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Honeycombs: Difference between revisions

ActionScript implementation
(ActionScript implementation)
Line 8:
{{works with|Flash Player|Flash Player|10 or higher}}
{{works with|Adobe AIR|AIR|1.5 or higher}}
Honeycomb class:
<lang ActionScript3>
package {
import flash.display.GraphicsPathCommand;
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.text.TextField;
import flash.text.TextFieldAutoSize;
import flash.text.TextFormat;
* A honeycomb.
public class Honeycomb extends Sprite {
* The sine of 60 degrees.
* @private
private static const SIN_60:Number = Math.sin(Math.PI / 3);
* The cosine of 60 degrees.
* @private
private static const COS_60:Number = Math.cos(Math.PI / 3);
* The drawing commands to be passed to Graphics.drawPath()
* @private
private static var _gCommands:Vector.<int> = new Vector.<int>(7, true);
* The coordinates to be passed to Graphics.drawPath()
* @private
private static var _gCoords:Vector.<Number> = new Vector.<Number>(14, true);
* The side length of the last honeycomb created.
private static var _lastSide:Number;
* The horizontal space difference (between the leftmost and topmost vertex) of the last hexagon drawn.
* @private
private static var _lastHSpace:Number;
* The heightof the last hexagon drawn.
* @private
private static var _lastHeight:Number;
* Initialises the Honeycomb class.
* @private
private static function _staticInit():void {
_gCommands[0] = GraphicsPathCommand.MOVE_TO;
_gCommands[1] = _gCommands[2] = _gCommands[3] = _gCommands[4] = _gCommands[5] = _gCommands[6] = GraphicsPathCommand.LINE_TO;
* Calculates the points of the hexagon for a given side length.
* @param side The length of the side.
private static function _calculatePoints(side:Number):void {
var height:Number = side * SIN_60 * 2;
var hSpace:Number = side * COS_60;
_gCoords[0] = _gCoords[12] = 0;
_gCoords[2] = _gCoords[10] = hSpace;
_gCoords[4] = _gCoords[8] = hSpace + side;
_gCoords[6] = side + hSpace * 2;
_gCoords[1] = _gCoords[7] = _gCoords[13] = height / 2;
_gCoords[3] = _gCoords[5] = height;
_gCoords[9] = _gCoords[11] = 0;
_lastSide = side;
_lastHSpace = hSpace;
_lastHeight = height;
* The side length of the honeycomb.
* @private
private var _side:Number;
* The text field displaying the character in the honeycomb.
* @private
private var _text:TextField;
* The character code of the character in the honeycomb.
* @private
private var _charCode:uint;
* Whether the honeycomb has been activated (i.e. the activate() method has been called).
* @private
private var _activated:Boolean = false;
* Creates a new Honeycomb object.
* @param side The length of the side of the honeycomb.
* @param fill The honeycomb's fill colour.
* @param letter The character code of the letter to be displayed in the honeycomb.
* @param textColour The colour of the letter displayed inside the honeycomb.
public function Honeycomb(side:Number, fill:uint, letter:uint, textColour:uint) {
_init(side, fill, letter, textColour);
* Initialises the Honeycomb object.
* @param side The length of the side of the honeycomb.
* @param fill The honeycomb's fill colour.
* @param letter The character code of the letter to be displayed in the honeycomb.
* @param textColour The colour of the letter displayed inside the honeycomb.
private function _init(side:Number, fill:uint, letter:uint, textColour:uint):void {
mouseChildren = false;
buttonMode = true;
useHandCursor = false;
graphics.lineStyle(3, 0x000000);
if ( side != _lastSide )
_side = side;
_charCode = letter;
graphics.drawPath(_gCommands, _gCoords);
_text = new TextField();
_text.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.CENTER;
_text.defaultTextFormat = new TextFormat('_sans', side * 1.2, textColour, true);
_text.text = String.fromCharCode(letter);
_text.x = (side + _lastHSpace * 2 - _text.width) / 2;
_text.y = (_lastHeight - _text.height) / 2;
* The character code of the character in the honeycomb.
public function get charCode():uint {
return _charCode;
* Whether the honeycomb has been activated (i.e. the activate() method has been called).
public function get activated():Boolean {
return _activated;
* Activates the honeycomb and changes its colour.
* @param backColour The new fill colour of the honeycomb.
* @param textColour The new text colour of the honeycomb.
public function activate(backColour:uint, textColour:uint):void {
if ( _side != _lastSide )
graphics.drawPath(_gCommands, _gCoords);
var textFormat:TextFormat = _text.getTextFormat();
textFormat.color = textColour;
_activated = true;
Document (main) class:
<lang ActionScript3>
package {
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.events.Event;
import flash.events.KeyboardEvent;
import flash.events.MouseEvent;
import flash.text.TextField;
import flash.text.TextFieldAutoSize;
import flash.text.TextFormat;
import flash.utils.Dictionary;
* The Honeycomb game.
public class Main extends Sprite {
* The fill colour for unselected honeycombs.
* @private
private static const FILL_COLOUR1:uint = 0xFFFF00;
* The text colour for unselected honeycombs.
* @private
private static const FILL_COLOUR2:uint = 0xFF00FF;
* The fill colour for selected honeycombs.
* @private
private static const TEXT_COLOUR1:uint = 0xFF0000;
* The text colour for selected honeycombs.
* @private
private static const TEXT_COLOUR2:uint = 0x000000;
* The honeycombs being displayed. They can be accesses using their character code as the key.
* @private
private var _honeycombs:Dictionary = new Dictionary();
* The text field showing the selected letters.
* @private
private var _selectedLettersOutputField:TextField;
* Entry point of the application.
public function Main() {
if ( stage ) init();
else addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init)
* Initialises the Main object when it is added to the stage.
* @private
private function init(e:Event = null):void {
removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init);
var side:uint = 35;
var hSpace:Number = side * Math.cos(Math.PI / 3);
var height:Number = side * Math.sin(Math.PI / 3) * 2;
var i:uint, j:uint, comb:Honeycomb, colX:Number = 0, rowY:Number = 0, char:uint;
var usedCodes:Vector.<uint> = new Vector.<uint>();
for ( i = 0; i < 5; i++ ) {
for ( j = 0; j < 4; j++ ) {
// Select a character to display. If it is already used, repeat this process until an unused
// character is found.
char = uint(Math.random() * 26) + 0x41;
while ( usedCodes.indexOf(char) != -1 );
usedCodes[usedCodes.length] = char;
comb = new Honeycomb(side, FILL_COLOUR1, char, TEXT_COLOUR1);
comb.x = colX + 30;
comb.y = rowY + 30 + height * j;
_honeycombs[char] = comb;
if ( rowY == 0 )
rowY = height / 2;
rowY = 0;
colX += side + hSpace;
_selectedLettersOutputField = new TextField();
_selectedLettersOutputField.x = 30;
_selectedLettersOutputField.y = 30 + height * 5;
_selectedLettersOutputField.defaultTextFormat = new TextFormat(null, 18);
_selectedLettersOutputField.multiline = true;
_selectedLettersOutputField.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
_selectedLettersOutputField.text = "Selected letters:\n";
// Since the MouseEvent.CLICK event bubbles, it is sufficient to add the listener to the Main object
// itself rather than to each honeycomb individually, and the event's target property will always
// be the clicked honeycomb.
addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, _onMouseClick);
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, _onKeyDown);
* Function called when a honeycomb is clicked.
* @private
private function _onMouseClick(e:MouseEvent):void {
var comb:Honeycomb = e.target as Honeycomb;
if ( comb && ! comb.activated ) {
comb.activate(FILL_COLOUR2, TEXT_COLOUR2);
* Function called when a keyboard key is pressed.
* @private
private function _onKeyDown(e:KeyboardEvent):void {
var char:uint = e.charCode;
if ( char > 0x60 )
// Convert lowercase to uppercase
char -= 0x20;
var comb:Honeycomb = _honeycombs[char] as Honeycomb;
if ( comb && ! comb.activated ) {
comb.activate(FILL_COLOUR2, TEXT_COLOUR2);
=={{header|BBC BASIC}}==
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