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Walk a directory/Recursively: Difference between revisions

(Nimrod -> Nim)
Line 909:
D |||:= getdirs(s || "/" ||f)
return D
# A threaded solution
import threads
global n, # number of the concurrently running threads
maxT, # Max number of concurrent threads ("soft limit")
tot_threads # the total number of threads created in the program
procedure main(argv)
target := argv[1] | stop("Usage: tdir [dir name] [#threads] . #threads default to 4")
tot_threads := n := 1
maxT := ( integer(argv[2]) | 4) # default to 4 threads
t := milliseconds()
L := getdirs(target) # writes out all directories from the current directory down
write((*\L)| 0, " directories in ", milliseconds() - t,
" ms using ", tot_threads, " threads" )
procedure getdirs(s) # return a list of directories beneath the directory 's'
local D,d,f, thrd
if ( stat(s).mode ? ="d" ) & ( d := open(s) ) then {
D := [s]
while f := read(d) do{
if not ( ".." ? =f ) then # skip . and ..
if n>=maxT then # max thread count reached
D |||:= getdirs(s || "/" ||f)
else{ # spwan a new thread for this directory
/thrd:=[]; n +:= 1
put(thrd, thread getdirs(s || "/" ||f, 1))
if \thrd then{ # If I have threads, collect their results
tot_threads +:= *thrd
n -:= 1 # allow new threads to be spawned while I'm waiting/collecting results
every th := !thrd do {
wait(th) # wait fot the thread to finish
n -:= 1
D |||:= <@th # If the thread produced a result, it is going to be
# stored in its "outbox", <@th in this case serves as
# a deferred return since the thread was created by
# thread getdirs(s || "/" ||f, 1)
# this is similar to co-expression activation semantics
n +:= 1
return D


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