\n" + htmlNoCtrlCode.mkString + "<br/><br/>\n" )
// Keep 0x00-0x7f and remove control codes
val sNoExtCode = ustring.replaceAll("[^\\p{InBasicLatin}]","").replaceAll("[\\p{C}]","")
val htmlNoExtCode = for( i <- sNoExtCode.indices ) yield
"&#" + sNoExtCode(i).toInt + ";" + (if( (i+1) % 10 == 0 ) "\n" else "")
println( "ctrl and extended filtered out: <br/><br/>\n\n" + htmlNoExtCode.mkString + "<br/><br/>\n" )</syntaxhighlight>
<pre>ctrl filtered out:
ctrl and extended filtered out:
To strip control codes only:
<syntaxhighlight lang="sed">s/[[:cntrl:]]//g</syntaxhighlight>
To strip control codes and extended characters:
<syntaxhighlight lang="sed">s/[^[:print:]]//g</syntaxhighlight>
For this to work properly with sed implementations supporting multibyte character encodings (like UTF-8), the environment variable LC_ALL=C might need to be set.
$ printf 'Just\tä\tString\n' | LC_ALL=C sed 's/[[:cntrl:]]//g'
$ printf 'Just\tä\tString\n' | LC_ALL=C sed 's/[^[:print:]]//g'
Seed7 [ strings] are UTF-32 encoded,
therefore no destinction between BYTE and Unicode strings is necessary.
The example below uses [ STD_UTF8_OUT]
from the library [ utf8.s7i], to write
Unicode characters with UTF-8 encoding to the console.
<syntaxhighlight lang="seed7">$ include "seed7_05.s7i";
include "utf8.s7i";
const func string: stripControl (in string: stri) is func
var string: stripped is "";
var integer: old_pos is 1;
var integer: index is 0;
var char: ch is ' ';
for ch key index range stri do
if ch < ' ' or ch = '\127;' then
stripped &:= stri[old_pos .. pred(index)];
old_pos := succ(index);
end if;
end for;
stripped &:= stri[old_pos ..];
end func;
const func string: stripControlAndExtended (in string: stri) is func
var string: stripped is "";
var integer: old_pos is 1;
var integer: index is 0;
var char: ch is ' ';
for ch key index range stri do
if ch < ' ' or ch >= '\127;' then
stripped &:= stri[old_pos .. pred(index)];
old_pos := succ(index);
end if;
end for;
stripped &:= stri[old_pos ..];
end func;
const string: src is "déjà vu\ # Unicode
\\n\0;\31; \33;\126;\127;\128;\255;\n\ # Various boundary cases
\as⃝df̅"; # Unicode combining characters
const proc: main is func
writeln("source text:");
writeln("Stripped of control codes:");
writeln("Stripped of control codes and extended characters:");
end func;</syntaxhighlight>
source text:
déjà vu
� !~��ÿ
Stripped of control codes:
déjà vu !~�ÿas⃝df̅
Stripped of control codes and extended characters:
dj vu !~asdf
<syntaxhighlight lang="ruby">var str = "\ba\x00b\n\rc\fd\xc3\x7ffoo"
var letters ={.ord}
var nocontrols = letters.grep{ (_ > 32) && (_ != 127) }
var noextended = nocontrols.grep{ _ < 127 }
=={{header|Standard ML}}==
<syntaxhighlight lang="sml">(* string -> string *)
val stripCntrl = concat o String.tokens Char.isCntrl
(* string -> string *)
val stripCntrlAndExt = concat o String.tokens (not o Char.isPrint)</syntaxhighlight>
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="tcl">proc stripAsciiCC str {
regsub -all {[\u0000-\u001f\u007f]+} $str ""
proc stripCC str {
regsub -all {[^\u0020-\u007e]+} $str ""
=={{header|TI-83 BASIC}}==
TI-83 BASIC doesn't support ASCII or Unicode, so the following program just strips every character that doesn't have a corresponding glyph from 32 to 126 decimal in a real ASCII table.
The following "normal characters" do exist, but can't be typed on the calculator and a hex editor must be used to enter them:
<syntaxhighlight lang="ti83b">#$&@;_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz|~</syntaxhighlight>
The double quote character (ASCII decimal 34) can be entered, but cannot be escaped and thus cannot be stored to strings without the use of hex editors. The following program will remove double quotes from the input string if they were hacked in simply because having one stored to the "check" string is syntactically invalid.
So, in sum, you have to hack the calculator to enter in this program, but once it's entered you can transfer it to unhacked calculators and it will work.
<syntaxhighlight lang="ti83b">:" !#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~"→Str0
:Input ">",Str1
:If not(inString(Str0,sub(Str1,I,1)))
:Pause Str1</syntaxhighlight>
<syntaxhighlight lang="txrlisp">(defun strip-controls (str)
(regsub #/[\x0-\x1F\x7F]+/ "" str))
(defun strip-controls-and-extended (str)
(regsub #/[^\x20-\x7F]+/ "" str))</syntaxhighlight>
Derived from the BASIC version.
<syntaxhighlight lang="vb">
Function StripCtrlCodes(s)
tmp = ""
For i = 1 To Len(s)
n = Asc(Mid(s,i,1))
If (n >= 32 And n <= 126) Or n >=128 Then
tmp = tmp & Mid(s,i,1)
End If
StripCtrlCodes = tmp
End Function
Function StripCtrlCodesExtChrs(s)
tmp = ""
For i = 1 To Len(s)
n = Asc(Mid(s,i,1))
If n >= 32 And n <= 126 Then
tmp = tmp & Mid(s,i,1)
End If
StripCtrlCodesExtChrs = tmp
End Function
WScript.StdOut.Write "ab�cd�ef�gh�€" & " = " & StripCtrlCodes("ab�cd�ef�gh�€")
WScript.StdOut.Write "ab�cd�ef�gh�ij†klð€" & " = " & StripCtrlCodesExtChrs("ab�cd�ef�gh�ij†klð€")
ab�cd�ef�gh�€ = abcdefgh€
ab�cd�ef�gh�ij†klð€ = abcdefghijkl
=={{header|V (Vlang)}}==
<syntaxhighlight lang="v (vlang)">fn main() {
fn stripped(source string) string {
mut result := ''
for value in source {if value > 31 && value < 128 {result += value.ascii_str()}}
return result
<syntaxhighlight lang="wren">import "./pattern" for Pattern
var s = "\t\n\r\x01\0\fabc\v\v\b\a\x1f\x7f🌇Páez😃É"
// strip control codes only
var p ="+1/c")
var r = p.replaceAll(s, "")
System.print("%(r) -> length %(r.count)")
// strip extended characters as well
p ="[+1/c|+1/R]")
r = p.replaceAll(s, "")
System.print("%(r) -> length %(r.count)")
abc🌇Páez😃É -> length 10
abcPez -> length 6
<syntaxhighlight lang="xpl0">include c:\cxpl\codes; \intrinsic 'code' declarations
string 0; \use zero-terminated string convention
proc Strip(Str, Both); \Strip out control and optionally extended chars
char Str; int Both;
int I, J, C;
[I:= 0;
while Str(I) do
[C:= Str(I);
if Both then C:= extend(C); \if stripping extended chars too, extend sign
if C<$20 or C=$7F then
[J:= I; \eliminate char by shifting string down over it
repeat C:= Str(J+1);
Str(J):= C;
J:= J+1;
until C=0;
else I:= I+1;
char String;
[String:= "Hello^M^J World àáâã";
Text(0, String); CrLf(0);
Strip(String, false);
Text(0, String); CrLf(0);
Strip(String, true);
Text(0, String); CrLf(0);
World àáâã
Hello World àáâã
Hello World
<syntaxhighlight lang="zkl">var ctlCodes=([1..31].pump(String,"toChar") +(127).toChar());
var extdChars=[127..255].pump(String,"toChar");
var test = "string of ☺☻♥♦⌂, control characters(\t\b\e) and other ilk.♫☼§►↔◄";
test.println("<< test string");
(test-ctlCodes).println("<< no control chars");
(test-extdChars).println("<< no extended chars");
(test-extdChars-ctlCodes).println("<< text");
string of ☺☻♥♦⌂, control characters( and other ilk.♫☼§►↔◄<< test string
string of ☺☻♥♦⌂, control characters() and other ilk.♫☼§►↔◄<< no control chars
string of , control characters(and other ilk.<< no extended chars
string of , control characters() and other ilk.<< text
{{omit from|GUISS}}
{{omit from|Openscad}}
