Knight's tour: Difference between revisions

→‎{{header|Haskell}}: Applied hlint and hindent – slightly simplified the type of the input, and slightly uncluttered the main :: IO() function
No edit summary
(→‎{{header|Haskell}}: Applied hlint and hindent – slightly simplified the type of the input, and slightly uncluttered the main :: IO() function)
Line 3,031:
<lang Haskell>import Data.Char (ord, chr)
import System (getArgs)
import Data.Char (ord, chr)
import Data.List (minimumBy, (\\), intercalate, sort)
import Data.Ord (comparing)
import Data.List (minimumBy, (\\), intercalate, sort)
type Square = (Int, Int)
board :: [Square]
board =
board = [ (x,y) | x <- [1..8], y <- [1..8] ]
[ (x, y)
| x <- [1 .. 8]
, y <- [1 .. 8] ]
knightMoves :: Square -> [Square]
knightMoves (x, y) = filter (flip `elem` board) jumps
where jumps = [ (x+i,y+j) | i <- jv, j <- jv, abs i /= abs j ]
jv jumps = [1,-1,2,-2]
[ (x + i, y + j)
| i <- jv
, j <- jv
, abs i /= abs j ]
jv = [1, -1, 2, -2]
knightTour :: [Square] -> [Square]
knightTour moves
| |null candMoves == [] = reverse moves
| otherwise = knightTour $ newSquare : moves
where newSquare = minimumBy (comparing (length . findMoves)) candMoves
newSquare = minimumBy (comparing candMoves(length =. findMoves)) $ head movescandMoves
candMoves = findMoves sq = knightMoves sq$ \\head moves
findMoves = (\\ moves) . knightMoves
maintoSq :: IOString -> (Int, Int)
toSq [x, y] = ((ord x) - 96, (ord y) - 48)
main = do
sq <- fmap (toSq . head) getArgs
printTour $ map toAlg $ knightTour [sq]
where toAlg (x,y) = [chr (x + 96), chr (y + 48)]
toSq [x,y] = ((ord x) - 96, (ord y) - 48)
printTour [] = return ()
printTour tour = do
putStrLn $ intercalate " -> " $ take 8 tour
printTour $ drop 8 tour
toAlg :: (Int, Int) -> String
where toAlg (x, y) = [chr (x + 96), chr (y + 48)]
e5 -> f7 -> h8 -> g6 -> h4 -> g2 -> e1 -> f3
-- TEST -----------------------------------------------------------------------
sq :: (Int, Int)
sq = toSq "e5" -- Input: starting position on the bord, e.g. (5, 5) as "e5"
main =:: doIO ()
main = printTour $ map toAlg <$> knightTour [sq]
printTour [] = return ()
printTour tour = do
putStrLn $ intercalate " -> " $ take 8 tour
printTour $ drop 8 tour</lang>
<pre>e5 -> f7 -> h8 -> g6 -> h4 -> g2 -> e1 -> f3
g1 -> h3 -> g5 -> h7 -> f8 -> d7 -> b8 -> a6
b4 -> a2 -> c1 -> d3 -> b2 -> a4 -> b6 -> a8
Line 3,076 ⟶ 3,087:
a5 -> c6 -> a7 -> c8 -> d6 -> b5 -> d4 -> e2
c3 -> d1 -> f2 -> h1 -> g3 -> e4 -> f6 -> g8
h6 -> g4 -> h2 -> f1 -> e3 -> f5 -> e7 -> d5</pre>
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