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Honeycombs: Difference between revisions

3,363 bytes added ,  3 years ago
Added Wren
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(Added Wren)
Line 3,892:
puts "overall list of characters: $chosen"
Unlike the Kotlin entry, the 20 capital letters are now chosen at random from the available 26.
The following script uses a font called ''memory.ttf''. If this is not present in your DOME distribution, it can be downloaded from [https://github.com/domeengine/dome/raw/main/examples/fonts/memory.ttf here] and should be placed in the same directory as the script itself.
<lang ecmascript>import "graphics" for Canvas, Color
import "dome" for Window, Process
import "math" for Math
import "font" for Font
import "input" for Mouse, Keyboard
import "random" for Random
import "./polygon" for Polygon
var Rand = Random.new()
class Hexagon is Polygon {
static baseColor { Color.yellow }
static selectedColor { Color.pink }
construct new(x, y, halfWidth, letter) {
_x = x
_y = y
_letter = letter
var vertices = List.filled(6, null)
for (i in 0..5) {
var vx = x + halfWidth * Math.cos(i * Num.pi / 3)
var vy = y + halfWidth * Math.sin(i * Num.pi / 3)
vertices[i] = [vx, vy]
_selected = false
letter { _letter }
selected { _selected }
selected=(v) { _selected = v }
draw() {
var col = selected ? Hexagon.selectedColor : Hexagon.baseColor
col = selected ? Color.black : Color.red
Canvas.print(_letter, _x - 8, _y - 8, col)
class Honeycombs {
construct new(width, height) {
Window.title = "Honeycombs"
Window.resize(width, height)
Canvas.resize(width, height)
_letters = letters[0..19]
_x1 = 150
_y1 = 100
_x2 = 225
_y2 = 143
_w = 150
_h = 87
_hs = null
_comb = List.filled(20, null)
Font.load("memory", "memory.ttf", 48)
Font["memory"].antialias = true
Canvas.font = "memory"
drawHexagons() {
for (i in 0..._comb.count) {
var x
var y
if (i < 12) {
x = _x1 + (i % 3) * _w
y = _y1 + (i / 3).floor * _h
} else {
x = _x2 + (i % 2) * _w
y = _y2 + ((i - 12) / 2).floor * _h
_comb[i] = Hexagon.new(x, y, (_w / 3).floor, _letters[i])
allSelected() { _comb.all { |h| h.selected } }
init() {
update() {
_hs = null
if (Mouse.isButtonPressed("left")) {
for (h in _comb) {
if (h.contains(Mouse.position.x, Mouse.position.y)) {
_hs = h
} else if (Keyboard.allPressed.count > 0) {
for (h in _comb) {
if (Keyboard.isKeyDown(h.letter)) {
_hs = h
draw(alpha) {
if (_hs) {
_hs.selected = true
if (allSelected()) Process.exit(0)
var Game = Honeycombs.new(600, 500)</lang>


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